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We are presently involved in a massive media war. All major social media platforms are involved in (including this one) and so far all of them are on the wrong side. Conservative and even common sense perspectives are being de-platformed for almost no reason— and that looks to even increase in the short-run. Long-term, the big social media names will either amend or be broken up. Since they were created for mind-control and narrative-establishment expect more of the latter.

I frequently get asked "who can we trust?" for the right narrative and true news. Here are my recommendations:

Epoch Times is an absolutely amazing newspaper and is the most "7 Mountain" reformation-type news example I have seen. You can also get an online, daily version, and I highly recommend it. It is not perfect but you will be greatly informed on the important matters through it.

I strongly recommend you follow Praying Medic's Twitter and be prepared to follow his alternative platforms should he be de-platformed by Twitter. His reporting is actually anointed, and you will find all you need to know about the seventeenth letter of the alphabet from it. You will also understand why I called it the seventeenth letter of the alphabet.

Other names to follow for real news are John Solomon, Sara Carter, Sean Hannity, Mike Huckabee, and even Kimberly Strassel—though she is with the Wall Street Journal. Be prepared to move from their Twitter feeds to other social media platforms, and to their personal websites should they ever be squelched, otherwise.

If you find the absence of Fox News noteworthy it is because ultimately it can't be trusted and has treachery sown into those who control it. (Though at this time I believe Hannity, Ingraham, Tucker, Judge Jeanine, and Jesse Watters to all be presently trustworthy). They are the antithesis to CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, the Washington Post, the New York Times, etc. (none of whom can be trusted, though an occasional truth seeps through)—but Fox News is, by design, meant to irritate you to the max about the left. Their role in the media control is to sow as much discord as possible and keep the American people incensed with each other by reporting the most ridiculous aspects of the left. The overall media control is exerted by advancing the thesis and the antithesis while they run unhindered and even unseen with the sinister synthesis.

Of course, I believe Trump's Twitter feed to be one of the best ways to stay in the loop on what is going on. Articles he refers to are real news, as well. is a good website, but you will be lost apart from a primer from Praying Medic. For those who would recommend Neon Revolt on there are interesting perspectives and news there, but I think he allows and foments a measure of antisemitism that puts his perspective in my doghouse. Key sinister figures being presently exposed are Jewish, but it is a wrong leap (and a desired strategic objective of the enemy) to have this reality lead to anti-Israel and antisemite perspectives. Don't fall for it.

Finally, if my social media platforms suddenly disappear it will be because I have been de-platformed for some bogus reason. At that point find me at our website with further instructions. I would probably show up on any other alternative site (patreon, gab, etc.) should that be targeted for shut down as well. The best days are ahead, but the enemy is in full panic-mode as well, so a last kick or two is not out of the question.