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A Word for those aged 60 and over

I have been hearing a lot from the Lord and His heart towards those 60 and over and seemingly on the downward or stationary cycle of life and influence. Things are not as they appear. This is especially true for ministers and leaders who have been processed and refined almost to the place of quitting or disappearing. I believe that the Lord is saying to you- Do not think retirement thoughts. Do not start planning your exit from significance. Do not think you have missed out on so much you thought He promised would come from the call and anointing on your life.

You were processed and refined not to be phased out but rather you were processed for specific and strategic kingdom impact at this time. Many visible leaders have been being removed- or are being removed or set aside for various different reasons. The Lord is now calling up many processed "second tier" leaders and promoting them.

The visibility will come in time- but your processing should have you not really caring about this aspect. For now the word is rise up in the spirit of Joshua and Caleb who were both over 80 and the two oldest men in Israel when they crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land. It has all been for such a time as this and get ready, get ready, get ready. Everything around you is going to shift and change. Your most fruitful days are not behind you - they are right in front of you. I am seeing that many of you have at least 20 years of amazing fruitfulness you are about to step into. Do not be caught preparing for retirement, and securing your cemetery plot - when YOUR best is yet to come. The Lord says to tell you "YOU ARE NOT OLD!"- you have just been seasoned for fruitfulness.

Many of you have been so refined that it is easier not to hope for unfulfilled promises to resurrect. I believe God is saying to you today, "IT IS RESURRECTION TIME." Get back in hope and start activating your faith as in your younger years- because rewards for steps of faith are about to go sky high. Your mind and body and even your physical health and strength will begin to get a new cue from you- and you will see that you will be younger and stronger and more vibrant in ten years than you are today. Believe it, receive it, activate it.