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A Greater Than Imagined Slavery is Ending

A Greater Than Imagined Slavery is Ending

We are in a much bigger overhaul of life as we know than most imagine. 2020 does become the line drawn in the sand and the year no one forgets, as it kicks off a new era. While much deserved attention is being presently given to the injustices that blacks have experienced in our nation, this is just a step towards a much bigger reveal. When the full picture is out we will all see who the real enslavers have been and it will be way beyond a racial dynamic. It will suddenly be clear that we have all been enslaved at varying degrees and that even the racial component was interjected into our midst by those who viewed themselves as kings and rulers of the world. 

A relative handful of families and individuals will be exposed as the enslavers. Between puppet-masters and compliant puppets (usually by blackmail) the number is just a few thousand. They have played us like a fiddle creating artificial battlefields and battle lines for generations as they hide in the shadows. In order to distract from their controlling role, they have manipulated existing wounds in society along the lines of gender, race, class, politics, and religion— and through that kept the masses in constant turmoil, generally targeting each other, thus missing out on seeing them. 

They have looked at the masses as their slaves to be manipulated towards their pleasure. They have created and exploited an economic system where they, the handful, own 90% of the wealth, and where the 7 billion plus share the remaining 10%. Strategically, they have implemented systems and advanced sophisticated lies designed to keep the majority desperate, dependent, and in survival-mode. This becomes the strategic way to maintain control. Their big play has been news and media manipulation. The massive social media platforms of our day were designed to maximize, and once and for all, secure their ability to control and manipulate. They never thought their own devices would be turned on them.

The Nations Great Conspiracy

What I have just described to you (and its unfolding) today is laid out line by line in Psalm 2. Verses 1 and 2 describe the above group.

“Why do the nations conspire and the people plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against His anointed one.”

Here in 2020 we are in the very middle of the exposure of the conspiracy and plot of multiple nations, multiple “kings,” multiple “rulers,” and a global agenda that is likely to be proven to be beyond the worst conspiracy theory most of you have ever heard of. The scope and scale of already accomplished pre-objectives will be shocking. We will discover we were already beyond the precipice— with the United States sold out for destruction and the whole world thrown into total extreme socialism— that included a severe depopulation agenda. Extremely high-level Luciferian worship and witchcraft was engaged in for this purpose. The only reason we are not living out that reality is because the plotters and conspirers forgot to cover one detail. That detail was and is GOD. Unfortunately for them that is the only “detail” that matters.

The One Enthroned Laughs

Psalm 2:4 “The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.”

This is the standout news of the day. The One that matters is laughing at conspirators and at a conspiracy that was 95% executed. Maybe even 99%. God loves to watch Satan execute a plan that has “all” bases covered and that has seemingly no possible way to be hindered or undone. Satan’s first time at it got him kicked out of heaven— after him thinking he had usurped the King. The Master of Treachery found himself suddenly and overwhelmingly overmatched as just a pinky of the true Master of the Universe was raised against him. 

The laughter and scoffing that Satan presently hears roaring at him from heaven is a meaningful response from the One enthroned. It is our God deriding Satan for believing his own press. The master of lies and fake news finds himself exposed by his self-delusion before powers, principalities, and humans. He deceived himself— again. It is a great test-run for his final exposure and subsequent final judgment. He can never ultimately win, but only have temporary gains.

 In our day he just went for it all. What is playing out before us in society with an artificially-created pandemic and with demonstrations and riots is just death-knell quivers of a “perfect” conspiracy gone awry. Satan has already lost what is playing out before us and he will never fully recover from this crushing defeat. He will be stampeded for the next 100 years minimum, and at his next great attempt he will be fully cast out of the second heaven. This is not just another day.

Ask of Me the Nations

Psalm 2:8 “Ask of Me, and I will make the nations your inheritance.”

The era that now opens up before us is the era of nations being overrun by the light. That light will be seen on the rising sons and daughters of the King. We will live out Isaiah 60:1-3, with His glory being seen on us to such a degree that entire nations will walk to the light that we rise with. God will allow what almost went down to rudely awaken us to a true Great Awakening that now encompasses reformation of nations, as well as revival and salvation of souls. We will never go back to “it’s all about souls.” That limited thinking led us to our present enslavement and dire predicament. "Heaven on earth" is about a way of doing things and its accompanying presence coming to earth. We have loved the slogan but applied it only to church meetings. Meanwhile, criminals built strongholds in the 7 Mountains and set us up for enslavement.

Guardians of Disinformation

The "prison guards" of our time are CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, and the rest of what goes by “mainstream media.” Add to that the WHO, the CDC, the United Nations, the FDA, and the Democratic Party leadership as instruments of primary prison control. Most of A-List Hollywood is part of that as well. They all worked together to create and sell a narrative of freedom and choice while placing us firmly behind bars. It is done covertly— yet it couldn’t be more obvious. All you have to do is see the masks, “social distancing,” and quarantines and experience the voluntary killing of world economies in the name of “saving lives”— all by those most consistently pro-abortion. Yes, the virus is real and actually bioengineered, but it was a massive failure— perhaps brought down by the deluge of prayers and decrees against it. A death rate below normal influenza should not be reported on daily and is unheard of in history as quarantine-worthy. 

He Who Plays the Trump Card Will Not Lose

The pandemic has always been artificially generated and designed specifically to take out President Trump— as the evil ones still think he is the only thing standing between them and accomplishing their globalist goal of world domination. President Trump is the Isaiah 45, King Cyrus of our day, but He who plays the Trump card is still their great obstacle, more so than the Trump card himself. “The Swamp”, “Deep State”, and the “New World Order Globalists" are going down because the One enthroned has duly noted them— and laughed. He always factors in backup options for His Master plans and His backup plans are generally even more devastating to Satan, which is why He deeply and scoffingly laughs. He can still deliver a nation with an 80-year-old stutterer, prophesy through a donkey, and kill a giant with a boy’s sling shot. He’s presently enjoying delivering the world through a straight-shooting, rough-and-ready, but patriotic and courageous man named Trump. 

The One Enthroned is Also Angry

Psalm 2:5 “Then He rebukes them in His anger.”

What is not to be misunderstood by His laughing is that He is simultaneously in a very serious justice mood. He has come to set the captives free and to execute judgment on those that have harmed “the least of these.” One verse after telling us how God laughs it reveals to us His anger. Being God, He has the appropriate emotions in all directions at the same time. He weeps with those who weep but it doesn’t stop Him from simultaneously rejoicing with those who rejoice. Depending on who is looking at Him and what they are doing or going through they can experience from Him tears, happy laughter, mocking laughter, encouragement, admonishment, and the whole gamut of emotions and expressions. He is never just limited to one. However, a justice manifestation upon the earth is past due and what He has been announcing for the last few years. Justice is mercy on the abused. It is time for JUSTICE.

Monuments and Symbols Will be Removed

With the present Black Lives Matter movement, we are seeing attempts against statues and monuments that are perceived to be offensive to blacks— especially regarding Confederate generals and soldiers, as those who fought to keep them enslaved. I actually totally understand and agree with the offense and think a wholesale national discussion, and even a vote, is in order. Multiple statues and monuments should be removed. There should be a consequence for fighting for the continuance of slavery— whether that was the second- hand racism of “state’s rights” or direct, first-hand racism. Of course, the lawless way it is being pursued need not continue and a more gracious criteria needs to apply to who or what gets removed.

Having said all that, I have seen a day in the future where the Washington Monument will be removed by one way or another. This will have to do with the nation as a whole realizing who the master enslavers were and how they used symbolism as a key component of their enslaving and of their worship of Lucifer. The day is right around the corner where it will be clear that we have all been in some level of repression and enslavement to a multigenerational, multiracial hidden cult of deep evil. They have sickened us. Withheld cures from us. They have kept us in survival mode. They have manipulated racial tensions for their own purposes and have disguised themselves enough to most heavily exploit those they have given the most lip service to.The Democrat Party will be exposed as being almost completely aligned with the treachery. (There has also been a substantial number of Republicans who have been involved in the national treachery, and exposure is forthcoming there as well).

God Will Rule the White House Until 2040

I see a day in the not-too-distant future where masonic symbols will be coming down all over the place— not because your average Freemason was an evil man, but because those advanced in Freemasonry clearly have been working a dark agenda and it will have been fully exposed. Additionally, all kinds of other occult symbolism will be removed, as it will be part of America’s cleansing that will progressively be taking place over the next 20 years. What we see in blacks desiring oppressive/offensive imagery to be eliminated will be something we will all understand and be about. 

God will rule from the White House for the next 20 years as part of bringing the nations into alignment with their destiny. Until 2040 God will impose His will on us as it relates to who is President and what agenda He gives him or her. After that we get to chose again, as He will have us fully back on track. America is not like any other nation but was designed by God to be an instrument of world freedom. Our scars of slavery will ultimately be a part of a melting pot of racial healing for the nations. We don’t look like that today— but if you will look into the future you will see a much better version of ourselves.

-Johnny Enlow