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Truckers: The New Gladiators of Freedom

It is a remarkable thing taking place today. The brave Canadian truckers have inspired truckers and citizen caravans worldwide to arise and say ENOUGH to the beyond insane control mandates of a dark global reset attempt. The general citizenry is joining in— no matter where on the political spectrum they are— as the corruption and deceit of the mandates becomes more and more obvious. Triple and quadruple jabbed politicians across the world continue to tell and force their citizenry to get the “protection” they have!?! They have pushed the deceit card to the max with the “fortunately I had a mild case because of the many jabs I had”—as if that is the science of jabs and as if the unjabbed are having more severe symptoms. For those who don’t know, the science of jabs has never been "to give a mild case." A jab is designed to give immunity FROM not put a bulls-eye on one’s back for the thing it is protecting from. Does anybody even know a multi-jabbed person in government or a "celebrity" who hasn’t got the very thing they were multi-jabbed NOT to get?! If so just wait a day or two as they all have the bulls-eye.

The newly concocted narrative was invented for this time as the manipulators continue to count on the sleep and slumber of the people they drugged through their bought and paid for media and tech outlets. But suddenly, the rude awakening has kicked in and even the comatose are seeing behind the “wizards" curtain. Now the rude awakening shifts to a great awakening. As the Truckers Freedom Convoy organizes in the United States let me throw out a strategic recommendation. Going cross country to Washington DC may be a fine plan but here is another suggestion:

7 Truckers Targets to End the Lockdown

I want to recommend 7 specific targets who have been the absolute enemies of the people during this “crisis” and suggest 1000 truckers per building to shut down until the communism mandates ends. They are responsible for millions of jobs lost, millions of deaths worldwide, and greatly damaging the quality of life for ALL citizens of the world. None of these targets are government and so going after any of them could never be construed as “insurrection.” There are more evil players and primary funders than I will list but the reality is without these 7 the deceitful control mandates could never have been implemented and sustained. The evil 7 are the CDC, CNN, MSNBC, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and YouTube. If these 7 could be shut down there is no more “mandate.” These have all been killing us no matter who is officially President or who is in Congress or the Senate or the Supreme Court. These 7, non-governmental institutions— largely financed by the same handful of despotic “elite" (yes, Gates and Soros you are in there)—have to be made to cease being the killing machines they have become. Yes, there are good people at the “peasant” level of these organizations but they all serve their “despots"—and in doing so assist them in their sinister agenda.

#1. The CDC — Worldwide the mandate recommendations go under “CDC sanctioned guidelines.” Who died and made the CDC God—is a great follow-up pursuit, but for now the CDC needs to feel the unhappy presence of freedom loving people. If I had to name a #1 target it would be them. Obviously, Foulchi as a person, is as evil a person as exists but this institution is his engine.

#2. CNN— Though it’s ratings have tanked almost beyond belief, CNN runs with no need for the finances from ratings—as it is funded by the agenda-makers. It somehow has a presence in airports all over the world that it uses to be the “false prophet” to the CDC “beast.” Furthermore, its social media partnership with evil big tech gives it another platform of brainwashing. Force CNN to disconnect from its lying agenda and you have stopped a lot.

#3. MSNBC— Tanked ratings as well but it serves as the reinforcer of the “false prophet” CNN. Essentially all previously known media has been in on the agenda of death to freedom but if these two could be shut down or freed for truth it would further break the back of the plandemic.

#4 - #7. The next 4 are very obvious and can be lumped in together. Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube need to shut down or brought to freedom. 1000 trucks around their host building until they agree to stop censoring truth would be a great objective. They must agree not to attempt to influence society in ANY measure as it relates to information surrounding this plandemic. Until they do, they are not just “enemies of the people” but “deadly enemies” of the people. Millions worldwide have lost their lives because of their lies. Yes, there are evil people behind these institutions but they have used these institutions as the engine for what they do. Stop these 7 and crooked, corrupt governments, elections and mandates have no legs to stand on. Let’s go truckers! Let’s go citizens who support, feed, finance and cheer them on. These 7 are your illegal jailers and the creators of your concentration camp. We are not going to take it anymore!

-Johnny Enlow