
Kobe’s Death is a Marker

First I want to acknowledge my own sadness at the death of Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and the other important 7 individuals who passed away this last Sunday. His death was not caused by God and naturally speaking it was truly tragic. Kobe was one of my all-time favorite players and I loved his competitive fire. I hesitated and delayed to write this post because there is appropriate grieving at this immeasurable loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Bryant family as well as all the other affected families.

 Sunday I was preaching in the LA area when the shocking news came out. I had just given a prophetic word that God was "pulling California through the eye of a needle.” This was the phrase I had been given, and so I just said it as I heard it. It has become more relevant based on what became news. In the midst of sadness there is good news.

In the Year King Uzziah died...

I believe Kobe’s death becomes a time marker, much like what we read in Isaiah 6:1 where Isaiah said, “In the year King Uzziah died I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted”—and then it goes on to describe seraphim singing, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory.” King Uzziah was perhaps the mightiest king of Judah, besides David, and he had been king for decades. Isaiah had to comment that this vision of God’s greatness and glory happened in a year of assumed loss and sadness. There was a huge void with the passing of King Uzziah, and right in the middle of that the Lord reveals He was on His throne—highly exalted and preparing the whole earth to be filled with His glory. Uzziah had died but something had opened up. I believe Kobe’s death is a similar signifier. Let me explain.

Kobe means “Door of God”

I was led to look up the word Kobe and it’s meaning, and it was powerful to read that in Japanese the word KO means God, and the word BE means Door. I believe a door of God was opened up “in the day Kobe died.” More ahead.

Eye of a Needle was a Door

When Jesus said it would be easier for a camel to go through the “eye of a needle” than for a rich man to enter the kingdom many have not known that there was a door within a gate in Jerusalem called “eye of a needle.” The “eye of a needle” would be opened for after hours entrance or for security reasons. The larger gate would be shut and then the door within it would be opened to allow individuals in—but would assure an army of camel riders could not invade through the gates. The only way a camel could get through is if it was stripped of all its' load and if it entered on bended knee. In other words, Jesus was saying a rich man is not getting into the kingdom riding his wealth and upright. He can go in through Jesus, the Door, on bended knee, and his wealth can then be accepted piece by piece as it comes through that same Door. The metaphor is a bit more powerful when understood this way.

#24: Psalms 24 and the Ancient Doors

Kobe was #24 for the Lakers for most of his career. The number has been honored all over the place since his death. Psalms 24 is very relevant at this time and it is no coincidence that it’s famous passages are about “ancient doors” being lifted up and the King of glory coming in. It is relevant for the whole earth but it is particularly relevant for California. I believe Psalms 24:1 is a verse that is to resonate at this time. “The earth is the Lords, and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.” We are also to read it, “CALIFORNIA is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.” There has been a diminishing of the Lord’s sovereignty in the minds of many, and perhaps especially in the church. Just because He often chooses to not move until or unless we move does not mean He is limited to us moving. That is bad theology to think that He has a restriction that depends on us. Even in the Old Testament, “The earth is the Lords and everything in it”—and how much more so after Jesus’ work on the cross. It is why He would then say, “ALL authority in heaven AND EARTH is mine.” The nations are Jesus’ just reward for the shedding of His blood. It is His blood that secures this accomplishment. Should we all fail, He will not.

Furthermore, if the whole earth is the Lord’s then how much more so California? God does not need to wait for unity, intercessors, and decreers for Himself to be activated on earth—Jesus’ blood fully paid the price—that He needs to sovereignly accomplish matters. This is important for us to know at this time. Though God loves doing things together and with His sons and daughters, He is not dependent on us. The shed blood of Jesus makes up for all of our deficiencies in unity and in intercession. If it were not so, Jesus’ death would be for naught and we are back to the Old Testament standard. Make no mistake—the King is on His Throne and He is in this day sovereignly doing things for His own name’s sake and for the sake of His Son’s blood. Some time ago when I gave a word on the “Redding of California” it was not a political statement but a statement on how the blood of Jesus would set the agenda and flip the state of California. An ancient door of divine intervention has just been opened over California, and it will be a game-changer. You are being pulled through a state of emergency and the corrupt "camel-riders" will be forced off their seats of power. Immeasurable destiny yet awaits California, and even where we the church fail, God will not.

Great Angel Harvey is Ramping up His Involvement

This past Monday (the day after Kobe died) we met at Vanguard University with a powerful group of about 15 ministry leaders/intercessors who all happened to be female. This was a preplanned, strategic meeting to follow up from my 2016 Azusa Now, Elijah List word on Harvey, (nickname for Harvest Glory) the great angel. In 2016 I had identified this great angel as being based on the Vanguard campus. On Monday we went where I had previously been shown his outpost was, and as we prayed the presence of God came in mightily. Several were laid out in the grass and several had gold dust suddenly show up on them. Texts were coming in the rest of the day from the prayer group on the presence/electric surges they were feeling. It all felt significant—especially so in the aftermath of Kobe’s death.

Harvey means “Eager to Battle”: Psalms 24:8

The Celtic definition of Harvey is “eager to battle.” Psalms 24:8 says, “Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong, mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.” As many of you know, Kobe’s other number was 8 which was his original number with the Lakers. Both #24 and #8 had already been retired by the Lakers, and both numbers were honored in almost every setting by the NBA teams this week. It is really amazing and significant that the Lord would have us go to Vanguard campus and speak the next level of activation of Harvey the great transformation angel—and that the numbers of Kobe Bryant would coincide with the definition of his name.

June 16, 2017 Harvey Field dedicated on Vanguard Campus

My initial prophetic word on Harvey came out in April of 2016. I only just now found out that the following year the baseball field at Vanguard was named Harvey Field, and it had nothing to do with my prophetic word on Harvey, but was rather a powerful “God-coincidence.” It has greatly encouraged me to be more bold in telling of this angel, despite how weird people, especially Christians, get when you tell them about angels. You know angels are only mentioned more than 300 times in the Bible. The fact is that Jesus Himself was ministered to by angels (Mt. 4:11) and that angels were involved with every aspect of the birth of Jesus. 

Why Vanguard?

Back in 2016, when another prophet and I went on a “treasure hunt” to find this great Harvest Glory angel nicknamed Harvey, we were led to street coordinates that, to our surprise, were specifically where Vanguard University was located. I wrote back then on some of the major ministries that had been assisted by Harvey. Included were William Seymour, Aimee Semple McPherson, Billy Graham, Demos Shakarian, Lonnie Frisbee, John Wimber, Chuck Smith, Greg Laurie, and Heidi Baker who all had a geographical proximity from where this angel has it’s outpost. As I write this I am also in geographical proximity in a house on Kingsway in Newport (meaning new door/gate) Beach overlooking the bay—and just a few minutes from Vanguard University. 

The word Vanguard means, “a group of people leading the way in new developments and ideas,” as well as, “the foremost part of an advancing army or naval force.” Why would a great transformation angel be on a campus instead of in a church? It is because a campus prepares for living and interacting with the 7 mountains (media, economy, education, government, arts, family, and religion). Transformation only comes as believers affect the “9 to 5” world, bringing presence and solutions to every area of society. That is the only way nations themselves become harvested, and not just individuals. If souls are the only objective “revival” is enough. If nations are included in the objective then “reformation/transformation” becomes the greater goal that also includes the lesser. “Revival" is not a big enough goal for what is coming, and if we become satisfied with that we will miss the greater purpose of the “revival” and there would be a consequence. Neither "Azusa Street" nor the "Jesus Movement" displaced darkness on the tops of the mountains. That will not do this time around. Harvey is activated this time to work with those who will go with the greater narrative. The revival is for reformation, which is for renaissance—in the expanded knowledge of who and how our God is on the tops of the mountains. Harvey is assisting the foremost part of the army with the latest in developments and technology that heaven has for earth. Kobe’s passing is a marker for the timing of this next release. Now watch it happen. Even better, join in.

In closing, we can not consider that the highlighting of Vanguard University is only for symbolic purposes. There is clearly a heavenly targeting of Vanguard, itself. We could feel that just with the interaction with the students that we had this past Monday. One of the students told us that Kobe, who lived close by, would often come and practice basketball on their courts. That was yet another marker connecting everything. As the sadness of Kobe’s death “troubles the waters” of California (and beyond) may the angel that has healing even for nations be activated to the next level. May also the Comfort of the Holy Spirit be felt by all those deeply touched by the passing of Kobe, his daughter, and those on the helicopter. They were all of immense value.