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February 2016

February 1, 2016 · 

Amazing how new revelation on God and new revelation on His timing cause you to view things differently. I am in the process of working on a revision of my Seven Mountain Prophecy book released in early 2008. As I am closely re-reading my original book I find that I disagree with myself on at least 3% of what I wrote back then:)

Furthermore, I realize I have undergone a major overhaul in my underlining presupposition on how God would lead us through reformation of the nations. 9 years ago when writing I was still pretty sure that it would be "God's judgments" that would expedite the great changes. Today I am convinced it is "God's kindness" that will expedite the coming reformation of nations. In a sense, they are the same- but I think I wasn't aware that in "God's judgments" He would decide/judge that He was committed to being unbelievably kind and would rely on that as His great agent of change. (Of course, since sin is its' own reward "bad things" will happen as well).

Secondly, though it didn't necessarily come out in that book, I am aware that I wrote it assuming things would "wrap up" much quicker than I now have revelation on. In both of these, I have become much more aware of His patience. I also wrote more from an "us versus them" mentality as it relates to "the world". I now seem them all as just pre-believers and I don't see this big gulf between us. Also, my language has shifted much from "taking mountains" to "influencing mountains". Not a major shift but something needed I think.

The Seven Mountain message is a message of how our God will arise through His kids and will bring desired reformation to the mountains of media, education, government, economy, family, arts/entertainment, and religion. This core part of the message is still something I 100% believe in- and am beginning to see advanced as never before. Days of great change are on us. Days of great kingdom manifestation are here. However, God is going to be made progressively relevant and famous not because of punishing judgments but because of extravagant mercy and kindness, He shows TO and THRU His participating kids. That is His "righteous judgment" we should all fall in line with. I know I am.

February 4, 2016 · 

Vision of 50 ft. Blue Wave, Invasion of the Lord and Angels

Last night while at worship at Higher Vision Church here in Valencia CA I had an amazing vision. I first saw an immense blue wave coming in and I instantly heard that it was a 50 ft. wave. I then saw a figure in yellow that was surfing and coming in on that wave. I knew instantly that it was the Lord. As I looked to His face I saw eyes of burning fire. I knew the fire in His eyes was love. The Lord was within the coming wave but I was then able to see the crest of the wave itself. Myriads and myriads of angels were coming on the wave. I then saw the wave crash onto Los Angeles and I knew everything was about to change with this invasion as the blue water crashed in and seemed to go everywhere.


I believe a massive wave of the Holy Spirit is about to break upon us. Blue is the color of revelation and also represents the work of the Holy Spirit. 50 is the number for Jubilee and as I have shared earlier this is a true Jubilee year that happens every 50 years. Pentecost was also 50 days after Passover and so this number is connected inextricably to an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The color yellow we have associated with God as Creator, in our book Rainbow God: The Seven Colors of Love.

I believe something very powerful is about to come upon us and the first part of it is on us. This blue wave is already beginning to splash on us as prophetic revelation, visions, dreams, and encounters have skyrocketed just since the turn of the year. So many of my prophetic friends have seen an incredible uptick in what they are seeing and experiencing. Furthermore, early reports of extended meetings are coming from several sources as healing, presence, and glory are being reported. An appetite for prayer and unity is coming in. People are being led to fast to fast-forward what is coming in both for them and corporately.

The Lord is dressed in yellow because He is coming in as the Creative One. He is coming into Hollywood. He is coming in with millions of angels. The City of Angels is going to experience its' namesake. There is an invasion of heaven coming in and what I saw for Los Angeles is symbolic of what I believe is going to be replayed all over the place. Revelation and creativity are about to hit His prophets, intercessors, and creatives.

The most anointed songs in history are about to come out in this next season as this wave is going to hit worshippers and songwriters and musicians- and we will see its' evidence in the songs developed at this time. Everything prophetic is about to go to an unprecedented level. I saw a snap vision of a multitude of eagles flying with purpose- and I heard that we have the largest contingent of prophets ever on the planet and they are now being released into the streets of our cities as prophets of love and power. These are not just for revival but they will be for reformation. They will go into every mountain of society. These prophets are an army of eagles that don't need the titles but just the evidence.

I believe that there is some timing and connection as well with the Azusa Now event scheduled here at the Los Angeles Coliseum for April 9. A stadium that holds 110,000 is going to be filled with believers from every tongue and tribe- and signs and wonders will break out. The event will not be even near the entirety of what God is doing but it will be reflective and responsive to what God is doing.

God is not really responding to our initiative on this one. We are responding to His initiative. The heart to pray, unite, fast, and love that we couldn't drum up- is now going to be poured out on us. He made a decision that in this Year of Jubilee, He would visit His people in a special way - and He would punish the enemy in a special way. I agree with Bill Hamon that God has declared World War III on the enemy and furthermore, I see we are going to be in a kingdom romp for at least the next 50 years. Actually, I think much longer. There is a lot of ground to take and it is going to happen front and center on the world stages. What is coming in is coming in for a long time. We are going to be set on fire by the fire in His eyes.

February 13, 2016 · 


“Redding, Redding, Queen city of the north, your age of restoration is upon you. For I will now begin to invade your DNA and I will begin to manifest your story and retell who I have made you to be. You will now arise into your day of shining as I have broken the resistance for you and I have released the angels of transformation in your midst. That which has been brewing in your church settings will now flow into your streets as never before and will invade every sphere of your city.

Redding, Redding, the day of the Lord is upon you- and it is a good day. I am about to change your very DNA in such a wholesale way that it will baffle the minds of even the most hopeful among you. I am coming into your local government and I will turn over every stone. I will make it a place where corruption and self-seeking can not exist. Your city councils will be invaded by my glory and by my fear. A fear of the Lord is coming into your city councils to such a point that lying, cheating, and bribing can not even exist. I will displace wolves and I will fill your city councils with My shepherds.

Redding, Redding, I will also now come in and I will heal your economy. I am coming in and I will create jobs- out of thin air. I will do this because I can do this. It is well within my creative abilities. I am also putting my magnet on you as a city and you will begin to attract investment as never before. National money is coming to you. International money is coming to you. Chinese money is coming to you. Japanese money is coming to you. Indian money is coming to you. You are going to become a retirement haven. You’re going to get an upgraded airport. You’re going to get many new flights. An airline will make you a new hub. Industry, technology, arts, and entertainment are coming to you and will thrive. Playhouses will spring up all over your city. I will erase the memory of your ancient name of Poverty Flats, as I am sentencing you to 30 years of progressive prosperity.

Redding, Redding, you will become a city of red roses and red flowers, a city of beautiful parks. Out of you will come a heavenly oil and a heavenly dew and it will pour down into the rest of the state. I am coming to you with grace and glory and I will shatter your spirit of poverty. I am going to change your story. I am coming in not just to heal you in church, but I will heal your 7 mountains. As a sign to bring you to rejoice, I will begin to cause my rainbows to exponentially increase among you. You will even see rainbows when it seems naturally impossible. When you see my rainbows remember that this is my promise over you that I am coming in to change everything. I am coming to reform everything. I am coming to transform everything. I have heard your prayers, I have seen your tears, I’m responding to your faith- and the time is now.”

Johnny Enlow

Feb 12, 2016

February 15, 2016 · 

In my prophetic outlook at the beginning for 2016, I stated that the word Justice would be key this year. We had an initial manifestation of that when top drug lord "El Chapo" was arrested. Now with the sudden passing of Supreme Court Justice Scalia we have this topic back up in a very significant way. I believe we are just beginning on this secondary theme of Justice (secondary to Jubilee). There will be more unusual news events speaking to this focus as the year goes on. Jubilee and Justice are actually very related and interconnected.

As it relates to the Supreme Court, I know it is 'panic' time for conservatives as a great legal and moral mind is out and the Court could suddenly go very left. I think it significant that Justice Scalia passed away the day before Valentine's Day (at least that is when it was reported). This reminds us that as important a value Justice is- that Love is greater. Should the court go 9-0 in giving priority of women's choice over pro-life - if we prioritize winning the hearts and minds of our nation versus posturing and protesting, we still have much to gain? Justice is a great divine trait- but it serves the greater trait of Love.

In fact, maybe our immediate illusion of overturning Roe vs. Wade can finally be set aside for a time and we can go for the hearts and minds avenue. I think we are already progressively winning this 'battle' - as abortions are down almost 50% since 1990, despite no Roe vs. Wade change. Perhaps if we gave our full effort to this appealing to the hearts and minds route we could see that number precipitously drop even more.

I do believe that our courts are about to go more pro- those who already are alive, but needy or disenfranchised. I think we the pro-life side have evidenced a serious deficiency in our valuing of life - once it is out of the womb. We are desperately passionate that abortions stop- even as we hear that a disproportionate percentage are blacks and Hispanics. Yet, if I generalize, we are known as those least concerned about the black and the Hispanic communities and concerns. The irony of ironies is that we can be so intensely pro the unborn, and yet come across so cold and calculated towards the desperate yet already alive (think refugees, immigrants, illegal aliens, inner-city denizens, prisoners, etc.) Where is our disconnect people?

I suppose it is just as ironic that the left that is so pro-minority and pro-disenfranchised is so heartless as it relates to the unborn. Can we maybe both make some adjustments? Can the right learn to feel for the alive- and the left learn to feel for the unborn? What a great day that would be when we could each cease to demonize the other for not having THEIR value- and learn to incorporate what the other values. I want to have my Papa's value on both.

One of the amazing stories coming out regarding the death of Justice Scalia is his unlikely friendship with very leftist Justice Ginsburg. Somehow though being on the opposite political and some would say moral spectrum- they both learned to value what each other stood for. If they could do that in the Supreme Court perhaps we could drop our respective stones and do the same thing. Just a thought.