November 2015

November 2, 2015 · 

And then the Royals win the World Series on 11/1 in the 111th World Series of all time, winning for the first time in 30 years- and Salvador (Savior) Perez is the MVP. A major convergence and synchronicity of time and events. Now we see why the Royals had to wait a year to win. NOW is the appointed time for the Kings' sons and daughters. Add all of your 111 scriptures to the 1111 mix I mentioned in my last prophetic word. Some of you tell me what the 111 means for you.

November 10, 2015 · 

Seeing 111 and 1111? The Faith Window of 11/11 (Nov. 11) to 1/11(Jan. 11)

Many, many of you have been saying how you have been seeing an inordinate and noteworthy amount of the numbers 111 or 1111. As part of our November to Remember, I believe that there is an amazing faith window available to us between November 11, 2015, and January 11, 2016 (11/11 to 1/11). I have found many 111 or 1111 scriptures that are reflective of this and I believe that it is speaking to us in a NOW way. There are 5 similar or related “Get Ready’s” that He wants us geared up for, and I will list them.

1) Get Ready - for the long-awaited breakthroughs!

 2) Get Ready- for dead appearing things/relationships to live!

 3) Get Ready- for answered prayers!

 4) Get Ready- to crush demonic fear and resistance!

 5) Get Ready- to exercise faith and stay in faith!

Now here are the many related 111,1111 scriptures.

Ge. 1:11 “Then God said, Let the land produce…” (no more barrenness)

 Ex. 11:1 “The Lord said…I will bring one more plague on Pharaoh…and he will let you go.” (no more delay because God intervenes)

 De. 11:11 “But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven.” (possession of promised land time)

 Josh. 1:11 “..Get your supplies ready... you will cross the Jordan here to go in and take possession of the land…God is giving you.” ( again- take possession time)

 Josh. 11:11 “Everyone in it they put to the sword. They totally destroyed them, not sparing anything that breathed, and he burned up Hazor itself.” (ruthless destruction of fear and promised land enemies)

 1 Chron. 11:11 “Jashobeam (David mighty man)…he raised his spear against three hundred men whom he killed in one encounter.” (ruthless destruction of fear and promised land enemies)

 Luke 11:11 “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead?” (you can trust God)

 Jn. 11:11 “ Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I am going there to wake him up. (that which seems dead is not)

Now here are perhaps the two most important 111, 1111 scriptures for this season.

Heb. 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for…”

 Heb. 11:11 “By faith Abraham even though he was past age…was enabled to become a father because he considered HIM faithful who had made the promise.”

It is quite astonishing having all these 111, 1111 scriptures covering such a similar theme of taking promised land and crushing the enemy. These last two verses are what make it happen. Faith is the kingdom currency that allows us to access our promised land/breakthrough/answered prayer. Many of us have been held out of our promises because the fear/negativity/"sky is falling" atmosphere has caused many of us to abandon the foundation that the “just shall live by faith” and that “without faith it is impossible to please God”. We can not retreat into fear, ‘caution’, hoarding, and disaster expectation and think that breakthrough realities are going to be ours. I believe there is a great window of opportunity for huge kingdom gains open for us between November 11 and January 11- but it will only be accessed by and with faith. Faith is rooted in trust in God and His capacity to be the Ps. 23 “The Lord is my Shepherd”.

Expectant believers willing to take kingdom risks will experience unprecedented advances into their promised land during this present 11/11 to 1/11 time period. We have just started what I believe will be a 7 year “Jubilee" period of extraordinary debt erasures, financial breakthroughs, and relational restorations- but the currency to “purchase” this Jubilee blessing will be faith. A great grace to become people of faith is being released on us now and we must take full advantage of it. Many will do this and amazing confirming testimonies will abound. For people exercising faith, the most fruitful and rewarding days imaginable are upon us.

November 13, 2015 · 

I have been hearing a lot from the Lord and His heart towards those 60 and over and seemingly on the downward or stationary cycle of life and influence. Things are not as they appear. This is especially true for ministers and leaders who have been processed and refined almost to the place of quitting or disappearing. I believe that the Lord is saying to you- Do not think retirement thoughts. Do not start planning your exit from significance. Do not think you have missed out on so much you thought He promised would come from the call and anointing on your life.

You were processed and refined not to be phased out but rather you were processed for specific and strategic kingdom impact at this time. Many visible leaders have been being removed- or are being removed or set aside for various reasons. The Lord is now calling up many processed "second-tier" leaders and promoting them.

The visibility will come in time- but your processing should have you not really caring about this aspect. For now, the word is "rise up in the spirit of Joshua and Caleb" who were both over 80 and the two oldest men in Israel when they crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land. It has all been for such a time as this and get ready, get ready, get ready. Everything around you is going to shift and change. Your most fruitful days are not behind you - they are right in front of you. I am seeing that many of you have at least 20 years of amazing fruitfulness you are about to step into. Do not be caught preparing for retirement, and securing your cemetery plot - when YOUR best is yet to come. The Lord says to tell you "YOU ARE NOT OLD!"- you have just been seasoned for fruitfulness.

Many of you have been so refined that it is easier not to hope for unfulfilled promises to resurrect. I believe God is saying to you today, "IT IS RESURRECTION TIME." Get back in hope and start activating your faith as in your younger years- because rewards for steps of faith are about to go sky-high. Your mind and body and even your physical health and strength will begin to get a new cue from you- and you will see that you will be younger and stronger and more vibrant in ten years than you are today. Believe it, receive it, activate it.

November 16, 2015 · 

7 Thoughts on the Paris Attacks

I have been asked for my prophetic perspectives on the deadly Paris attacks by ISIS. I am not sure this is fully a prophetic perspective so I will just call it my thoughts on it all.

Thought #1- THE COMPASSION PRIORITY. Above all, I feel care, concern, and compassion for all the friends and families directly affected as well as the entire nation of France, which is all deeply impacted by this senseless and indefensible and murderous rampage. Paris, the city globally thought of as a place of love and romance has taken a direct hit from the forces of terror. I believe Paris will rise up with a proper response and regain its place as a prime destination.

Thought #2- THE KENYA QUESTION. Back on April 2 of this year, radical Islamists killed 147 in an attack on Garissa University College (in Kenya) that was horrendous and additionally extended over many hours. There were also scores of wounded and it horrified the whole nation. Here is the Kenya question: Why did this not affect us like the Paris attacks? Why were we not driven to solidarity with Kenya- such as superimposing it’s flag colors all over? (I don’t need responses for this- just wrestle with it) Let me just step into some controversy and say “Black lives matter”. Whether that particular movement is doing everything right or not, there is a valid reason it has surfaced. I don’t want even one drop of empathy towards Paris to ebb- but I still want us introspectively addressing the Kenya question. Furthermore, I could lay out many historical examples that show this not just to be an exception. (276 kidnapped girls by the Boko Haram in Kenya) During the Rwandan genocide, we let 1 million die over the course of several months and we must ask ourselves some hard-hitting questions here. I don’t believe our issue is primarily overt racism per se but rather more an inability to identify with a race that is not our own. That needs to change. It is clearly affecting us on multiple fronts in this nation as well.

Thought #3- THE ISRAEL QUESTION. It has been no secret that antisemitic sentiments have been gathering steam throughout Europe and especially so in France. It is also interesting that the same Paris suburb that seems to be infested with the extreme Islamic element has also been responsible for making life for Jews very unsafe in Paris while not many in that nation really cared all that much. Furthermore, France has been the quickest to chastise Israel for lack of humanitarianism towards the plight of the Palestinians- while showing almost insane disregard to the security risks Israel has been under by these bent on destroying them. Will this now lead to perhaps a bit more understanding of the plight and reality that Israel experiences? Is there some fulfillment of “as you have done to Israel it will be done to you” that is taking place? It is quite amazing that I read today that Israel is sharing important intelligence information with France. It is also something to ponder that this attack happened immediately after Europe and France have chosen to implement the essential boycotting of Israeli goods - because of their “treatment” of the Palestinian’s. France will now learn to walk through what Israel has lived through- as will Europe as well.

Thought #4- THE SECURITY VS. HUMANITARIAN QUESTION. This is of course very related to the previous thought and is something we are facing in our own nation as well. The human norm is that when security concerns arise that humanitarian concerns get set aside. We experienced this in our own nation during World War I when we had Japanese concentration camps on our soil that didn’t differentiate between who was American or who was Japanese, it was enough just to look Japanese. Human rights abuses abounded because of fear and security concerns. Europe just came out of a massive outpouring of sympathy and humanitarian feelings towards the millions of displaced refugees from Islamic nations. Millennials were particularly vocal and passionate about this. Now just as suddenly, that entire sentiment seems cast aside as the security issue is uppermost. The question now arises, will the security concerns go too far? This matter is also front and center as it regards our own immigration issues and it is a repeat topic in the respective Presidential debates. The Republican candidates believe that the security and economic concerns trump (no pun intended) over the humanitarian concerns. The Democrat candidates advocate on behalf of some kind of amnesty position based on humanitarian consideration. Though both positions are Biblically defensible- I suppose a good question to ask is what would a proper "kingdom position" be? Or to make it simpler- what would Jesus do? I think a tough question but perhaps one it would do us good to wrestle with. I suppose I could help you by asking, which is the ethically higher motivation level- fear or love?

Thought #5- THE ISLAM QUESTION. This latest attack on the heart of civilization has once again brought attention to the question on the mind of many. Is there ANY good element of Islam? We are now back in a posture of targeting ISIS as the face of evil (President Obama’s words). What is apparent is that even should we eliminate them which I believe will happen- yet there are still too many representative "faces of evil" of fundamental Islam. As we remove ISIS from Syria we then fully empower another “face of evil” Assad the also murderous President of Syria. Whether we are talking about ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Sunnis, Shiites, Hezbollah, Hamas, etc. etc. - they all have a couple of things in common. They all believe in killing ruthlessly with no consideration of women and children, they all are Islamic, and they all are committed to imposing their way of life on everyone else. The follow-up question is, “If there is any element of Islam that is anti-violence, that is for human rights, that values freedom at any level, that values women, that protects children, that believes in preserving human dignity- then will you please stand up and make yourself known.?” The world and society keep giving Islam a free-pass, stating there is a different moderate brand of Islam- and if it is so that moderate brand needs to make itself known in a major way. If not at some point the irrefutable conclusion will be reached by all the civilized world that it is the religion itself that is “the face of evil.”

Thought #6- THE GOLIATH QUESTION. I had stated in a prophetic word that November would be a month that the Goliath taproot of fear itself would be taken on and uprooted. The timing of all this is interesting to me. I believe a Goliath has to be confronted before he can be defeated. Israel tried to tiptoe around Goliath’s mouth for 40 days until David showed up and let it be known he was firmly confronting it. It seems that with the Paris attack that perhaps France, the USA, and maybe all the world finally surfaced the nerve to not just “contain” ISIS but eliminate ISIS. This is a good thing and it mirrors a spiritual reality many are walking in. It is time to bravely and firmly identify and confront every source of fear in your life and eliminate it. For many of you, that voice is a “Christian” voice or set of voices. Identify whose voice(s) that you regularly access is making you feel the most anxious -and eliminate that from your diet. There are many, many “Ten Spies” ministries that need to either change their message or cease to exist. “Ten Spies” ministries are those who think they are serving the Body of Christ by "properly warning" them of the giants in the land- when all they are doing is sowing disabling fear into the church. Now is the time to discern your specific “face of evil” - even if it is religious, and get rid of it.

Thought #7- THE KINGDOM QUESTION. The ultimately prevailing truth above all other at this time is that the kingdom of God is forcefully advancing on planet earth. With all the questions regarding Islam, the one reality is that thousands of them are coming to Jesus every day and that thousands more are awakening to the reality that there is something fundamentally wrong with Islam. God is passionately going after them as a people group and we are at the beginning season of a massive tsunami-like influx of Muslims coming into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and then invading the Body Christ with an upgraded level of commitment to the King of kings. Whenever it looks like Satan is doing something great, God is always ahead of him preparing to hang him on his own gallows and preparing him to be beheaded with his own sword. For the rest of us we are called to stay in hope, faith and love and to stay ever aware that not only “greater is He that is with us then he that is in the world” - but that our kingdom side is by all accounts more fervently advancing across the face of the earth than at any other time in history. So as always, stay in “Arise and Shine” mode. This is our day. This is His day.

November 18, 2015 · 

"France rejects fear, renews contract to take in 30,000 Syrian refugees."

My daughter Promise just sent me that headline and I believe it to be stupendous. How amazing that a nation going through what they are going through still chooses to not let fear and worst-case scenarios to triumph.

Honestly, it is an indictment of many of our governors, many of our Presidential candidates, and way too many of our prophetic and spiritual leaders in this nation. Fear is NEVER the right response. The right kingdom response is almost always fraught with great dangers and risks. May we regain our Christ-like nerve and may we shed our anti-Christ-like fear and self-protectionism. These are the tests that determine whether nations become considered "sheep" or "goats". (see Mt. 25: 31-40)

November 19, 2015 · 

1,111 Carat Diamond Found Monday. Largest in 100 years!!

I could not help notice the profound prophetic significance of this amazing headline news story. The Canadian mining company Lucara that had its' shares down 26% for the year prior to the find, had all the losses instantly erased as the world's biggest gem-quality diamond in 100 years was found. The diamond is an "ila" classification meaning almost no impurities. The stock value of Lucara was immediately upgraded $150 million-- though the diamond is viewed presently as of incalculable value.

I have given two recent prophetic words regarding seeing the numbers 1111 and the significance of that for this season. I gave November 11 to January 11 as a window when if we would stay in faith and exercise faith- that great gains could be made. I shared many 1111 scriptures with special highlighting of Hebrews 11:1 and 11:11- as this chapter is the "by faith" chapter. When I released those words there had not been the ISIS attacks that have many now spinning in fear ("caution", "wisdom").

I share this natural sign and wonder and prophetic confirmation that if we will stay in faith and stay looking for the hidden treasure in the midst of "dirt" circumstances that awesome gains are available to us. May this trigger many of us back to faith.

November 23, 2015 · 

Activating your Large Diamond Recovery XRT.

A key story behind the fascinating discovery this month of the 1111 carat Diamond was that it was reportedly discovered by the first time use of a machine called "The Large Diamond Recovery XRT." The XRT stands for x-ray transmission. The report I read says that if diamond harvesting had been done the normal way that this rock would have been crushed as there is no grid to expect something as big as a tennis ball size diamond. There is an important message for us here.

It is time to change our sights and begin to look for breakthroughs, advances, promised land inheritances, etc. that far exceed what we have been previously looking for. What if God wants to reward you who have been faithful to believe and seek Him for treasures hid in dirt circumstances- and wants to wow you with a find exceedingly above what you have asked or thought? You could miss what He has for you if you are not activating your Large Diamond Recovery XRT. The word Recovery in there is huge as we are in a Recovery time from 14 years of testing, wandering, and being pushed around by fear. 7 years of Recovery are determined for those who will activate this machine.

Your Large Diamond Recovery XRT requires you to have executed fear and the subsequent orphan-spirited, survival responses. The righteous are bold as lions - no matter what world challenges are around. The XRT (X-ray transmission) tells you that you have to see with vision that is beyond normal, earthly vision. You must activate a vision that ignores looking at or for anything other than hidden treasure. You don't find huge diamonds unless you are looking for huge diamonds.

It is now time to behead your personal Goliath and commit to being a treasure hunter. That is the main thing all of the 1111's repeatedly showing up "coincidentally" are trying to tell you. He has wired truth into the things, numbers, and patterns you have been noticing. Even if you haven't noticed the 1111's this message is for you- but especially don't miss it if you have been seeing the 111's and 1111's. Commit to faith, slay fear, and keep your spirit in a hopeful and hope-filled place. Without that, you have no Large Diamond Recovery XRT. Now let the testimonies begin.