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My Church has been Infiltrated and Hijacked

Prophetic Word from the Lord I received early this morning:

"For I am only just beginning the cleansing in My Church says the Lord. For you see much of the wickedness and vileness you now see in your society is but a reflection of what is in My House. The land is filled with shepherds who have totally lost their way. They have become altogether dulled and oh so familiar with a God that they hardly know. My people are shepherded by blind guides. They are instructed by those who have never known Me. They are taught by those who obliviously dishonor their Maker. The faithful shepherd is the rarity. He who will stand for truth is as scarce as a diamond. Shepherds who will not cater to the antichrist spirit should be the norm but somehow most have bowed, most have become assets of that antichrist spirit. These shepherds mutter platitudes and withhold truth. My People have been infiltrated and hijacked by compromised shepherds. These shepherds know not My Holy Spirit.

Yes, they will speak of My Holy Spirit but they do not know Him as either Holy nor as a Spirit. He is a platitude with no real application. They would not dare allow Him in as He would not be controllable. My church has been infiltrated and hijacked by doctrines of devils. These doctrines are what has polluted My house. No longer is being a light important because it might make darkness feel uncomfortable. The light preached from so many pulpits is a “light” that makes demons feel at home. It is a “light” that cooperates with an agenda straight out of hell. So the land is full of churches where darkness not only feels comfortable but where darkness thrives. Behind closed doors, these shepherds have cast off all restraint. They see my people as sheep to be shorn. Those they are called to lay their lives down for they instead target for consumption. They craft doctrines and carefully orchestrated campaigns where they can strip My people of their wealth, of their time and of their vision. Then they craft “inner circle” doctrines where they can even target My sheep as sexual conquests. Woe to the shepherds that do this!

My church has been hijacked by its’ own “deep state" leaders and doctrines. If My Holy Spirit is not welcome in Your church then RUN. Do not pray about it. Do not hesitate. Do not consider matters of convenience. A church with no vital attention to My Holy Spirit is a church where your spiritual immunity will disappear. You will be infected with spiritual AIDS. Do not attend and do not give a dime to such a church. Christianity without the Holy Spirit is no Christianity at all. No wonder you bowed to all the mandates and restrictions and didn’t discern any of the lies. No wonder you bought the carefully crafted script from hell that had you ignorantly partnering with death.

Celebrity Christianity has been your demise for the enemy has stacked Celebrity Christianity with his assets. Does that seem strange to you? Does Satan come in announcing himself as such or does he come disguised as an angel of light? Do you not understand his top assets will be placed in pulpits and on platforms that claim allegiance to Me? Do you not yet understand that his standard strategy is to infiltrate that which is good and then hijack it for his purposes? Charisma and half-truths abound in the megachurches of this land but I am about to uncover and expose it all. I am already doing it. You want some half-truths? The at-any-moment rapture message is a half-truth. If you skip the kingdom assignments that precede My coming, you live out a lie. There is no such thing as a time where you can cease being “salt and light”. Passivity towards culture and the 9-to-5 world is a deadly deception. You are then good for nothing but to be cast out and trampled upon. Roll up your rapture rug and hasten My coming! I will be showcased in government, in media, in business, in arts, in family, in education and not just on Sunday mornings. My kingdom was made for the 9-to-5 world and not just as a hope for the future. If you are in a church that doesn’t preach this kingdom of God and this present on-earth assignment then you are part of the enabling system. Your presence and your money is allowing a fraudulent version of Christianity to exist. Get out! Run, don’t walk! You enabled a system that totally caved in to one of the most blatant antichrist agendas in history.

Well, people “got saved” you say? “Saved” into what? “Saved” into a cowardly expression of who I am? Do you think the devil fears such converts? Do you not understand he will give up a billion converts so long as earth remains under his power. The kingdom on earth is what he resists with all that he can. He really cares not if I have even 5 billion more souls for eternity if I can not accomplish my stated goals for this earth. But I will accomplish My goals. Surely, the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of My glory in every area of society as the water covers the sea. It is going to happen. The only question is will you be doing this with Me as my glory carriers in every sphere of the 9-to-5 world. I will have an on-fire Bride. Do not reinvent Me as a God who is okay with lukewarm for that is not who I am. I am sick of the lukewarmness. Be hot or cold! My Presence and My Glory can not coexist with what is lukewarm. Know that I am now coming with a baptism in fire that supports My Presence and My Glory. You will either run TO it or you will run FROM it but you will no longer ignore who I am and what I am doing. Make the adjustment now My little children for in that adjustment is the best that is yet to come."

-Johnny Enlow