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RISE Personal Coaching

We understand that the impact of the RISE message can leave you dreaming bigger and wanting for more.

Suddenly you realize that these ideas you’ve had, this business you’ve been building, or this journey that God has had you on, is with purpose. And not only that, but it’s part of a bigger narrative of God restoring culture and restoring His face in every area of culture.

We want to take you deeper. To go beyond dreaming and take a courageous step into the future God has been preparing you for.

That’s why we’re offering RISE Personal Coaching.

RISE Personal Coaching is 1-on-1 coaching from RISE certified coaches, each with their own area of specialization. This is meant to help you bridge the gap between where you are now and the place that God has opened up before you.


A Note from Johnny & Elizabeth

As we've interacted with many existing and rising world changers throughout the nations, we've become aware of the need to dedicate a percentage of our time to encourage and help develop those who desire to better steward their influence and calling. Our passion is to see those who are contending for their destiny climb their mountain with focus and authority, while not losing ground to the enemy in their personal lives. If this describes you, then we would consider it an honor to invest in you.

We're looking forward to connecting with you and seeing you advance into the next levels of clarity, grace, obedience, boldness, passion, and authority God has for you!


Meet our RISE Certified Coaches