November 2017
World Series Wrap-Up Prophetic Message
As many of you know, I believe that many sports headliners conceal an accompanying spiritual message- and I believe the recent winning of the World Series by the Houston Astros over the Los Angeles Dodgers does just that. For the cynical handful of you who say, "we have the Bible and we don't need to be reading sports events"- I will remind you that it is, in fact, the Bible that says, "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter." (Prov. 25:2) You too can become "kingly", if you drop your pride and religiosity
A Tale of Two Cities Flooded by A Harvey
In a remarkable "coincidence" this year's World Series home towns have been dominated by news of a Harvey. Houston endured Hurricane Harvey and the worst flooding in United States history. Then we have Los Angeles still in the throes of being flooded by "the Harvey Weinstein effect" which has hundreds of women in the entertainment industry (and now elsewhere) courageously coming forward to reveal a deviant culture of sexual harassment by men in positions of power. Ensuing reformation will come into Hollywood and society because of this "flooding".
Curiously there is a third Harvey in the mix- as I shared last year of the release of a great angel of harvest glory named Harvey. Somehow all three of these Harvey's will end up having a role in the coming harvest not just of souls but of cities and nations. Los Angeles and Houston seem both earmarked for something very special as it relates to harvest glory. Houston had its' worst flooding ever. Los Angeles had its' worst fire ever. Then they both met in the World Series.
Astros Win for the First Time: So Can You
Much was made of last year's World Series and the fact that the Cubs broke a drought of over 100 years to win it. They beat the Indians who were the other team with the longest drought since winning a World Series championship. This year again had a similar theme in play with the Los Angeles Dodgers looking to break a drought of not winning since 1988. However, the Houston Astros top all of the drought-busting taking place, as they had NEVER won a championship in 55 years of existence. A spiritual message for all of us, is that even beyond breaking droughts, we are now in a season where those who have never had a real breakthrough can now have it. It is a time for the weak, small, and foolish underdogs to put to shame the things that are mighty. (1 Cor. 1:26) It is a time where God will enjoy using the despised and lowly to bring great kingdom victories.
The Sky is the Limit
I love it that the word "astro" means "pertaining to stars or the celestial bodies". It is simultaneously time for heaven to rule on earth and time for "the sky to be the limit". ALL things are possible and NOTHING is impossible- to those who will exercise belief. This is a time to be empowered by that reality.
In the Spring Season of the Kingdom
George Springer had an incredible World Series and was appropriately named the most valuable player. George means "farmer or tiller of the soil" and Springer means "a cow or heifer near to calving". This is a season that will reward those that are actively "tilling their soil", as a birthing of something significant is about to be your reality. Furthermore, Springer means "having to do with Spring" and this becomes an important narrative of the day to run with in order to be fruitful. We are not in the age of the antichrist, the beast or the false prophet- but rather in the beginning spring season of the kingdom age. If you will "till" the ground He has given you and swing hard when opportunities arise- you will find yourself hitting important kingdom "home runs". Astro-nomical gains are available as never before as long as we have not quit. Get back in the "game" if you have. And yes, it's supposed to be fun.
Orange: Focus on the Family
In our 7 mountain teaching, we have identified the color orange as the color of the rainbow associated with the mountain of family. I believe that is was significant that the Houston Astros were wearing their orange jerseys when they clinched game 7 as champions. This is a time for families and family breakthrough ministries and organizations to arise and shine. The sexual brokenness of society has never been more evident nor has the poor mental state of society been so much on display and in the news. There is a great opportunity for anointed power and solutions to come through the church and to begin to heal society as we have never done.
We have been "the rules committee" for society as if our greatest assignment were to point fingers. Toting 10 Commandments around doesn't engage or change hearts and we must now shift into being actual healers of society who carry Papa's heart of acceptance, as well as His supernatural power. The "Harvey Weinsteins'" thrive in a broken family culture such as our own. Also, the recent shootings in Texas and in Vegas seem to point to mental health as being the presiding issue. Furthermore, our president just announced that we are in an opioid crisis which is connected to our state of poor mental health and the abuse of prescription drugs, and thousands are dying every year. The pharmaceutical industry has a pang of clear guilt in this whole picture but beyond that one-third of Americans have some kind of anxiety or classical depression. Broken families have a major role in all of these scenarios and we must now arise with Papa's "orange" color of strength. The Dodger "blues" must be dealt with and it is at a highest priority of importance.
Learn to Keep Your Joy
I listened with interest as several members of the Houston Astros talked about making a conscientious choice early in the series to just enjoy the games. There is a message here as well. We are in a two month period of so many devastating events taking place (Harvey, Irma, Maria, California fires, Vegas, Charlottesville, Texas church shooting, etc.) as well as so much division and hostility in the air via media outlets and all, that it can be a challenge to stay above it all. However, that is exactly what we must do. Yes, we must weep with those who weep, but we must also be careful not to think it our assignment to process all the worlds' sad news. We are to be "touched" by these matters but then we must give it to the Lord- so that we can be the antidote to the sadness going around. The kingdom of God does not advance in somberness but is "righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost."
I flew across the country yesterday and while doing so felt to read Beni Johnson's "The Happy Intercessor". I loved the book. I think this to be an excellent read right now- for everybody. There is a lot happening in the spirit realm and everyone does carry SOME intercessory assignment. However, Beni is very clear on how joy becomes the greatest spiritual "game-changer" that we can carry, as opposed to coming under a wrong "sobriety". The Lord would have us just briefly get under the weight only He can carry and then it becomes imperative we give it back and step back into joy. In fact, if we don't start from joy we will take too much weight on- even to start with. Especially if you DO consider yourself an intercessor this book gives great wisdom and guidelines. If you are fighting depression or discouragement in any way as an intercessor make reading this book a high priority. Intercession is very important right now- but only if done FROM a place of victory. We need to affect the thought realm of the second heavens and we need to affect it with celebration. If we can't find celebration, we haven't been finding Him. He's been winning "the world series" and it is time for us to join in "popping the champagne".
Veteran respected journalist Charlie Rose has now been added to the ever-growing list. My head is almost spinning with all the daily exposures/firings/resignations of the "powerful" men in seemingly every area of society who have been exposed as serial sexual deviants. A tsunami of "ENOUGH" has come in and more waves of that are on the way. A shift has taken place and women are finally being valued and believed in an upgraded manner. A new cultural norm is forthcoming and this will be key for the next stages of societal reformation that we will be stepping into. The church is still behind in this shift in so many ways.
In the church, women are still more often doubted or chided to stay quiet as it relates to predatory behavior- and this by even the women of the church. I will go ahead and be controversial and tell you that I believe the women who have spoken out on Roy Moore. Yes, I know there is a huge and corrupt political machinery that will do almost anything to take him out- but that doesn't mean he didn't do what women have come out and said he did. Multiple women don't just all agree to come out and lie. This dynamic I have seen played out multiple times.
25 years ago we (Elizabeth and I) were part of confronting the pastor of the fastest-growing church in America at the time. We were in leadership at this church and came to have sworn affidavits from 10 women who had been sexually seduced/violated in some way by the senior pastors. We could not get local pastors to even listen to the case nor could we get national pastors to listen. At the time we were not well known enough to be "powerful" and so we watched massive injustice play out before us. Elizabeth became pregnant in those days with our second girl and she presently carries the name Justice Hope because of our frustration at the lack of justice. How could woman after woman telling the same basic story just be not believed or worse ignored? It defied logic.
Nor was that the only time- as we were brought into several situations where someone "powerful" (i.e. a famous minister) was again getting away with being a sexual predator as the women were not believed. In about 40 years of being close to multiple of these situations, my experience is that in over 90% of the time the women were not lying. In the rare case where there is a lie or deception, they are usually the only accuser. When there are multiple accusers I have never seen the many be the liars.
What is taking place before us is essentially beheading many of the cultural icons of our day and it is creating an immense opportunity for a whole new caliber of leadership to arise. There is so much more hypocrisy yet to be exposed. For some reason, many staunch anti-gay, anti-LGBTQ Republican politicians are themselves gay. More of that reality is about to be exposed. Many key leaders in government and in the church are actually the opposite of how they portray themselves. That will come out as well. There is massive Republican hypocrisy, massive Democrat hypocrisy, and also Christian hypocrisy. Especially anything that has been unjustly squelching the voice and rights of women- is going to be exposed. It is a new day where "Wonder Women" will no longer be hushed and ignored. Justice for women and their voice is a high priority for heaven right now. Women's voice, women's morality, and women's leadership is about to take us into a societal quantum shift that we desperately need.
Early in the year, I spoke how I had seen the month October and the number 27,000 beside it. My thoughts were that either this October (2017) or next October that we would see the Stock Market reflect this reality. Well, perhaps it might be close to a 27,000 for both Octobers. I will explain. A Financial Planner reached out to me saying how he too had seen by the Spirit that the market would get to 27,000 for this year and that the market did, in fact, pass that number- on the Wilshire 5000 Market. Whereas the Dow Jones represents the top 30 publicly traded companies the Wilshire 5000 represents the Total Market Index and represents over 3000 companies. On November 21st it passed 27,000 for the first time ever (this for an index that fell under 7000 in 2009).
It is so interesting that the media projected ("fake projections" to go along with "fake news") that an immediate consequence of Trump becoming President, would be the Dow Jones dropping below 15,000 and a quick loss of 1 trillion dollars in stock value. Meanwhile, the Dow is pressing towards 24,000 having gained 5.4 trillion dollars since the election. All this is just the beginning of financial recovery, restoration, and prosperity that is part of President Trump's specific assignment and giftedness. We are in massive overhaul of everything with much accompanying confusion in the mix for many- but in the midst of it just know God is keeping His word on what He would do with who He put in.