67 Day Countdown - Days 1-10

DAY 1: The Summer of His Face Shining Upon Us

Today, July 14 of 2020, is day 1 in our countdown. The Holy Spirit impressed upon me that we would have the blessing of 67 days of His face shining on us to do that which only He can do in the midst of the challenges of 2020. Each day I will take a Psalm (1-67) and highlight three specific things. (I recommend that you read the whole chapter for full benefit)

1) The key verse.

2) The overall theme.

3) The description of the Lord.

Psalm 1

Key Verse: “They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in whatever they do.” Psalm 1:3

Overall Theme: The rewards and blessing of loving and heeding God’s word.

Description of the Lord: He who watches over/ knows your journey.

The truth of this chapter is profound and sets us up to be in the place of seeing His face shining upon us during these 67 days of blessing. It is only appropriate that our journey would begin with “Blessed is the man...” (NKJV). This is His heart for us. It starts with us not listening to those who despise God and specifically staying out of “the seat of the scornful”. This “seat" is where we would yield to cynicism of heart which always dulls our spirit. Instead we want to be those that love His word. Those of you who have agreed to go on this 67-day journey are in doing that expressing your love for His word. Verse 2, speaks of meditating on it day and night. “The word” is always a combination of scripture and present inspiration of the Holy Spirit. That is what keeps it alive like a running river.

In the key verse 3, there is a great promise and reality for those who will cherish His word in this way. Four blessings become ours.

1) We become like trees planted along a riverbank.

This means never needing to worry about being rained upon or watered in any way. A tree beside a riverbank has continual life for its roots based on its proximity to the river. This is what happens when we stay close to reading the scriptures and allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through it in a present way (Living Word). He of course is the River.

2) We bear fruit EACH season.

This is an amazing blessing. There is NO non-fruit-bearing season when we will prioritize His Living Word- especially while staying out of the seat of cynicism. Cynicism stops our fruit-bearing cycle. Being washed in the Living Word renews child-like faith.

3) We have leaves that NEVER wither.

This speaks into the always fruitful season we can be blessed to live out. This is not a normal pattern with fruit trees as there is usually a season where the leaves wither and fall off. Always having green leaves means being available to provide shade for those who need refuge from the intense elements. It means always carrying hope. A tree of blessing is so both by its’ fruit and by its leaves. Fruit is the blessing of your GIFT and leaves are the blessing of your CHARACTER. But proximity to the River is the key to it all.

4) We prosper in WHATEVER we do.

This is just a maximum blessing. In Genesis, it says of Joseph that God made “whatever he did to prosper". No need to pray “Lord which direction should I take?” “Where do I invest?” or “Which job do I accept?” etc. etc.— The Lord says “whatever”, I am going to prosper it anyway. The word “prosper” here means “to rush, to advance, to be profitable, to break out— to go over or through a river”. I love that last one. It means going into “Promised Land”.

A God Who Watches Our Path

In this chapter, the description of God is one who is looking over our journey. God attends to our individual path. What a blessing to remain pondering on Him all day as the one who not only watches US- but where we have been and where we are headed. He is not a distant and distracted God. He is the River that runs right by our lives if we will let Him be so.

As you begin this 67-day journey, may you sense His face shining on you today. May evidences of it show up in your life today. May evidences of it show up in our nation today. God we look to you.

July 15, 2020, Day 2: Psalm 2

67 Days of "His Face Shining Upon Us"

Key Verse: “But the One who rules in heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them.” Psalm 2:4

Key Theme: God Presides over World Rulers and Their Conspiracies

Key Descriptives of God:

He who rules in heaven.

He who terrifies plotters.

He who puts in His anointed ones.

He who gives nations as inheritance to His children.

Perhaps no Psalm has more relevance to us at this time. Psalm 2 begins by telling us that “kings” and “nations” are conspiring and plotting against God- and His anointed. “His anointed” can always mean Jesus— but it also speaks of anyone specifically chosen by God for a strategic assignment. David was "His anointed", Cyrus was "His anointed” — while never even following God. Even Saul, the first king of Israel, was called by David “the Lord’s anointed.” Though Saul derailed, David was very resistant to do anything to him because he recognized God had purposed him in a special way and it was up to God to remove him. Today, President Trump serves as “His anointed” in our day in that he has been purposed by God in a very special way. As is clear in the above cases “His anointed” does not speak into their perfection of character. It is that they have a unique commissioning by God that must be honored.

In Psalm 2, it tells us that these global leaders are not only plotting against God and "His anointed", but that they consider God’s righteous ways as “slavery" they wish to break free from. They openly walk in defiance to God seeking to create new lawless norms that allow them to violate every ordinance of God. It is why today these evil global leaders are the ones involved in sex trafficking, pedophilia and extreme witchcraft. They have taken many high places in government (and in every one of the 7 mountains) and have been actively conspiring and plotting a plan designed to institutionally secure themselves forever. “Conspiracy theories” have always been backed by “conspiracy facts” because they have always existed since Lucifer’s original conspiracy. It is the nature of evil. God and His anointed are always in the way. Jesus was and is, the supreme "Anointed One" ALWAYS in the way. He already paid the price of redemption for the nations.

This is why this verse 4 becomes the highlight verse of the chapter though later in verse 8 God will famously say “Ask of Me and I will give you the nations as an inheritance.” We are not in enough faith to fulfill verse 8 if we haven’t absorbed who He is in verse 4. He is called “the One who rules in heaven” and if we are unclear about that we can not proceed to “Ask Him for the nations”. Today, as His face shines upon us He wants us to see Him as He who rules from heaven. While He has His face shining upon us with blessing - He is NOT doing so towards the plotters and conspirers. Towards them His face carries a derisive and mocking laugh. It is a look given from a place of absolute power that only a Creator can have. After He laughs at them, verse 5 states that “in anger He rebukes them” and that He will be “terrifying them with His fierce fury”. It is a "fierce fury" born of seeing those He has created thinking they have usurped God as they manipulate world scenarios and enslave fellow created beings. He first derisively laughs at them because there is no law in heaven that restricts Him from withholding their very next breath— and they pompously conspire as if that were not so. It is necessary for us to look at Him today and see that face.

You have to be in an absolute position of power, to look at world conspirators who have taken 90% of the world resources and 90% of the world governments and be filled with derisive laughter towards them. Here in the 2020 "Summer of His Face Shining Upon Us” let us feel strengthened and encouraged by our God’s posture of absolute supremacy. He is not worried at the powerful positions the world criminals have taken over. He sees their ongoing deceit and treachery. He sees their “plandemic” against “His anointed” and He is not needing to call for reinforcements. He doesn’t need even one of His billions of mighty angels to assist Him. One stern look from Him crushes a mountain. The sinister world agenda we have discovered that rattles us profoundly is deemed pitiful by "the One who rules in heaven”. If He were not working a plan that entailed His sons and daughters growing up and understanding consequences they would all have been wiped out already. His patience with us and with His process is both the most amazing thing about Him and the most frustrating thing about Him. We are amazed at His patience with US- but often horrified at His patience with others- and with kingdom processes. He is sooooo patient.

It is worth addressing a frightening belief that many even Spirit-filled Christians carry today. The belief that “yeah He rules IN THE HEAVENS, but WE are who rule ON THE EARTH.” This belief will keep you in panic. Our ONLY ruling on earth is as an extension and in conjunction with His posture IN THE HEAVENS. The lie is that He rules the heavens and we INDEPENDENTLY of that rule the earth. That leads to operating as orphans rather than as sons and daughters. He says “Ask of Me the nations and I will give them to you as your INHERITANCE.” Orphans don’t get inheritance. Sons and daughters get inheritance. They don’t TAKE inheritance. They RECEIVE inheritance. Yes, He wants and encourages us feeling responsibility and taking ownership— but not so much so that we essentially remove Him from the equation. Us, without He who rules in heaven, is ALWAYS a losing equation.

Today, look at Him in His position of absolute power. Read His admonition to world leaders in the last verses of this chapter where He informs them to “serve Him with fear” or to be “dashed into pieces”. God can and does this- with or without us. He never delays because He “needs” us. He delays so we will responsibly, as His children, join in. His present rescue operation of the world had has minimal cooperation from us up to this point— but He is doing it anyway. That goes into the greatness of who He is. We are all about to do a whole lot of changing. Creator has exercised His right to a major RESET and we are in the swirl of it all. As in Noah’s days, He needs no permission or agreement from His created ones to "open up the deep” and release the "flood waters". However, He has sworn to Himself and promised us never to do that again and His present “flood waters” are against the conspirators of evil. Unlike the days of Noah, He has millions and millions who love Him and look to Him and that makes His promise of no absolute disaster very easy to fulfill.

Today, July 15, 2020, let’s take to heart the last line of Psalm 2. “But what joy for all who take refuge in Him!"

July 16, 2020, DAY 3: PSALM 3

67 Days of “His Face Shining Upon Us”

Key Verse: “I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies who surround me on every side.” Psalm 3:6

Key Theme: David feeling overwhelmed,surrounded but trustingly reaching out to God

Key Descriptives of God: He who is a Shield. He who Answers. He who Watches Over. He who Rescues. He who gives Victory. He who is the Lifter of our heads.

Psalm 3 is quite a shift from the first two Psalms. In Psalm 1 the blessedness of daily reconnecting with God through scripture is established. In Psalm 2 we go big picture and see Him as Ruler of the nations. Here in Psalm 3 it is very personal and real. This Psalm was written by David when he fled from his son Absalom when he attempted to take his throne. The ignominy of having someone betraying you and trying to usurp the throne is bad enough on its’ own. However, David is facing this from a son he greatly loves who has also conscripted some of his most loyal friends against him. His top adviser Ahithophel has joined ranks with Absalom. It is devastating at a most profound level imaginable. This is quite beyond the pain of a child who won’t come home for holidays. Samuel the great prophet has anointed you king, you have killed Goliath in front of the whole nation, you have defeated every external enemy, you have become exceedingly wealthy— but your kid(s)! Maybe some of you relate at least with the last part.

The first two verses are worth noting in that context. “O Lord, I have so many enemies; so many are against me. So many are saying 'God will never rescue him!’ ” Can you imagine? All the people who have observed the greatness of David now look at him in the predicament he is in and are saying “God will never rescue Him.” His own son, and his top adviser have betrayed him. Makes you think being “the anointed one” can be overrated. Treachery seems to abound.

I have often wondered if President Trump has been instructed and strengthened by David’s Psalms as the repeated betrayals he experiences are astonishing. His chief of staff, his secretary of defense, his own niece - are all just some of those who have turned on him. It is hard enough to face the overwhelming nature of known enemies (“the swamp”)— but the emotional toll is another when it is “friendly fire”.

So why is this chapter part of our 67 day focus of the Lord’s face shining upon us? First, if you are an intercessor on Presidential assignment perhaps it gives you further insight on how to pray for him. Secondly, many of us have equivalent contradictions in our personal lives and this chapter is designed to encourage us and walk us through it. David was highly anointed and called but he starts the chapter with, “O God I have so many enemies!” Both can go together. Thirdly, this is a present reality for our nation and even the nations at this time. We are like King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20, who finds himself surrounded by multiple armies. A prophet will advise him that this battle is winnable by praising and worshiping God on the battlefield. This “strategy” is employed and the enemy completely turns on themselves and totally auto-destructs. The people then spend three full days recovering the bounty of treasures that these invading armies had brought with them. I believe we are parabolically living out that chapter, famous for its’ 20:20 passage “believe the Lord and you will be established, believe His prophets and you will prosper.” A chapter/year that begins with being surrounded by multiple armies of a virus, a “plandemic”, a destroyed economy, violence and riots, treachery in high places— is to end with unexpected opportunities to spoil the enemy, especially economically.

David leads us here in Psalm 3 with the example of his own life. He admits being surrounded by “ten thousand enemies” — but his life-key of magnifying of God, instead of magnifying his fears, has him experientially “not afraid”. Let’s practice that. In verse 5, David speaks of "sleeping peacefully" because God watches over him. Can you imagine he didn’t even have an ambien for this huge test— just a deeply cultivated relationship with God? Verse 3, David tells of the Lord being his Shield and the Lifter of his head. He was protected and he could function without the shame of his own son’s failure tormenting him. Perhaps some of you should pause and receive Him as the Lifter of your head today. He is for you, He is for you.

I believe the last two verses to be something we are invited to join in with this July 16.

“Arise, O Lord! RESCUE me, my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw! Shatter the teeth of the wicked! VICTORY COMES FROM YOU, O LORD. MAY YOU BLESS YOUR PEOPLE.”

As in Jehoshaphat’s day the enemies are too many. We need His RESCUE. Another Passover Rescue operation, this time because of the blood of THE Lamb— and not just the blood of A lamb. He who was the first one to be offered by the Father to ask for the nations as an inheritance— and He did and it is why we join in contending for them.

Now I say, Lord in your favor upon us - Shatter the teeth of the wicked “swamp”! Break the jaw of the aligned corrupt media! Remove their ability to “bite”! Deal harshly with their treachery. As David prayed in 2 Samuel 15 regarding this crisis “turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness”. VICTORY comes as You do what only You can do. We will praise you as you turn the enemy against itself.

July 17, DAY 4: PSALM 4

67 Days of “His face shining upon us”. July 14-September 18 (Rosh Hashanah). The Summer of His Love.

Key Verse: "Lord, prove them wrong when they say, “God can’t help you!” Let the light of your radiant face breakthrough and shine upon us.” Psalm 4:6 (TPT)

Key Theme: David distressed, running to God and finding peace.

Key Descriptives of God: He who Declares Innocent (v.1 NLT). He who Answers When Called (v.3 NLT). He who Keeps Safe (v.8 NLT).

I spend much time with the Lord for these posts. They are written daily. I have been up since 4 am today on this one having put together some original notes yesterday. I am greatly encouraged with what I already see shifting and being revealed but won’t comment beyond that now for time's sake and so as not to distract from our focus of gazing at Him who is the Game Changer of all Game Changers.

Psalm 4 is the prototype chapter of David’s processing with God. He begins in typical raw honesty “Answer me when I call to you.” This is a recurring theme with David in the Psalms. He is frequently NOT feeling answered and so in his frustration/desperation he pours out his heart to the Lord. Where we might give up quickly and resort to figuring it out on our own, David hangs in there with the Lord until his spirit is lifted. He begins with “Answer me” but by verse 8 he is at “I will lie down and sleep in peace”. “Sleeping in peace” is also a recurring theme for David. It is a practical way he experiences “His face shining upon us”.

David is FREQUENTLY distressed as this journey through Psalm 67 will reveal. He is also FREQUENTLY QUICKLY FREE from his distress. Generally within a few short verses of either writing down or singing who God is he has gone from some level of being overwhelmed to boasting in how secure he feels. This is a discipline that would serve us well to fully incorporate during this 67 day Summer of Love/Favor/Awakening. We know from the Psalms that David loves to encounter the Lord early in the day even before dawn. Verse 4 here lets us into the reality that also in bed at night David is in processing mode and has to resist anger. He refuses to be overcome by the anger and instead works it out with the Lord.

“LORD PROVE THEM WRONG when they say, God can’t help you!”

It is such a relational appeal to who he knows God to be. It is also a confrontation of THE BIG LIE that many of us tangle with when facing challenges. “God can’t help you.” This is a lie straight from hell. We are attacked with this lie about our personal economy. We are attacked with this lie over health matters. We are attacked with this lie over family matters. We are attacked with this lie over national matters. We have dreams and revelation that we pass around in the Body of Christ feeding that lie— while cloaked in spirituality. Any “warning” revelation that conveys directly or through the take away from it that “God can’t help you” (i.e. “brace yourself”) is a big lie needing to be confronted. I join in with David saying, “Lord prove them wrong”. All other prognostications must bow to His breakthrough radiant face shining upon us.

Verse 2, had David sounding off about what seem like national matters that a king or president (ours) would face. “How long will you people ruin my reputation?”, “How long will you make groundless accusations?”, "How long will you continue your lies?” It seems David’s present distress was “fake news” that wanted to overwhelm him in his day. He is in bed, trying to sleep and media lies have him incensed. I have to admit, anytime I want to feel “identificational distress” (not really a thing) all I have to do is plug into “mainstream media”. Helplessness and the aforementioned “God can’t help you” feeling often accompanies this as well. David again shows us the pathway through this. His conclusion after essentially entreating God with “Come on now Papa” is the point of these 67 days, “Let the light of your radiant face breakthrough and shine upon us.” David actually believes that “His face shining upon us” can take care of three significant things.

#1, Dealing with the “fake news media”.

#2, Proving dire/lying prognostications wrong.

#3, Giving restful sleep.

May we ACTUALLY believe so likewise. God may your shining face break through the fog of the lying spirit that has shrouded our land. Intercessors perhaps go after that today.

July 18, 2020, Day 5, Psalm 5

67 Days of “His Face Shining Upon Us”. The Summer of His Love. Now through Rosh Hashanah.

Key Verse: “MY ENEMIES CANNOT SPEAK A TRUTHFUL WORD. Their deepest desire is to destroy others. Their talk is foul, like the stench from an open grave. THEIR TONGUES ARE FILLED WITH LIES.”(v.9)

Key Theme: An Appeal for Protection from Evil Liars/Media. (SURROUNDED BY FAVOR?)

Key Descriptives of God: Destroyer of Lies (v.6). Detester of Murdering Deceivers (v.6). Surrounder with Favor Like a Shield (v12).

What a Psalm this is! So much of David is better understood in the light of present matters. Again someone like our president could so identify with what is expressed here. David begins with “O Lord HEAR ME” which is a frequent starting place for him. The theme of this chapter is how liars of influence have just drained David. His second line is “Pay attention to MY GROANING”. His next line, “Listen to MY CRY for help”. Fake and sinister media has mighty King David in knots. Maybe reporters of his day are accusing him of doing what they are in fact doing. Maybe they are suppressing the good things David is doing for the people by again bringing up Bathsheba. Perhaps they have some fake popularity polls that show his approval rating way below what it is. Perhaps they have interviewed a disgruntled family member who opportunistically sees a chance to make a name for himself/herself. Whatever it is, we have David literally groaning and crying for help because of his own “swamp” of wicked people and the aligned false reporting.

I think even without being at the king/president position many of us can identify with the exceeding frustration of “fake news”, the censoring of cures, the misinforming and disinforming with manipulated statistics, the “plandemic”, lies in situation after situation where it literally feels like “the swamp” duo of media and political elite “cannot speak a truthful word”. I have been there frequently in recent months as well and have been infuriated with it. The good news is God hates it too and “will destroy those who tell lies” (v6). This Summer this too will be evidence of “His face shining upon us."

“You will destroy those WHO TELL LIES. The Lord detests murders AND DECEIVERS.” (v.6) “O God, declare them guilty. Let them be CAUGHT IN THEIR OWN TRAPS.” (v.10)

Meanwhile, let's just finish today’s focus by reading David’s encouragement in this Psalm 5.

“Because of your unfailing, I can enter your house; I will worship at Your Temple with deepest awe.” (v.7) This is how David handled his distress at the lying and the murdering and we are invited to do the same.

“LEAD ME in the right path, O Lord, or my enemies will conquer me. MAKE YOUR WAY PLAIN FOR ME TO FOLLOW.” (v.8) What a great prayer. Still the absolute dependence on God we always see from David. The guy that can kill Goliaths doesn’t lean on “greater is He that is in me!” with the emphasis being “that is IN ME" . He remains strong and with giant-killing capabilities as he focuses on the “GREATER IS HE” portion. It is why he asks the Lord for a pathway that is easily recognizable as the right one. Rather than “Can You give me discernment for the right path?” David asks for what I like to ask for “Can You just make it plain?"

“But let all who TAKE REFUGE IN YOU REJOICE; let them sing JOYFUL praises always. Spread your protection over them, that all who love your name may be FILLED WITH JOY” (v.11) Joy is available despite all “the swamps” murder and lying- just find a “joyful praise” to get there. Don’t stop until you are FILLED with joy. It can happen even in a storm. Can you imagine knowing all about “the deep state” and their full treachery and yet being FILLED WITH JOY? Like David we can shift our focus. See one too many videos on the Soros/Gates clan and its’ fruit will be HELPLESSNESS and GROANING. See the “bigger than” God and it’s fruit will be HOPEFULNESS and being FILLED WITH JOY. David is our teacher here.

Finally, David closes out this chapter with an amazing promise even during a season of contradiction.

“For surely, O Lord, YOU BLESS the just; You surround them with Your favor as with a SHIELD.” What a revelation! THE BLESSING He has available for us can be a SHIELD! When it looks like we are surrounded by evil we can magnify and find Him who can have us SURROUNDED WITH FAVOR — and it is a defense against it all. Marxism, Communism, New World Order, Globalism, Socialism, ANTIFA, Open Society- ALL get’s blocked when He surrounds with favor. “His face shining upon us” is no little thing. Intercessors, perhaps you can pray more into this for our president and our nation.

July 19, 2020, Day 6, Psalm 6

67 Days of His Face Shining Upon us: The Summer of His Love

Key Verse: “I am worn out from sobbing. All night I flood my bed with weeping, drenching it with tears.”(v.6)

Key Theme: “My soul is in anguish. How long, O Lord, how long?”

Key Descriptives of God: Deliverer (v4) Responder to Weeping (v.8) Accepter of Prayer (v.9)

The same man who in chapter 5 left us in a high place is back again under duress of soul and spirit. For those who stay with me on this 67-day journey you are going to have to be okay with David’s absence of “stability”. He does not fake "living in victory" or just “stay above it all.” You may have had the wrong idea of who the giant-killer really is. The man that will chase down a lion to rescue a lamb and then bare-handedly shred his jaw is very demonstrative — to God, about EVERYTHING that troubles him. He moans, groans, cries— and I don’t mean a little bit. In the key verse 6, he speaks of “drenching” his bed with tears, and in this particular case he went all night and is “worn out with sobbing”. Such a lesson here. One of the reasons David so relatively quickly finds the Lord is because when He feels absent, David relentlessly chases Him down. It is hard to see David in an extended season of just feeling distant from the Lord. He is in touch with his heart and if he can't find “The Lord is MY shepherd I shall not want” right when he needs him, he is going to pursue him with all his pain and contradiction.

“How long, O Lord, how long?”(v.3)

Having said that, notice I said “relatively quickly”. So many of David’s Psalms are about the pain and agony of delay. From this chapter, it is hard to know if David is also in the midst of being corrected by the Lord. In verse one he asks the Lord not to “discipline” him in anger. In verse two when David says he is “weak” it is hard to know if it is referring to the sin he may have committed or his need for physical healing- as he also says “O Lord, heal me, for my bones are in agony.” Ultimately David points to “because of all my enemies” as being the source of his present distress (v.7). Again, his descriptive way of pouring out his pain has often made me smile. “My vision is blurred by grief; my eyes worn out” (v.7) One of us might say “I was crying” The bottom line is whether our own sin, or sickness, or an attack from the enemy has us distressed, David models for us how to process through. It is not always pretty but it always tends to an effective and victorious outcome.

“The Lord ACCEPTS my prayer”(v.9)

In the last three verses of Psalm 6 (v.8,9,10) David does get through and knows the Lord has heard him. You can feel the shift in the first line of verse 8. “AWAY FROM ME ALL YOU WHO DO EVIL, for the Lord has heard my weeping”. Once he senses God has heard him everything changes. The word that stood out to me in verse 9 was ACCEPTS. In Hebrew it is “laqach” and means “to fetch, take possession of, TAKE A WIFE, MARRY, acquire” among other similar words. I love that and perhaps it will be even more significant to intercessors. There is a place in prayer and in partnering with intercession where you can feel the LAQACH take place. Suddenly God has “fetched” the prayer, “acquired” the prayer, and is “marrying” the prayer and committing to produce life from it. Can God hear and respond to non-passionate prayers on principle alone? Yes— but He is more like David than maybe most of us. Very deep, very relational, very passionate and very emotion-filled. He is sometimes not even sure we will remember we asked Him for something if it didn’t affect us enough to touch our own emotions. Now the final verse.

“ALL my enemies will be ashamed and dismayed; they will turn back in SUDDEN DISGRACE.”

This is what our God has for us whether individually or collectively AS WE TURN TOWARDS HIS SHINING FACE. I love it that the same David who a few verses earlier is bemoaning “How long. O Lord, How long?!” is now declaring with his mouth (an important part of the process) “ALL my enemies…will face SUDDEN DISGRACE.” It was prophetic revelation he received after a brutal night of pain, tears and prayer. That word “sudden” in the original Hebrew means “a wink of the eyes”. So "How long?" Well, just when it seems like forever a “suddenly”. That is what I am contending for all across the board. A series of “suddenlies” towards ALL our enemies- especially at the national and global levels. The enemy is never people, but people who too tightly embrace the enemy suffer similar consequences-- unless they cease that embrace and repent.

Lord, today may ALL YOUR ENEMIES that seek to destroy our nation and the nations of the world, face SUDDEN DISGRACE. May it come in relentless tsunami waves generated by the ROAR OF YOUR JUSTICE until the landscape has totally changed. Because Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory— and invasion of all three is the bigger reality.

July 20, 2020: Day 7, Psalm 7

67-day “May His Face Shine Upon Us” Focus: The Summer of His Love

Key Verse: “Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, but ESTABLISH THE JUST, for the righteous God tests the hearts and minds.” (v.9)

Key Theme: “Wake up my God and bring JUSTICE.” (v.6) (Perhaps racial tension?)

Key Descriptives of God: Just; an Honest Judge; My Shield; Ruler of the Nations

The Psalms cover periods of David’s life from before he was king all the way until late in his rule. Sometimes a subheading reveals to us a clue as to when it was and sometimes we just have to speculate/revelate. The subheading to Psalm 7, is very key to the message of this Psalm. It says, “A psalm of David, which he sang to the Lord concerning the words of Cush of the tribe of Benjamin.” This Cush is never mentioned before or afterward. Something he has said to David has troubled him and has sourced these words that David has also turned into a song.

Cush, A Benjamite, is Black

The name Cush means “Black” and all Bible commentators I searched believe he was black. Benjamin was the tribe that King Saul came from. Though Benjamin means “son of my right hand” and was a governmental tribe, all three times when key warriors or leaders were "left-handed” it mentions they were "of the tribe of Benjamin". (i.e. supposed to be “right” but are “left”). Obviously, nothing wrong at all with being naturally left-handed. Even being “left” politically wasn’t always a clear evil but in today's world it is indefensibly so as it is the spectrum aligned with Soros, abortion on demand, lawlessness, anti-religious freedom, etc. So let’s say that Cush is a black voice from rejected Saul’s tribe or caucus. Something he has told David has David feeling defensive and introspective. “If I have done wrong or am guilty of injustice…let them trample me into the ground.” (v.3,5) In verse 8, David says “I am innocent”. In the key verse 9, David speaks of the righteous "God who tests the hearts and minds.” In the NLT it says “For you look deep within the mind and heart, O righteous God.” Verse 11, “God is an honest judge”.

In the liberties I am taking, I find this chapter and focus so relevant to the race matters of today and the championing of Black Lives Matter. As I have said elsewhere “Black Lives Matter” as a truth statement is undeniable and speaks to a felt need in much of the black community (I have also learned there is no such thing as speaking for all blacks). We have an adopted black son, (and now a grandson!) and I have several nieces and nephews who have married blacks (and I performed the wedding ceremonies) so I do have my own connection. Black Lives Matters as an organization is now beyond a shadow of a doubt proven to be highly compromised and funded by the very “swamp” that is the enemy of God and of nations. The day after I posted on this 67-day initiative Soros announced he was giving BLM over 200 million dollars. Still, Soros is targeted to be “touched” by God.

In our personal navigation of the not-easy-to-discuss justice matters of lingering racism, it is commendable to have a heart such as David. As you read Psalm 7 you can almost sense David going back and forth between making sure his own heart is right towards "Cush” matters and then being angry at those who are muddying the waters by mixing a valid message with a sinister agenda- such as BLM. Corrective racism can never source justice. Hatred can never eradicate hatred. Compensatory injustice cannot produce justice. Today, and during this 67-day focus let us walk in this Psalm 7 tension of letting our Honest Judge go "deep within our mind and heart” and of also resisting a demonically-sourced agenda. As verse 12 informs, “If a person does not repent, God will sharpen His sword; He will bend and string His bow.” Whether your sin is dismissing the racial injustices as non-existent, or your sin is the embracing of bitterness and hatred— REPENT! . If not God WILL sharpen His sword/scalpel and go after your heart in a more intentional way. That is never fun. The date and the numbers for this post (20/20/20 and 7/7) speak to me of an added importance of focus.

Two important and related verses of this Psalm 7.

“GATHER the nations before You. RULE over them from on high. The Lord JUDGES the nations.” (v.7,8a) This is to never forget His place in the days’ narrative. He GATHERS, RULES and JUDGES entire nations. All nations are presently under an increased gaze and accountability before God.

Now this:

“The wicked conceive evil; they are pregnant with trouble and give birth to LIES. THEY DIG A DEEP PIT to trap others, THEN FALL INTO IT THEMSELVES. THE TROUBLE THEY MAKE FOR OTHERS BACKFIRES ON THEM. The violence they plan FALLS ON THEIR OWN HEADS.”(v.15,16) “I will thank the Lord BECAUSE HE IS JUST.” (v.17) He rules and He is just. We partner with and are strengthened by that reality. Haman’s noose/news hanging Haman and sons— is what will continue to unfold during these 67 days as part of “His face shining upon us”. This is a blessing to us. For intercessors, this is a good place to plug in and direct it specifically towards leaders of ANTIFA, BLM and all who muddy the waters and source violence and treachery. America’s “melting pot” will yet produce a healing of the races and nations.

7/21, Day 8, Ps. 8: WHO RULES, GOD OR US?

Key Verse: “You have made him ruler over the works of Your hands; You put everything under His feet.” (v.6)

Key Theme: The Parameters of Man’s Dominion on the Earth.

Key Descriptive of God: Majestic in Name


Psalm 8, is a glorious chapter and despite only 9 verses it carries several amazing mini-themes. In verse 2, “Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants, you have ordained strength…that you may silence the enemy.” You have a scripture Jesus referred to in Matthew 21:16 where the religious leaders were indignant at the participation of children with Jesus in the temple. The truth to extract is that there is no “Jr." Holy Spirit no matter the age and even children can “silence the enemy”.


In verses 3-5 David ponders at the greatness of God as he looks at the “moon and the stars” and considers how remarkable it is that the God of all the night sky would even think or care about man. Verse 5 tells of man being made lower than heavenly beings but being crowned with glory and honor. We are “made lower” by the flesh component of our makeup but the honor of being called to “rule” is something to be amazed at. We have a measure here and now and ultimately a call to “judge angels” (1 Cor. 6:13)


For times’ sake I mainly want to look at our Key Verse 6. “You made him ruler over the works of Your hands.” In some versions the word “ruler” is “have dominion”. That goes with the original Genesis 1:26 mandate to rule or have dominion. What we want to importantly note both here and in Genesis 1 is that the “dominion mandate” is never over people. That is always exclusively God’s domain. Neither is it a “dominion mandate” over nations. That too is exclusively Gods- who then gives nations as an inheritance. Verses 7 and 8 explain that the dominion and rule is over His creation, as it describes “flocks and the herds and all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything that swims the ocean currents.”


This is an important clarification because it is where we so often get it wrong. The second half of verse 6 says, “You put EVERYTHING under his feet.” Just how much rule is that? If we under-emphasize this point we become the extreme Calvinist of no real authority or responsibility as “God does what He wants and everything that happens is because God ordained it so.” If we over-emphasize our “rule" we essentially remove God from the equation and become virtual Deists— as in “He is up there in heaven, but He made a plan where we make all the decisions now, and He from a distance watches.” The weight of that would have us operating in virtual orphan-mindedness instead of co-laboring children and heirs.


The first parameter clarification is that the “dominion” or “rule" is not over people. The second parameter clarification is that this is a SHARED responsibility and not a "flying solo" responsibility. Just remember every other Psalm of David where he heavily establishes God’s present role and rule in everything. David is always asking for HELP and the word RESCUE is over an over. You only ask that of God if HE is the Greater Ruler of realities on earth with the right to intervene. Remember He is "King of kings”. Elsewhere in scripture we are called “kings and priests”- to our God. He is King not just over political “kings” but WE are the royalty. But we are not God-replacement “kings”. He continues as “King” and we serve as ruling royalty UNDER Him. Any independence of Him is foolish. Romans 16:20 states “The God of peace will crush Satan UNDER OUR FEET.” This is how we do it together. Yes, it is under OUR FEET- but GOD does the “crushing”.


Perhaps the greatest legal detail to remember as to what falls under man’s rule and what fall’s under God’s rule is that Jesus, the Son of God, came also as the Son of Man, and perfectly paid the price of redemption for everything— on the cross, through His blood. God in effect is now on both sides of the equation. He is God, who gave authority and rule to man, but Jesus, as a man, was given “all authority in heaven AND EARTH” (Mt. 28:18) and so any way you look at it the Godhead has full ruling authority on earth. He has original Creator’s rights and then He has Redeemer’s rights. He is never out of the legal equation of rule and dominion on earth. This reality is not to shift us back into hyper-Calvinism but rather give us a comforting perspective to our exercise of “rule” and “dominion”. The Godhead works WITH us.


This is why we can all join in with the twice mentioned description of our God. “Majestic is Your name!” The Hebrew word for MAJESTIC means, “powerful, noble, mighty, glorious, worthy” and more. When, as David, you look at the macro of God in the night stars and the micro of God in infants and you consider the privilege and responsibility of ruling with Him on earth- you can only say “How Majestic is your name!” May this clarity allow for us to truly sense the blessing of His face shining upon us today.


Key Verse: “You have REBUKED THE NATIONS, you have destroyed the wicked.” (v.5)

Key Theme: “The Lord is known for His JUSTICE.” (v.16)

Key Descriptives of God: MOST HIGH; Rebuker of Nations; Destroyer of Wicked; Refuge in Troubled Times; Avenger of Murder


If we had any doubt from Psalm 8, whether David still saw the Lord as an available and involved God of the nations, it gets strongly re-established here in Psalm 9. This chapter with 20 verses is a most relevant chapter here in 2020. We see a God who is MOST HIGH, yet not distantly so, as He rebukes nations ON EARTH, destroys the wicked ON EARTH, and is known for His justice ON EARTH. David would not close the chapter with “Arise, Oh Lord! Do not let mere mortals defy you! Judge the nations! Make them tremble in fear, O Lord. Let the nations know they are merely human” — unless David expected Him to intervene. I am going to write several of the verses here that can further secure and lift our hearts as well as speak specifically into today. God loves the nations, but He can’t move them towards being “sheep nations” until they recognize He is MOST HIGH and rules on earth.


“You have rebuked the nations and destroyed the wicked; you have erased their names forever.”(v.5) A most common theme throughout Psalms is evil people getting removed and righteous people remaining. Kind of the reverse-rapture. Let’s watch this theme unfold as we continue in Psalms. Of course, Jesus Himself said “the meek will inherit the earth.” The earth is never left for the unbeliever.


“ The enemy is finished, in endless ruins.” (v.6) The theme continues, and may this be a powerful reality in 2020 and a declaration we over and over proclaim during this year.


“He will judge the world with justice and rule the nations with fairness.” (v.8) We are to partner with Him even now in bringing justice and fairness to the world as the coming kingdom is always kingdom NOW as well. He was, and is, and is to come.


“The nations have fallen unto the pit they dug for others. Their own feet have been caught in the trap they set.” (v.15) The “Haman’s noose” phenomenon again- in 2020! His own gallows hang him and his 10 sons.


“The Lord is known for His justice. The wicked are entrapped by their own deeds.” (v. 16) The key theme of today’s post. In His justice the wicked get caught in their own devices. This is happening right now.


“The wicked will go down to the grave. This is the fate of all nations who ignore God.” (v.17) Wow. Sobering and very powerful. In 2020 nations are in the valley of decision and unique consequences will come.

Psalm 9, also showcases a God “who avenges murder” (v.12), who “does not ignore the cries of those who suffer” (v.12) who ensures “the hopes of the poor will not always be crushed.” (v.18) These become very relevant during this Summer of His Love as we will see evidence of this God who is known for His justice.

Two favorite lines: “I will be filled with joy because of You” (v.2) and “Those who know Your name trust in you.” (v.9) Those two lines are worth significant pondering. We can be “filled with joy” just because He IS- and because we know it. A real revelation. And then to KNOW Him is to TRUST Him. All lack of trust comes from lack of knowing Him- not lack of Him doing something. Worth chewing on all day.

Prayer Points? God let Your justice roar. Let the nations awaken to You. Let the wicked be caught in their own schemes. Teach us how to partner with Your justice.

July 23, Day 10, Ps. 10: WHY, O LORD DO YOU STAND FAR OFF?

Key Verse: “Break the arms of these wicked, evil people! Go after them until the last one is destroyed.”(v.15)

Key Theme: The wicked seemingly getting away with evil.

Key Descriptives of God: King Forever; Defender of the Helpless, of the Orphan, of the Oppressed


Psalm 10, is an intense intercessory chapter and one I have strongly identified with during this season of extreme exposure of evil. As the world network of human traffickers and satanic pedophiles has gotten progressively discovered it first can lead to a reaction such as David had here. For most of this Psalm, David is less sure than normal that God is really doing His job. I have been there especially this year having asked Him questions I later apologized to Him about. There is similarly great frustration in David at how the wicked are getting away with horrific behavior.


Yes, his very first line in verse 1 is “Why, O Lord do you stand far off?”. In verse 2, he speaks of the wicked arrogantly hunting down the poor. Verse 3, these evil ones brag about evil desires and they praise the greedy and curse the Lord. Perhaps verses 5 and 6 has David expressing his frustration at the highest level. “Yet they succeed in everything they do. They do not see your punishment awaiting them"…They think, “Nothing bad will ever happen to us!” David sees them only prospering in their vile behavior. Verse 7, tells of their “mouths" and “tongues” being full of lies, trouble and threats— which I associate with the compromised and aligned with evil "mainstream media”. For us today they are the ones primarily responsible for the wholesale overreach and overreaction to a bioengineered virus that has a 99.4% recovery rate. All this in an attempt to derail a modern-day “Cyrus”- President Trump (Isaiah 45) from taking out their bases of operation. David, perhaps for our later encouragement, seemed to be facing some similar challenges.


As David continues to describe these really bad people we see they are the caliber of evil we are seeing today. “They lurk in ambush in the villages, waiting to murder innocent people. They are always searching for helpless victims.” (v.8) “Like lions crouched in hiding they wait to pounce on the helpless. Like hunters they capture the helpless and drag them away into nets. Their helpless victims are crushed.” (v9 and 10) It seems David is on to a major sex/human trafficking operation and it has devastated him. Today, in 2020 we hear that over 800,000 kids are done yearly as David described— in the United States alone! Around the globe the total number is said to be at least 27 million! It is horrific! I have found myself joining in with David as he says “Arise, O Lord punish the wicked, O God! Do not ignore the helpless! Why do they get away with despising God?” (v.12,13)


As David unburdens himself in intercession it is not until verse 14 that he gains just a glimmer of light. “BUT YOU SEE the trouble and grief they cause”, he is finally able to see— GOD seeing. He recognizes it as he states, “you do take note of it and punish them.” “You do defend the orphans”. In verse 15, David has found faith and is now convinced God is “on the job” and releases the key verse of this Psalm. “BREAK THE ARMS OF THESE WICKED, EVIL PEOPLE! GO AFTER THEM UNTIL THE LAST ONE IS DESTROYED.” Fully in hope, he now declares, “THE LORD IS KING FOREVER AND EVER! The godless nations will perish from HIS land.” Again note who and what gets “raptured”. Evil and godlessness. The righteous inherit the earth. HIS earth.


This Psalms' last verse begins with,” You will bring justice to the orphans and the oppressed”— so “people can no longer terrify them”. As it has been progressively revealed how children’s foundations (Clintons?) and their ilk do what they do, it is really difficult to comprehend how God in His omniscience and omnipotence delays so in bringing justice. We know He is absolutely and only good. We know justice is a foundation of His throne. We know He is all-powerful. But why does this kind of evil seemingly prosper way beyond measure? Is it because God is too patient with evildoers? Is it because He waits to partner with us in dealing with it? Is it perhaps because of a “rapture-focused” church abandoning its “salt and light” commission and so now must learn the hard way about the consequences of defaulting on original assignment? No easy answers here but it is worth our wrestling with Him regarding it.


He did tell us in Mt. 5: 13 that if the salt loses it’s assigned purpose of preservation of society it will be “trampled underfoot” and "thrown out". Is this what it feels like and what has happened? Is this what this “Great Awakening” is primarily all about? Are we presently facing all we face in society because of ignoring Luke 19:13, “occupy until I come” ( i.e. the 7 Mountain Mandate)— because we preferred to “speculate until I come”? Has the awesome promise of Jesus return been deceitfully manipulated and weaponized by the enemy AGAINST US causing us to ignore/neglect our earthly assignment? After this present rescue operation from heaven will we remain “awakened” to original assignment? Is this why this first stage is such a rude awakening? While I always seem to have more questions to ask of God, I think the obvious answers to my questions here reveal much of the reason why we face the great contradictions of our day. As we pray today for the Lord’s manifest justice on behalf of orphans and the oppressed, let us add to that prayers of awakening of His Body to “arise and shine” to present assignment. "Big trouble" is not a sign Jesus is returning. It is often a sign of a distracted (“by His soon return”) and decommissioned church. Said another way, darkness prevails not because Jesus is about to return. Darkness prevails because Light has remained stockpiled in the four walls of the church. For the children’s sake— let us stay awake, and now finally ARISE.