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Election Update: God Will Vote- and Win

We are 3 weeks away from the United States Presidential Election and it is either still all up for grabs- or if you believe most of the main media polls it is all over and Hillary Clinton has in essence already won. For a truer polling perspective perhaps follow Rasmussen polls as they seem to be more devoid of a personal agenda in their polling. One day we will understand the value of having a kingdom polling institution that is recognized by the people for its objectivity- but for now we can exist with what is here.

Hillary or Donald?

However, this post is not to give you analysis of the present polling nor to wrestle with you to vote one way or the other. This post is to state that this election God has decided to put in who He wants in and He is going to do so. We already know that if His two options are Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump that in either case He will be working with imperfect vessels. Furthermore the person that does win has some foundational policies and ways of presently thinking that God does not support- yet He has chosen this person and is going to work with this person. God will be the King that He is and the next president will be His pawn. This is as sure as sure can be and you can rest in that reality. No matter who wins- America will move forward into advanced destiny and in that yes there will be some trials as well- but it will be overall a very good thing. I saw a vision of the person I believe will be President, set on fire by the Lord and totally consumed by Him once this person was sworn in. There is a great fiery angel that oversees our Presidential seat and he is given specific parameters by our God related to who is in. It is why it is so hard to get a good read right now because neither candidate is presently truly representative of the Lord’s heart for people- or even this nation. One of them however has a prewiring designed to make them a better pawn for our God.

Drink Before You Think. Drink Before You Vote.

It takes discernment to know who to vote for at this time and the more susceptible to the political spirit you are- the more difficulty you will have in discerning. I did receive an instruction from the Lord some time ago - “Drink before you think” and “Drink before you vote.”- that might be really good for all of us at this time. The drinking He was talking about was the drinking in of the Holy Spirit. When you drink in of the Holy Spirit He begins to show you two things- #1 is who the Father is appointing President and #2 is who the enemy is scared to death of and working overtime to defeat. Sometimes if you can’t discern what God is doing you need only look at who the enemy is conspiring against to know a right direction.

God Will Not Be Defeated

Here is the deal- THIS ELECTION GOD WILL NOT BE DEFEATED. He often lets a nation in essence chose who they want as He can still show His sovereignty and teach important lessons even in that process. This election however is unique. If you think territorial principalities are good at imposing their will on a people under their influence- you can raise that ability by a hundred times and you have our God’s capabilities to impose His will. He rarely does it but He always CAN do it. It is His Sovereign right since through Jesus He regained ALL authority in heaven AND ON EARTH (Mt.28:18). It is the year 5777 and the Triune Godhead will fully intervene in a 777 complete manner. This election He has predetermined some outcomes and He is quite good at influencing our “free will” when He chooses to do so. One day when we all get to look "behind the curtain" we will see that our democracies have all been much less decided by our voting than what we imagined. Many elections in many nations have been “stolen” but in none of them has God been left without a voice or an option. He can execute a leader on the spot (see Herod) or He can send one angel in to take out an army of 185,000 (2 Kings 19:35). God is never option-less nor as handicapped by our free will as we might think. Our free will doesn’t dictate to God but only instructs us later as to why God chose the route He did to do what He did. Adam and Eve exercised “free will” in the garden but it did not surprise nor dictate to God- it only allowed us to later understand why Jesus was the Lamb slain from BEFORE the foundation of the earth. His Sovereignty makes room for our free will but He yet remains Sovereign. So God is observing how we vote this year but He is not wringing His hands at the potential outcomes. It is mainly for our own future learning.

God’s Lose/Lose Proposition?

This year God has some seeming lose/lose propositions. If He puts Trump in- He can have people assuming that means He’s a protectionist, nationalistic-me first, less compassionate, crude is ok- God. Nothing can be further from the truth. If He puts Hillary in- He can have people believing He winks at a lot of lying, corruption and manipulation. That is also extremely far from the truth. Each candidate’s core character may only be about 10% different from each other (I will leave the judging to God)- yet one candidate’s "hard wiring" is very conducive for God accelerating a work in our time and one is not. I believe GOD is going to accelerate a work in our time. It is the dawn of the kingdom age and we are in a kairos season of God’s intentional “tinkering” with the destiny of our nation and the nations of the world. He is doing so because He has a Gideon-sized army ready to run with reformation of the nations. While most ignore the reform-minded, our God deploys a plan that is built around them being active. He will be seen as Ruler of the Nations and Ruler of Culture- and those who get that be prepared to run.

God Will Raise An Eyebrow

The recent polling I have looked at says that better than 15% of potential voters have not yet decided who they are going to vote for. Logic alone tells us that this makes this a wide open election as no one has that kind of lead in any even “rigged” poll. I believe the Lord has shown me that on election day itself He will have many of these agreeing with Himself as He pulls the same strings with "free will" that principalities pull with those under them. (I say that for those who struggle with the concept of God doing so). I believe He has shown me that He can shift 7% of the vote His way with just the raising of His eyebrow. He is going to raise His eyebrow election day.

Working With God

I believe that the best way to work with God is to fill the atmosphere with speaking in tongues. Especially coming in to the last 7 days I believe that would be a wonderful strategy. First of all it would assure that the words coming out of your mouth are in agreement with the direction He is going :) Secondly it would begin to mine the second heavens causing the enemy to be weakened and confused. Thirdly if you do it enough I am certain the drink you take of the Holy Spirit will instruct you clearly on election day.

What if Who I Think Will Win Doesn’t Win?

For some who have discerned or directly heard from me who I believe will win - this may be a relevant question. First of all, I will be extremely surprised if the vision I saw ends of being wrong and then secondly it still changes none of the above except for the speed with which God will shift and change things. There is zero scenario where we are doomed. There is best scenario and then an ok scenario- but in any scenario God will remain King and His great angels assigned strategically will greatly influence. God is running with reformation whichever route He chooses- but I have heard no logic from Him yet as to why He would chose one of the candidates. I will ask Him if that should happen :) Meanwhile engage with Him in the process for these last three weeks as He is more the God of process than the God of checking the right box. He is always educating us and this is a wonderful time for advanced instruction. If not it is possible to vote for the “right” candidate and run with the wrong assumptions of why that candidate won. Let’s vote for the right candidate and for the right reasons. Either way God has already been elected King- and He will work with our fragile, imperfect, corrupted, media tainted electoral processes and put in for us the best possible outcome for our further education and our further destiny development. I proclaim on the mountain of government- OUR GOD REIGNS!