Let Hope Arise, He Has Already Won—AGAIN!

I woke up to really good news from heaven. The phrase, “Let hope arise, He has already won” was on repeat in my mind and on my spirit. Those are loosely words from the new Bethel Music song “God of Revival” which is a powerful song of hope and faith for the day we live in. But today I heard it as a done deal. I heard not just that, "He has already won" on the cross but that we have awakened sufficiently and agreed with Him enough here and now in 2020 that in the midst of our critical circumstances, “He has already won.”

God's Near Impossible Task

There was an invitation to us to, “let hope arise,” because He has already won—AGAIN. Defeating the enemy is always quite an easy task for our God. Now that brings an easy “amen” to your lips, especially not said with more specificity. Let me say it now with more detail. Defeating “the swamp” and the global agenda of the New World Order has always been an easy task for our God. Defeating the coordinated attacks of the compromised “mainstream media,” Soros, the Rothschilds, the CCP, ANTIFA, and the rest of embedded agents of darkness in government has always been an easy task for our God. The greater task has always been the awakening of His people and the subsequent agreeing with His present narrative. Read that sentence again. His people awakening and then responding as He desires has always been near impossible—even for God.

Awaken and Get in Synch

Had God not sent His only begotten Son Jesus to suffer a life of rejection and then to be brutally crucified- it would not be possible at all. It was either another flood as in Noah’s days - which He had already sworn not to do- or JESUS. Jesus and the blood price He paid is the “He’s already won” we can always truthfully sing of because it is absolutely true. It is the assurance of every future victory. There is no more price to pay from heaven’s perspective for any earthly objective. But as we saw even in Jesus’ day, where demons, sickness, and even death were easily crushed—it was the awakening of His people and them getting in synch with His kingdom narrative that was the great challenge.

Avoiding a 500-year Cycle

Once again this has been His significant challenge of our day. He has had a mainly drugged and asleep church/bride offering "lalala" platitudes and "kumbaya" solutions while being at the precipice of almost total destruction and annihilation. The awakening voices have been called “conspiracy theorists” or just ignored, as it was all truth that was just too inconvenient to absorb. The awakening task has been a tough one, as without it another 500-year cycle of world darkness would have ensued. The extreme realities of our day have been happening so that we do not leave this kind of cycle to our children.

He's Already Won in 2020

With all that in mind, you now see why it is so good to hear from heaven, “Let hope arise, He has already won—AGAIN.” This means He has already awakened enough of us (yes a rude awakening) and has enough of us in some kind of alignment with the kingdom assignment on hand—the reformation of nations—that heaven can already proclaim from the future… that He has already won today in 2020. The unprecedented unity, praise, prayer, intercession, and reconciliatory efforts have ALREADY made the shift for us! This is awesome and amazing news!!

Gideon's 300

Understand that the majority of the church is STILL rubbing its’ eyes and barely stirring. There are more that are still sure the extreme challenges of 2020 mean “Jesus is about to rapture us” than being on a correct kingdom narrative. Many are still arguing and obsessing over lesser matters. However, the good news is that there is enough of at least a “Gideon’s 300” for God to work with and have crushed what the enemy intended as another cycle of delay. In this “Gideon’s 300” there are many, many thousands—but yet percentage-wise still a great minority. So again, “Let hope arise, He has already won!”

Watch Out Hell!

Starting around 12 years ago the Seven Mountain message became “the shot heard around the world.” The mandate of our societal responsibility to be “salt and light” in every sphere of society began to be trumpeted as part of God’s precursor rescue plan. This all headed to the placing and positioning of a man named Donald Trump as the catalytic figure for heaven’s rescue plan for our day. It is all still unfolding and all so fragile looking—yet all such a sure thing. It is finished. The price has been paid. The awakened forerunners are positioned. We are in a storm but we are crossing over and it will not be delayed. God will be greater than our sleep, greater than our deficient eschatology, greater than our prejudices, and greater than our weaknesses. The Davids, the Josephs, the Daniels, the Esthers, the Nehemiahs, the Gideons, the Deborahs are all present and awakened. Watch out hell!

Fear Not the Luciferian Marches: It is Father's Day

To those who have been very concerned about the Luciferian marches scheduled for this weekend, the Lord says "Fear not—it is Father’s Day.” These Luciferian/NWO activities are all part of a God-ordained exposure designed to further awaken. Pentecost released an earthquake that is generating a coming tsunami. The great tsunami has not yet been experienced, but only the sea pullback caused by the great Pentecost “earthquake.” As the waves have been gathering and arising miles from the shore it has allowed the “bottom of the sea” to be revealed as never before—and it is ugly. Agendas and grievances are exposed as never before and they had to be seen. This Father’s Day, know that Our Father is the key figure, and not Lucifer. Honor our Father by allowing fresh hope to arise. He has already won—AGAIN. You are already in the script with a happy ending—in our day. Awake, but enjoy the show.