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This August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will be experienced over the totality of the United States. This eclipse will speak of a convergence of convergences over our nation and it is significant. A secular report stated, “A total eclipse is a dance of three partners: the moon, the sun, and the earth,” and this is what we will be looking at. In symbolism, the sun (light) speaks of God, the moon speaks of the church (reflected light), and the earth speaks of the world (object of the light). There is a rare alignment of the three that will cause the unusual phenomenon and attraction called a total solar eclipse. 

For our nation this will be the first coast to coast total eclipse in 99 years (1918). Additionally, it will be the first total solar eclipse of its kind for the United States since 1776 when we became a nation. These realities alone tell us that this eclipse is messaging something very unique. There will be a path 67 miles wide from Oregon to South Carolina where there will be minutes of total darkness. Millions will travel into this “sash" across America to gaze at the heavens and watch the interplay between the sun and the moon. They will see a sunset and sunrise, of sorts, take place just minutes apart from each other and it will be visually stunning because of the quick shifting between “black and white.” Related to this, we are headed for an extended season of black and white power confrontations with the demonic that are going to be strategically set up by God in order to accelerate kingdom advancement. We are going to carry this into the 7 mountains of society as kingdom reformation advances begin to come in with power. More on that in a moment…


Now there are some who have gotten impatient for the full manifestation of the prophesied breakthroughs over America and the world. However, we must realize that it has, in fact, been happening and coming in a sequence of relentless waves. For instance, the Azusa Now timetable and events DID release an important wave; the Trump presidency represents another wave; even the Brexit vote from last year is a contributing wave; the celebrating of the Hebraic year 5777 is very significant and I have spoken into that multiple times. Significant also is that this year we will celebrate 500 years since the Protestant Reformation erupted, when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses on the doors of the Wittenberg Chapel. We have since then lived in the afterglow of that doctrinal victory— we now have 2.4 billion followers of Jesus who by and large understand that salvation is only through the blood of Jesus. Even the Catholic Church has amended its foundational tenet on salvation to reflect that. We now enter into Reformation 2.0 where it is all about reformation of society— an entirely different genre of reformation. For 500 years, we primarily celebrated our access into heaven, and now we will enter an era where we will celebrate heaven breaking into society. We will go from being excessively future heavenly-minded to being champions of “on earth as it is in heaven,” thus embracing Jesus original "magna carta" as stated in Matthew chapters 5 through 7.

We are also in the 50 year celebration of Jerusalem’s remarkable reconnection with Israel, as well as the 50 year anniversary of the Jesus Movement. There are so many other convergences as well, but to not overwhelm you with those, I will leave it at that. Just know that we are in a remarkable convergence of convergences and that many Christian leaders are misreading the times as being particularly difficult, “critical,” or otherwise panic-worthy— but the truth is that the opposite is true. Kingdom gains are unprecedented. The reason some of us are a bit anxious and confused is because some of us are a bit out of tune and sync with God and His present storyline. It requires us ascending to a higher place than our own skills of observation and logic, and into accessing the mind of Christ. We have to learn how to be Calebs when our tendency is to process like the 10 spies.

AUGUST 21 and ROMANS 8:21

August 21 is of course 08/21. I was led to go to Romans 8:21 as significant: “Because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of decay into the glorious liberty of the sons of God.” God is about assist us in being delivered from our own personal “decay,” so that we can give away what we have. We have offered society very little other than our finger-pointing. It is not our finger-pointing that delivers society but rather our own "glorious liberty.” I was shown that we as the church are quite demonized at this time, as I saw a picture of us having “critters” hanging all over us— perhaps similar to what Rick Joyner described in his book, The Final Quest. From the day of the coming solar eclipse on, there is going to be a skyrocketing of unavoidable power clashes between the demonic and that which is the kingdom of God. This will be orchestrated by God to accelerate this defining age of reformation and era of renaissance. Many of us are catering to and even nurturing the demonic in our own lives— and just like in an eclipse, things are about to go clearly "black and white.” As that happens, it will accelerate us getting gloriously free. As we get free we will help THEM get free— and there is no THEM. It is all US. A heavenly reset takes place August 21, and this reset is going to cause demonic confrontations to come back out of the back rooms into open meetings and more importantly into open places on the 7 Mountains. The tops of the mountains of society are highly demonized, and we are not going to occupy the mountains on behalf of the kingdom unless we begin to better carry a demon-busting anointing. He is going to help us do this.


My attention was quite drawn to the fact that there will be a 67-mile wide path of the total dark part of the eclipse all from the shores of Oregon (West Coast) and to the shores of South Carolina (East Coast). I was shown that this path will release, as it were, an "open heaven" for the prophetic— from sea to shining sea. The cities on the pathway are significant and even as multitudes of “seers” will be gathering and be given the best views imaginable for heavenly highlights— so too will this stripe across the nation experience an increased measure of the prophetic. Spiritual eagles will arise across this pathway of “totality" and release hope and life across this nation. It is not coincidental that essentially where The Elijah List is based from in Albany, Oregon, is where the eclipse will begins. Key cities in the path are Kansas City (essential nest of many of the prophets of our generation), Nashville and Charleston, and South Carolina where it all ends. Major prophetic windows will remain open over these cities (and the others in the pathway) from the day this reset takes place. The Elijah List will begin to release higher and higher levels of revelation into the nation and the world. A more hopeful and hope-filled prayer, holiness, and justice movement will emerge from Kansas City. The new Nashville prophets will particularly show up in music and the arts. A new reformation sound is coming. Charleston will surprise us with a new upgraded mix of the apostolic and prophetic. However, watch the whole path all across the nation as an opening will be across all cities in the pathway. It will also be special in places like Salem, Oregon; Casper, Wyoming; and Lincoln, Nebraska. There is almost nothing coincidental about this particular solar eclipse, and virtually every detail is speaking a prophetic message as “the heavens declare the glory of God.” The 67 mile-wide pathway is one of those. 

Psalm 67:1 “God be merciful to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us. Selah.”  The whole chapter of Psalm 67 is exciting and insightful, but this first verse really lays out God’s heart for America at this time and is a connection we are to be making with the 67 number. The middle of the chapter tells of God judging the people justly and governing the nations of the earth. This is all part of what God is doing and further orchestrating even through what seems like the chaotic presidency of Donald Trump. The anticipated point of a total solar eclipse is to be able to look at the sun (with appropriate eyewear of course) and see the sun shining on us. The Biblical terminology of “face shining on us” is always representative of favor and grace. This is still a season of great mercy and blessing on the United States. Whatever other “hiccup” happens, we must never lose sight of this.

The 67 number is also to connect us with 1967. We are at the 50 year mark of The Jesus Movement and there is to be a celebrating and revisiting of that move of God, as well as being taken to the next level of Holy Spirit activity. The Jesus Movement was spearheaded by a young, on fire for God, hippie named Lonnie Frisbee. He was not only the catalyst for that movement, but also for the Calvary Chapel and Vineyard denominations who essentially owe their existence to this man. Lonnie Frisbee has not really been honored properly for his role in any of those three movements because of his struggles with homosexuality that became public, eventually subsequently succumbing to AIDS. What seems to be most forgotten by religious leaders that want to diminish Frisbee’s role in that world-shifting time period, is that God chose to use this man to release the great spiritual breakthrough of his generation. 

The Lord has shown me that there is yet a proper honoring of Lonnie Frisbee that is to come on earth. As much as people may be aware of how he failed the church, if people knew all the truth, they would be aware that the church failed Lonnie more than Lonnie failed the church. With a pure loving heart, Lonnie started out with manifestations of raw power of God reflected in great authority over demons. He quickly became a sensation because of the anointing on his life. Once you become famous in church circles, the road is often very treacherous as those in influential places are often quite wounded and therefore prone to treachery. When everyone knows that your presence at their church, meeting, or event can add people, legitimacy, and money— then all kinds of manipulations get brought into place that can dishearten the most pure-hearted. The brokenness in church leadership was very damaging to Lonnie Frisbee and caused him to regress in areas of his wounding. Nevertheless, I believe the Lord is about to release 50 “Lonnie Frisbee” mantles and these will operate again initially and primarily outside the 4 walls of the church. These will be those new leaders who march to the beat of a different drum, love the unlovely, and burn with a passionate fire for God’s kingdom to be released on the earth. They will be known by great authority over demons and an unconditional love for “sinners.” Church, watch out, because out of the woodpile of brokenness is about to arise a new breed of leaders who will burn with so much intensity that our status quo will be forever challenged. 


I have found myself surprised at what the Lord has recently shown me. He showed me our demonized condition even as the church, and He said it is time to get back to a balanced perspective on deliverance. We over-corrected and are suffering because of it. One of the things that came in strongly from the time of The Jesus Movement was an attention to casting out demons— which up until then, much of the church considered as not necessary or not biblical. People like Lonnie Frisbee spearheaded the popularizing of “exorcisms,” but soon it was a central focus all throughout the Pentecostal/Charismatic community. Many will remember the very popular book released in 1973, Pigs in the Parlor by Frank and Ida Hammond, as that expanded this focus in a great way. Soon, everything was a demon. Popular comedian Flip Wilson was maybe best-known for his phrase “the devil made me do it” that seems to have come out of that prevailing mindset in the church of that day. I was in a movement that essentially wanted every single person to go through personal deliverance. You were seated in a chair and demons were commanded to manifest and then cast out. The whole thing did get carried away. It became gimmicky as well, as all sorts of new “exorcism” models came out— some where you just stated a sin or issue and followed with a cough that you generated to expel the demon. There was some fruit from that model but it greatly diminished its power encounter effect. In its out-of-balance state, almost no attention was given to heart and soul matters. Counseling was minimized and sometimes demonized. Every problem was always a demon. Homosexuality was a demon. Cancer was a demon. Lust was a demon. A bad attitude was a demon. Laziness was a demon. I had someone try to cast out an “Enlow spirit” and I wondered what that spirit was before there were Enlows. As you see, a truth had been restored to the Body of Christ but it went too far. 

However, the Lord says we have now gone too far in our correction. Whereas, in past days people essentially tried to cast out “the flesh,” now we are trying to counsel and manage demons. We are taking and recommending medicines and drugs to treat demonic conditions. You don’t manage demons with drugs and counsel— you cast out demons. Yes, the counsel should precede and then followup on the demonic eviction— but demons still need to be cast out. I have taught a pretty good theory that demons are like flies— they are attracted to garbage. If you get rid of the garbage (lies or whatever it is that needs to be addressed), the flies/demons will leave as well. However, the Lord reminded me that this is only generally true and not a hard rule. He showed me how He, in the scriptures, cast out demons and that at times, that act alone solved the whole problem. In Matthew 8, he cast out Legion (thousands of demons) from one man and that very day they saw him in his right mind. He apparently was fixed of the “garbage” at the same time. In Matthew 9, Jesus casts a mute demon out of a man and he immediately could speak. He reminded me when I did that same thing. I didn’t have to cast the demon out and then counsel the garbage out— I just cast the demon out and the root matter was fixed. In my case, it was actually quite humorous as I discerned a mute/dumb spirit on a man who had not talked in months or years, and so I told him to speak to me in Jesus name. The demon answered “I can’t talk” and I had to say “you are the dumbest dumb spirit ever.” The man was freely talking after we finished casting out the spirit. 

I do value the wisdom of Luke 11:24-26 in making sure there is follow-up spiritual “filling up of the house” after demons have been cast out; but there are times where the demon-busting takes care of the issue— body, soul, and spirit. Honestly, this seems to be more indicative of the way Jesus did ministry and I believe we are about to get a church-wide upgrade in what is accomplished through exorcising demons. Society is so broken that we need this upgrade as we just don’t—and especially won’t— have the time for the slower process. The days are coming back where someone will get delivered from demons and all addiction is gone for good. Demons that have confused one’s sexual identity will be cast out, and someone will immediately revert back to proper sexual identity. A lot of “one and done” is coming through the new demon-busting anointing being poured out. We are to remain as God-chasers rather than demon-chasers, but as we chase God and release His love, we are going to happen on to demonic confrontations. There are over 40 passages in the New Testament that speak into demonic confrontations. Jesus only did what He saw the Father do, yet at every turn He was casting out demons. In Matthew 12:28, He said, “But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” Casting out demons remains a definitive sign and mark of the kingdom coming. It is now going to go to another level.


Even as in the natural, millions are positioning themselves to see things “black and white” from the total solar eclipse phenomenon, so too there is a spiritual hunger for black and white truth. Everything seems to be arguable, debatable, and subject to ones personal interpretation of truth. Even “fake news” is disputable by all, as people pick sides on the news based on their personal prejudices. The church is no better in any of this. The good message of grace has settled in so well that it seems to also have sedated our conscience. Profanity, drunkenness, sexual immorality, gossip, drug use, envy, and judgmentalism no longer seem to register on the conscience radar.

Preaching or speaking against any of these also seems to be counterproductive as harping on sin rarely gets to root matters. 


This leads me to a recent story involving one of my daughters who was at a Christian camp for two weeks. There they experienced much of the work of the Holy Spirit and then over the last few days some things came to a head involving demonic activity. As I understand it, there ended up being almost an all night long meeting with the kids being delivered from demon spirits— as this was just next in the Lord’s work in their lives. One night when my daughter and handful of friends returned to where they were staying, they all became aware of heightened demonic activity. At least one of the kids was actually able to physically see the demon spirit. Most of them were hearing the spirit and all of them were feeling a very real presence that had them all pressing in to God and frankly quite frightened. For hours they were speaking in tongues and fighting this demonic presence but not able to gain victory. Suddenly one of the kids (I think my daughter) said “Let’s delete every questionable thing off of our social media.” They all went through all their pictures, videos, and music, and anything that came to mind as a possible access point for the enemy was deleted. Immediately the demonic presence was gone and never came back. The lesson was amazing. 

We give the enemy “portals” through what we embrace on our social media. I had previously had conversations with my daughter as to what the guidelines were for what she allowed herself to be exposed to in music and movies. I had a little concern that though she is a great kid, her taste in movies was a little dark, and some of her music was beyond neutral as well. We had a few conversations but I could see that she was not understanding what it could hurt to watch movies such as Conjurer. Yet the night of great fear, she and another kid were sensing a repeat scene from that movie. Amazingly, since that experience, my daughter is a different person as to what she allows in through her social media. Things are “black and white” where they were gray. The demonic confrontation clarified matters and now her appetite for the questionable is gone. Copious hours of worship are now going into her social media experience. 

I-35 Highway of Holiness and Demonic Confrontations

I have had several prophetic words over the years regarding a connection between I-35 and the Isaiah 35 “Highway of Holiness,” I have been shown that even the cities on I-35 will be instrumental in awakening the “Highway of Holiness” (Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, Oklahoma City, Des Monies, Wichita, Minneapolis, Denton, Fort Worth). Because of that, I was interested exactly where the “path of totality” would cross I-35 as I knew it would be significant. Interestingly enough, the total eclipse crosses over I-35 as it is crossing Kansas City. I see Kansas City becoming a portal of heaven for a true “holiness” movement, not based on legalisms and do’s and don’ts, but on deep affection for God. I also believe that just like I-35 runs through the geographical heart of our nation, so too will God cause a “highway of holiness” to run through the spiritual heart of our nation. The “black and white” confrontations are going to assist greatly in promoting holiness just like it happened for my daughter and her friends. Demons are going to accelerate the kingdom of God on earth :) We are not going to have to just count on convincing this generation through preaching at them that certain things are wrong. It is about to become black and white obvious. I have cast out a spirit named Profanity and so it has always reminded me that though we are free to be “real” with our language, at some point we are crossing over into defilement. I have also cast out a demon named Insomnia, which tells me at some point things can progress beyond natural reasons. I have cast out Cancer, Lust, Hate, Bitterness, Uncleanness, Addiction, Alcoholism, Sexual Immorality and many other demons that also sound like something that there is a natural reason for. All I know is that I saw a vision of the Body of Christ harboring demons and that we need to stop doing that so that we can then carry into creation and society the “glorious liberty” He has for us.


Finally, let me report that another total solar eclipse will be visible in 7 years in America on April 8, 2024. This is essentially a rare back-to-back experience. As you can see this carries us through a projected Trump Presidency— should he also win the next election, which I believe he will do (according to how I have been shown vs. a political perspective). If you do an internet search for the map that has the pathway for each, you will see it looks like a giant X on the United States with Carbondale, Illinois being the city that will be in the path of totality both times— and that is a most rare phenomenon. Carbondale is in a region known informally as “Little Egypt” which I find quite interesting. In the Bible, Egypt experienced a plague of darkness right before Israel was liberated from 400 years of bondage. America was first settled by the pilgrims approximately 400 years ago, and perhaps this timetable represents America stepping into such an advanced and glorious destiny that it will seem like “bondage” before then. That is what I will be believing for. Meanwhile let the “black and white” clarity from kingdom clashes come over us all.

Johnny Enlow