May 2016

May 1, 2016 · 

A swirling revolutionary wind of reformation from heaven is about to descend on us in May and we will be under its' strong grip for the next 5 months. For many of us, it will feel like decisions are being made for us and the shifts, changes, adjustments, placements, and displacements will seem virtually out of our control. Faith, trust, and worshipping God are the appropriate response and preparation for this season. This will be at a personal level, at a church level, and at a national level. We are so out of order at every level that the Holy Spirit is coming in to bring order out of chaos. In many instances, it will look like He is first bringing chaos out of order- but that would be a misread. Much of the "order" that exists is just the stale status quo. The status quo is about to be broken up in every area and in every way. Church is out of order, state is out of order, and in many ways, we are out of order.

For lack of expanded language- we are crying out and sensing "revival" but what is needed and what is coming is revolutionary reformation. 85% of American Christians are not regular churchgoers. Over 95% of the churchgoers don't tithe because they are not convinced it is Biblical. 75% of the pastors of these churches regularly think of quitting and struggle with depression. 15,000 pastors actually do quit or are fired every year usually over a moral issue. Without judging either side- this all just goes to establish that church and Christians need more than "revival". We can call it "revival" but what we need is an overhauling reformation. We are not close to what church needs to look like so reviving what we have is not enough.

Furthermore, perhaps only 1% of churches even attempt their Biblical assignment of "equipping the saints for the work of the ministry". And then, maybe only 1% of those 1%, actually equip the saints for anything other than church ministry. The saints are to be equipped for their 9 to 5 assignments and that only begins to happen as one embraces some version of the 7 mountain mandate.

If you are shocked at my assessment of church and church life it is actually much worse than what I have so far stated. I believe that 95% of churches don't even have a grid for the kingdom of God and how it is coming. Additionally, it is still more the exception than the rule that the Holy Spirit is given any priority in church settings. The church is also perhaps 100 years behind even society's light as to properly emancipating and empowering women. Sunday mornings are still the most racist and the most sexist hour in America. Find the list of the top 100 churches of America and you will find almost without exception something very ritualized, male-dominated, and male-driven.

So how are we going to go from assembly-line model, Holy Spirit deprived, non-equipping, personal kingdom building, church- that is burning out both the pastors and the members- to a living, loving, relational, Holy Spirit-presence filled, societally engaged church? Only major Help from above is going to get us there- and that is what is coming. That Help is often going to look like a bulldozer. The Holy Spirit will fall on and ignite the new but it will also come in and just clear out spaces for the new. Most of us are not even in a good enough place to sort out how this will all happen. Blaming pastors is not the answer though it is the easiest thing to do. I was a senior pastor myself for 14 years and can tell you that at least 20% of members are "toxic members" who go around from church to church leaving the debris of their own woundedness. We are going to begin to experience the extreme makeover of the church of Jesus Christ and we ALL need to make repentances and adjustments. We need new models of doing church but then most of all a greater embracement of love and forgiveness. This is a specific job for the Holy Spirit and He will be up for the task. He is going to pour His liquid fiery love over us all and it will be amazing what levels of unity, love, and humility that we will embrace that will allow us to begin to experience the profound changes that are coming. We will soon be doing more good than harm!

This same overhaul is coming now to government as the structural corruption has been made more evident even through this present election season. The underpinnings of both the Democratic and the Republican parties have been exposed as faulty. What the Lord will now allow to arise in government is more of a bulldozer than any sweet, gentle thing we might prefer. Bulldozers are not lovely machines but they are what is required as a preliminary stage to proper building taking place. I think many of you can feel and discern that this election feels totally out of our hands and as if we are just watching something that is taking place. The reason this feels that way is because this is what is happening. WE are not getting a real choice this election. HE is exercising His Sovereignty clause as Ruler of the Nations and specifically as Ruler of America. In the same way, we don't really know how to fix ourselves as the church, we don't really know how to fix ourselves governmentally. HE does though and so we are going to be the beneficiaries of this outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We have been willing to settle for revival goosebumps, conversions, and momentary joy- but what He wants for us is much more extensive. He will no longer just visit us- He is coming to make a place of habitation for Himself. What an awesome overhaul we are about to go through.

Finally, this revolutionary reforming wind of the next 5 months is coming to us personally. I believe most of us are going to feel like we are in a centrifugal force of heaven that we just can not get out of. Doors are going to suddenly close and doors are going to suddenly open. Repositioning is going to hit many of us- some in geographical ways and some just in business or ministry re-positions. Some of you will find yourself going to places you said you'd never go. Some of you will find yourselves voting for people you said you'd never vote for. Some of you will begin to do what you'd never thought you'd never do. So many surprises coming- because He is personally committed to getting us out of the same stale ruts that affect church and government. The new wine is pouring already and He is now coming in with the new wineskins- so that what is being poured out not be wasted. It is all going to be better than we thought - but in the process of getting there the more trust and worship we have for Him the easier it is going to be. Let the revolutionary winds of reformation come!

May 12, 2016 · 

Important kingdom "special forces" assignments are about to de doled out. Many of them to people who up to this time have accomplished seemingly very little. Even in the natural for "special forces" operatives- what mainly gets you that elite status is that you went through hell and did not quit. If you have thought repeatedly during the last season- just when I thought it couldn't get worse it did- then you just may have been in "elite" preparation for important kingdom placement. If there is no other thing you know to do- don't quit! Never, ever quit! The greater the fire- the more you are being refined for. Massive breakthrough assignments are coming because it is our King's showtime and He is standing from His throne orchestrating it all. He will choose weak, small, seemingly foolish individuals- who refused to quit.

May 15, 2016 · 

In whatever area you are feeling challenged, magnify God until your soul can see Him.

If you are challenged in finances magnify Him as Provider. Remember and declare who He was in the Old Testament for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph- all of Israel, etc. Remember and declare who He was in the New Testament as He who fed the 5000, turned the water into wine, provided for Peter's taxes, etc. Then remember and declare how He was faithful Provider in your own past. Don't stop magnifying who He was until your soul can now feel who He still is. Then declare into your future who He will be. You will see Him remarkably activated on your behalf.

Repeat and extrapolate this process in whatever the area of challenge. He wants to be seen in finances, in ministry, in relationships, in healing or whatever area you need to see Him in. Then, if you will magnify Him (with words it becomes the most effective)- He will deliver you from ALL your fears and your face will become radiant. (Ps. 34: 3-5)

Breakthrough is always as close as your ability to magnify the parts of Him you are having a hard time seeing.

May 31, 2016 · 

"Then the Lord awoke..."

I have been having a repeat vision of the Father standing up from His throne in an enraged state. The scripture with it every time is Psalm 78:65,66.

"Then the Lord awoke as one out of sleep, And like a mighty man who shouts because of wine. And He beat back His enemies; He put them to perpetual reproach."

I believe we have entered an extended season where this is a manifestation of just such a time. You know, Father is very, very patient. He is an observer of processes and He is so very interested in what people, powers, and principalities do when He just lets them assume He doesn't see something or is limited in His ability to respond. Father patiently and knowingly observed Lucifer for many, many years as he (Lucifer) went about weaving his web of deceit in winning over many of the angels. Then suddenly, Father stood up and it was all over for Lucifer. In an instant, he was cast out of heaven as a line was suddenly crossed.

Only the Father knows these times, but He has been showing and speaking to me that we have hit another such time. Suddenly the enemy's wickedness and defiance have hit a "gone too far" chord in His heart and He is now jolting into action. The enemy is about to take the most serious beating He has taken in centuries. Satan has assumed permission and authority that he has not had and he is about to pay a heavy price for it. Our Father is standing up and He is shouting and roaring into the atmosphere in a way that is releasing a petrifying terror into the camp of the enemy.

Father has watched demons of fear, anxiety, insanity, and torment- as they have made devastating, wave after wave, of attacks on His kids. They have been mercilessly incessant and they have had no hesitation to go after anyone. Those demons are now first in line to reap what they have sowed. As Father is abruptly standing up and letting our His holy roar, this is piercing these demons with a terror 100 times worse than what they have released. They are literally being immobilized with fear. And this is just the start- He is going after the whole dark army and He is going to beat them into "perpetual reproach". You don't even have to know what that means to know that it is not good for them. It is not the end battle by any means- just an equalizing appearance from our Father.

A June showcasing a very active Father is about to kick off and with good reason, Father's Day is in June. His anger and rage is on your behalf so if you were just getting comfortable with Father being a cuddly teddy bear, don't be troubled. This is a side of Father you want to see as well. He is going to do some ground gaining for us to even some things up a little. The enemy has gone too far.

Look for the numbers 777 in an unusually increased way and when you see it let it be a confirmation to you that you have the full 7's of the Godhead (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) intensely working on your behalf for a year of jubilee and for great gains of inheritance. It is Kingdom Show Time and when that happens we who love Him all win big. This Rosh Hashanah the Hebraic calendar goes to 5777, and leading up to it, and then all through the next year this number seen at key times or repeatedly is to encourage us that we have the Psalm 78:65 God bringing some overdue order on our behalf. Some of the order is going to look like chaos first but rest assured it will all be working towards great kingdom advancement. Break off all shackles of fear and get ready to step into extreme hope, extreme faith, and extreme love. He wants us relishing this day. Papa's standing up and extreme days are forthcoming.