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February 2017

February 1, 2017 · 

I woke up today feeling the intense and fiery resolve of God upon our nation. Fasten your seatbelts because February is going to be a month of Him flooding this nation with that resolve. It is not going to be peaceful and it is not going to look like love- but it is going to be furious love designed to establish foundations for extended destiny and peace.

There is nothing like this that our nation has ever experienced. This is Reagan to the 10th power. Only the Lincoln days are even on the same scale. Heaven is coming in like a buzz saw and it is going to be shocking what all gets leveled. God is invading through this Presidency and He is going to use multiple spearheads. It is not just the President- but who He is positioning in the Cabinet, the Supreme Court, the Media, Congress, the Senate, the Military, the Intelligence Community, the FBI, and more - a multi-warhead operation that will work in conjunction with what He is doing. Many will not understand until it is essentially over that it is God. It will seem to be too intense and divisive to be God- but it will be Him. He will no longer be the tame, domesticated made-in-our-image God. HE is working a plan.

The Democrats in Congress and Senate are not the enemy- but God will harden their hearts thereby CAUSING an ACCELERATION of what He is doing. There will not be bi-partisan unity in the early stages as God Himself, has a detailed agenda HE is about to implement. It is not the Religious Right agenda, it is not a Republican agenda, it is not even Trump agenda- it is HIS agenda that President Trump will increasingly fall in line with. As it comes in it will look chaotic. We will be under the full grip as it were of the birth pains of societal reformation. A Reformation Flood is coming in and it is quite different than a Revival Flood. It will have offshoots of Revival but it will be Reformation. Pray with it, agree with it.

The Potter is coming in because there has been a De-formation of original intent that He is coming to Re-form. He will do that in our government, in our media, in our economy, and in His church. No matter who you voted for prepare yourself for some level of adjustment and change (repentance for short). This is a time to salute our Commander-in-Chief (and I am speaking of God) and then fall in line with everything He is doing. The intense season doesn't have to be painful. In fact, it is designed to be a time of almost euphoric joy for those who agree with Him. YOU can have amazing peace in this very chaotic season because the flood coming in, is ultimately for your great good. It is going to be worth it all- not just in heaven one day, but here in the land of the living. America, America, a flood of grace is being shed on you and you will become The Beautiful.

February 6, 2017 · 

Amazing Super Bowl 51 Message: You Can Recover (and more)

First of all, if it strikes you as weird that spiritual messages are being gleaned from a Super Bowl game, it shouldn’t. Romans 1:20 tells us that invisible or unseen things of Him can be seen by what He has created. Luke 19:40, lets us know even “rocks will cry out” with revelation on God and what He is doing. At the subatomic particle level, everything is connected so heavenly messages are hidden in code and mystery in almost everything just waiting for an anointed observer. Let me also preface this post by saying I was cheering for the Falcons as they are my original home team- all along being aware that the prophetic markers I could already see were against my beloved Falcons though they played a great game and acquitted themselves well.

No Matter How Bad You are Losing You Can Recover

The essential message from this Super Bowl is that it is a year of recovery and that no matter how behind you are, or how late in the game it seems, there is still hope. The game may technically be over for you - but there is overtime and you can even have your first lead of the game as your final score!

For the uninformed, the New England Patriots defeated the Atlanta Falcons 34-28 after being behind by a record 25 points. They scored the last 31 points in the game to win in overtime. This was the first Super Bowl ever to go into overtime.

MVP Tom Brady: He is mirroring what Trump will do for America

Tom Brady was the MVP (most valuable player) of the game and came back from being hit and sacked multiple times. His tenacity and resolve was just so key. Meaningful numbers are all over the place with Brady. He is 39 years old making it the second consecutive year that a 39-year-old QB wins the Super Bowl. Last year it was Peyton Manning and I noted that it tied in with the 39 stripes Jesus took and that a great healing is coming to our nation (as counterintuitive as that can seem for some). By His stripes, we were and are healed.

Brady is also a #12 and that is the number of government. Tom took a lot of heat for being a supporter of Trump believing he could help our country be better and stronger. Tom Brady was born in '77 which gives us that reoccurring number. We are in the Hebraic year 5777. Trump had 77 more electoral votes than Clinton. Trump was 70 years old, 7months, and 7 days old on his first full day as President. Furthermore, this was Brady’s 7th Super Bowl total and was his 5th victory overall. 5 is the number of grace and 7 is the number of completion but also the most symbolic number of God Himself. The Bible tells us there are 7 spirits of God. We are in a year of very intentional and strategic grace from God Himself.

Tom’s first name means “twin”. Part of this means he is mirroring that which Donald Trump is doing in government. As you remember Trump, he looked way behind in the “score” on Election Day and it wasn’t until “overtime” that they announced he had won. The other part of “twin" speaks of the double blessing or anointing. I and others have observed that President Trump has been given an Is. 45 Cyrus mandate to reform and to prosper. That chapter starts out with how God would open before him the “double gates” or “double doors”.

The name Brady means “spirited” and as a secondary definition “broad- eyed”. This too describes our president but it is to describe those of us who will see our own personal recovery. We must be “spirited” and have our vision expanded to see what God is doing both in the micro and in the macro. There was also a recurring theme of family at the Super Bowl, with even Lady Gaga pointing out her mom and dad, and Brady coming up with his whole Brady clan. I am reminded of the popular Brady Bunch television series of a large non-traditional family. This certainly describes America as well at this time- and it is time for the American family to win, win, win. I believe that unexpectedly a great valuing of family is coming as a great angel assigned to this has been released over us.

Time and Permission to be Patriots

The Patriots won the Super Bowl and the theme of Patriotism was throughout the Super Bowl. Lady Gaga initiated her halftime show with singing of the American anthems. The colors red, white, and blue are the color of the Patriots and were also throughout. Now is a time for us to be Patriotic. Now I know it is popular to say we are not called to be for our own nation but instead for “the kingdom”, and that has some basic sounding truth. However, Jer. 29:7 also says to seek the wellbeing of where God places us because in ITS wellbeing WE will have wellbeing. We can sometimes be so spiritual that we miss the reality that He put us in specific physical bodies, families, cities, and nations, and that are spiritual kingdom call will always overlap caring for the physical. If your marriage is important, if your family is important- then your city or nation is important as well. Jesus wept over His Jerusalem - and He is still not done caring for that original physical Jerusalem. It is also part of the prophetic message of this Super Bowl that the Patriots owner Bob Kraft is a Jew and also a friend of Donald Trump. The recurring theme of patriotism and care for Israel will be with us for the foreseeable future as something God desires us to pick up on.

NRG Stadium: Accessing Dunamis Power

Last year’s Super Bowl was played in Levi Stadium and there was a message I shared on that. This year it was played in Houston’s NRG (pronounced and intended as Energy). There is a spiritual message here as well. As we fall in line with God’s heart and agenda at this time He will connect us to new levels of His Energy or Dunamis power. Power to recover and power to win. It is of interest that the Patriots had 93 plays and the Falcons only 46, and that the time of possession in favor of the Patriots was 40 minutes to 23 minutes. In essence, they just kept coming and coming. The Falcons were more efficient on their plays and had more yards per play- but the Patriots just insisted on staying in possession and attacking. They in effect wore down the opposition. This is a word for you, for me, for us. Keep getting the ball back, keep playing, keep the enemy on the defensive- because even if it takes all game and more- you are going to come out ahead. Greater is He that is in us than he that is on the other side- even if it doesn’t look like it for a long time.

Final Score 34-28: Psalms 34:2-8

And finally, all the above recovery takes place as we operate out of the truth of Psalms 34: 2-8. I will highlight some aspects of this passage but it is oh so worth it to go dive into it in a deeper way. It is just loaded with relevant truth for those ready to win in 2017.

v.2. My soul will boast in the Lord, let the afflicted hear and rejoice. v.3,4. Magnify the Lord with me (as opposed to your challenges) and He delivers from ALL my fears. v.5. Those who look at Him are radiant. v.7. The angel of the Lord delivers those who trust Him. v.8. Taste and see that the Lord is good.

So in a nutshell here is your Super Bowl message. 2017 is a year orchestrated by God for you to have amazing recoveries from amazing contradictions. It is a year where He will also greatly use the man He put in as President. You don’t have to love him or everything he does- but there is wisdom in respecting and honoring who God puts in. God wants His people thinking patriotically towards America because there is a specific lead nation call that is on us. The other nations are held back in some capacity until we step into ours. It is why you will hear the prophetic people from other nations keep telling us of the great things God has for America. They know by the spirit that as we prosper, overcome darkness etc. that it has a ripple effect into their nations. It is because of the call on our nation, and it is because He loves ALL nations. And finally, read my last book Seven Mountain Renaissance: Vision and Strategy through 2050 for more on how this all fleshes out. We have just begun our age of recovery.

February 16, 2017 · 

Trump and the Media War: Super Bowl Repeat?

As we watch what is playing out in our nation it is easy to see the pattern of the Super Bowl game continuing to play out. Tom Brady, his #12 (government), and the Patriots represent a prophetic paralleling with Donald Trump and the United States. The Atlanta Falcons, with the black helmets, the blackbirds, and the “dirty birds” moniker represent dark “fowl/foul” forces that have been resisting the thing God will do in our nation. It is not coincidental that CNN is based out of Atlanta and that it has positioned itself as the main opposition of the air against Trump.

Trump Has Been Getting Sacked Early On

Even as Tom Brady was getting hit and sacked often by the “dirty birds” in the early parts of the Super Bowl game so too President Trump has been “sacked” by the opposition as he attempts to get his game plan implemented. The opposition media has created a swirl and a narrative that says he is going to get blown out of the game and is not prepared for the DC environment of “dirty birds” - but it is just early in the game.

Trump Just Keeps Running Plays

One of the key underreported statistics of the Super Bowl game was the total time of possession and total number of plays. The Patriots ran over twice as many plays (93 to 46) and held a huge time of possession lead ( 40 minutes to 23 minutes) that was key in taking the fight right out of the Falcons and wearing them down. By the time overtime started, you knew the game was essentially over because the Falcon defense was totally gassed and Brady’s resolve and confidence were at its highest. This will end up repeating itself as it relates to Trump and his opposition. He just keeps “running plays” at an unprecedented level and the crooked media can not keep up with him in their opposition. This will continue to be a key for him moving forward.

A Patriotic Halftime: July 4th Shift

As you remember, at halftime the Patriots were losing by 25 points (28-3). Two key prophetic markers took place at that time. First, the stadium roof was opened up and then Lady Gaga began singing the various national anthems. From that point forward the Patriots outscored the “Dirty Birds” 31-0. It was as if a switch had been turned and all of a sudden everything was different. I believe that this July 4th we will see a similar shift take place as it relates to Trump and the opposition media. The heavens will shift and open up, a sound of patriotism will be heard and all of a sudden the foul/fowl resistance will begin to get run over.

Gabriel is on the Job: Pray and Decree in Agreement with Him

Several prophets and seers reported seeing or knowing that Gabriel, the archangel was on assignment in DC during the inauguration. That assignment is not over. In my 7 Mountains teachings, I identify Gabriel as the archangel over the mountain of media. This mountain is a big enough deal that it requires his level of intervention. The big battle right know is versus the forces of Apollyon and Leviathan who are the demonic powers behind the individuals and institutions who unknowingly cooperate, yield, and partner with the enemy. The forked tongue and forked tail/tale that these bring are major ally instrumental in causing the present state of distress that many are experiencing. Many good believers are even falling to the "forked reports" as these forces are good at what they do. As we pray, praise, and decree with understanding we can fast forward the breakdown of the enemy's resistance. Through the SuperBowl, God has already decreed what IS going to happen. However, we are invited to accelerate the victory of our side and the demise of the other side as we increase our participation. He wants all of us- angels and saints involved in a victory He is already guaranteeing. We want to remember that though the Patriots won the game in the second half it was their pounding of the Falcons defense in the first half that set up the second half win. So it is not about waiting until July for a shift it is about pounding the enemy even now - whether it looks like it is showing up on the scoreboard or not. It will.

CNN vs. Fox News?

Now I may steer into more controversy here, but one only has to watch the fates of CNN vs. FOX News to get an idea of what is happening on the media battlefield. Fox News turned on Trump in some ways last year but since the election have become clearly the major news source that is most fair to President Trump. There was some necessary turnover in management as well as in their newscasters themselves. All those changes have served them well in being more in line with proper news objectivity and thus heavenly favor. It is showing in the ratings which have skyrocketed after absolutely dominating Election Night and Inauguration Day. Megan Kelly’s replacement Tucker Carlson is doubling her ratings and across the board, Fox News is dominating the ratings- as they, in fact, have for 15 years. Appropriately enough their colors are red, white, and blue. CNN News, on the other hand, has made themselves the very prototype opposition to Donald Trump and the level of deception coming from that network is perhaps unprecedented. They are distorting reality with everything they have- but remember their people are not the enemy, just the pawns of the operating demonic forces. However, their opposition to being fair is going to be increasingly costly to them in every way and look to the evidence of that to begin to show up in a clear way after July. Of course, someone inside can always make a shift away from their present agenda- but apart from that, we will see the crumbling of CNN.

Understanding When God Anoints

One of the reasons we are having unnecessary arguments even among the saints is because we keep arguing things like Donald Trump’s character or even his immigration ban or other policies. We are in fact permitted to disagree and have other opinions- but to the degree, we don’t get that Donald Trump has been uniquely anointed by God to lead this nation at this time - to that degree, we are arguing and finger-pointing “against the Lord’s anointed” and that just becomes unwise at so many levels. Believe me, I understand the original hesitancy to embracing Trump as I had that myself and literally out loud said “Oh No” as the Lord showed me Trump was HIS choice and where HE was voting. However, at this point, it begins to show a tremendous lack of discernment to not see that the Lord is squarely behind this Presidency and has anointed this man with a specific mission with national and global ramifications.

I appeal to you, fellow saints, to step out of your personal political preferences and recognize what God is doing and then look to see how you can cooperate - with God. We must be “kingdom" first. My assignment as a prophetic voice and as an Issacharian observer is to tell you what I perceive God to be saying and doing. I am not giving you a political perspective nor even a personal perspective- I am sharing what He is showing me and then restating it as clearly as possible. I am not a Trump defender only a repeater of what God keeps speaking over and over in every way possible. He even prophesied it through the Super Bowl just to make it as clear as possible. When Trump’s presidency is over it will have been great across the board for all of America- including immigrants and especially inner cities. Wall Street is already jubilant about the Trump effect but more is coming. Meanwhile let’s all join in by agreeing with God and by releasing faith, hope, and love everywhere we go.