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Vision of 50 ft. Blue Wave, Invasion of the Lord and Angels

Last night while at worship at Higher Vision Church here in Valencia CA I had an amazing vision. I first saw an immense blue wave coming in and I instantly heard that it was a 50 ft. wave. I then saw a figure in yellow that was surfing and coming in on that wave. I knew instantly that it was the Lord. As I looked to His face I saw eyes of burning fire. I knew the fire in His eyes was love. The Lord was within the coming wave but I was then able to see the crest of the wave itself. Myriads and myriads of angels were coming on the wave. I then saw the wave crash onto Los Angeles and I knew everything was about to change with this invasion as the blue water crashed in and seemed to go everywhere.


I believe a massive wave of the Holy Spirit is about to break upon us. Blue is the color of revelation and also represents the work of the Holy Spirit. 50 is the number for Jubilee and as I have shared earlier this is a true Jubilee year that happens every 50 years. Pentecost was also 50 days after Passover and so this number is connected inextricably to an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The color yellow we have associated with God as Creator, in our book Rainbow God: The Seven Colors of Love.

I believe something very powerful is about to come upon us and the first part of it is on us. This blue wave is already beginning to splash on us as prophetic revelation, visions, dreams and encounters have skyrocketed just since the turn of the year. So many of my prophetic friends have seen an incredible uptick in what they are seeing and experiencing. Furthermore early reports of extended meetings are coming from several sources as healing, presence and glory are being reported. An appetite for prayer and unity is coming in. People are being led to fast to fast-forward what is coming in both for them and corporately.

The Lord is dressed in yellow because He is coming in as the Creative One. He is coming into Hollywood. He is coming in with millions of angels. The City of Angels is going to experience its' namesake. There is an invasion of heaven coming in and what I saw for Los Angeles is symbolic of what I believe is going to be replayed all over the place. Revelation and creativity is about to hit His prophets, intercessors and creatives.

The most anointed songs in history are about to come out in this next season as this wave is going to hit worshippers and songwriters and musicians- and we will see its' evidence in the songs developed at this time. Everything prophetic is about to go to an unprecedented level. I saw a snap vision of a multitude of eagles flying with purpose- and I heard that we have the largest contingent of prophets ever on the planet and they are now being released into the streets of our cities as prophets of love and power. These are not just for revival but they will be for reformation. They will go into every mountain of society. These prophets are an army of eagles that don't need the titles but just the evidence.

I believe that there is some timing and connection as well with the Azusa Now event scheduled here at the Los Angeles Coliseum for April 9. A stadium that holds 110,000 is going to be filled with believers from every tongue and tribe- and signs and wonders will break out. The event will not be even near the entirety of what God is doing but it will be reflective and responsive to what God is doing.

God is not really responding to our initiative on this one. We are responding to His initiative. The heart to pray, unite, fast and love that we couldn't drum up- is now going to be poured out on us. He made a decision that in this Year of Jubilee, He would visit His people in a special way - and He would punish the enemy in a special way. I agree with Bill Hamon that God has declared World War III on the enemy and further more I see we are going to be in a kingdom romp for at least the next 50 years. Actually I think much longer. There is a lot of ground to take and it is going to happen front and center on the world stages. What is coming in is coming in for a long time. We are going to be set on fire by the fire in His eyes.