Chiefs Win! A Stunning Prophetic Message

The Kansas City Chiefs 31-20 Super Bowl victory is chalked full with amazing prophetic messaging for us. Every name, number, date, and time has something to add. I will not go through them all because sometimes more is not better, but can diminish attention on main things that the Lord would have us focused on. The main message is clear—we have entered into a new day for the kingdom of God and its’ advancement on planet earth. The next to be promoted and advanced are those that understand His narrative for the nations themselves.

Kansas City Chiefs Defeat San Francisco 49ers 31-20: Jubilee Teams and Jubilee Time

It was and is a good sign that both these teams were in the Super Bowl. It is an accomplishment of note even by the losing team. Both speak into a JUBILEE time of prosperity. This was part of the prophetic message from LSU winning the College Football National Championship, as they were led by player of the year, Joseph Burrow (a Joseph prosperity call). The 49ers refers to the gold rush in California, and Biblical Jubilee actually had a 49th year and 50th year component. It was repeatedly noted that Kansas City’s last Super Bowl win was 50 years ago. So 49 and 50 were both highlighted but the 50 wins. That is a good thing as well to confirm that it is not almost Jubilee, but presently yet another full Jubilee. This is quite evident in how our nation’s economy is currently doing, but it is to confirm we are not going to retreat from that in 2020. I have already seen an upcoming 35,000 on the stock market at some point, and long term the worldwide economic upgrade will be significant. The coming economic shifts will be staggering and unprecedented. The world has lived essentially under lack and in survival mode. The world will begin to learn to live in general prosperity. There is a test of lack and an entirely new thing is the test of abundance. Lucifer failed the test of abundance. God does not really have a person or a people He can trust until they have passed the test of abundance. It tests a spirit in an entirely different way but it is more revealing of who a person is. The world’s wealthy under some definition is essentially 5%. As this extended Jubilee grows into a Jubilee Age we will see the wealthy suddenly become 15% and then 25% and then 50% and then 70%. This is the reality for all sheep nations, and there will be 153 of them. It not going higher than 70% is indicative of nations that remain goat nations, and the fact that Jesus said, “the poor you always have with you.” Remember this is 2020–2 Chronicles 20:20 speaks of hearkening to His prophets and you will prosper. I am giving you the prophetic decree—the test of prosperity is progressively what is next. It will be many decades before it finishes maturing. For those wanting things to fall apart so Jesus can come—deal with it, this is next. :)

The 22, 222, 2222’s ( Isaiah 2:2, Acts 2:2, Isaiah 22:22) Trump, the Holy Spirit and Reformation

The Chiefs won on 2/2 of 2020. It was coach Andy Reid's 222nd victory. I was in LA last weekend and as I was coming in I was getting some pretty strong clues from heaven that the Super Bowl signified and important shift, and that Kansas City was going to win. My flight coming in was #2222. My car rental ended in 220. I had about 3 other strong 222’s. The repeat patterns are to draw our attention to a message.

Isaiah 2:2 NASB says, “Now it will come about in the last days the mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as CHIEF of the mountains…and all nations will stream to it.”

Acts 2:2: “Suddenly there was a sound from heaven like the ROARING of a mighty wind, and it filled the house where they were sitting.”

Isaiah 22:22 NLT says, “I will give him the key to the house of David- the HIGHEST POSITION in the royal court. When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them, when he closes doors no one will be able to open them.”

These scriptures are all powerful and most relevant for this time. The Isaiah 2:2 is my original foundational word for everything to do with the 7 Mountain message, as well as my initial Seven Mountain Prophecy book. It is about a time (“last days” go on for a very long time) when not just individuals get saved but entire nations seek for solutions from the activated reformers from the house of the Lord. It is something that can be called “revival” but it is much greater. We have never seen reformation and transformation such as is coming, and so for lack of example we call everything “revival.” The upgrade is mainly important so that we don’t settle for less than what He is doing. For the house of the Lord to be established as CHIEF of all mountains we have to finally value being salt and light on the 7 Mountains.

Acts 2:2 will have many manifestations beginning immediately. This is what birthed the New Testament church back then and what is now birthing us into the Kingdom Age of our day. My prophetic word for this year was titled: “A Year of Roaring Justice and Raging Hope.” The mighty wind ROARING in at this time is not just to have good church meetings, but to also address the justice matters that revived reformers know must be addressed. Great hope (expectation of good) will be it’s result.

Isaiah 22:22 talks of a key that opens and closes and is connected to the HIGHEST POSITION. This all connects to what God is doing through how He is using President Donald Trump. It is no coincidence he is Commander-in-Chief. His name Donald essential means “chief ruler.” I am still shocked at the believers who can’t discern that Trump is God-sent. It was understandable at first as he came in disguised, but now with what his stands and legislation have proven over and over about himself, it is indisputably obvious that Trump is advancing a Kingdom Agenda. It is even more obvious that those in high places who oppose him are anti-Kingdom of God. The only reasonable explanation for good people not recognizing President Trump as the most strategic human kingdom asset in generations is brain washing and mind control. Your mind has been pickled through overexposure to a dark agenda, narrative assault, which deceives you into thinking YOU are the one seeing clearly. Any time you are judging a president for “meanness” and peccadillos that preceded when he came to the Lord or the presidency—and ignoring that this is the most pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-religious freedom, pro-poor, pro-enslaved by human trafficking President in history—then you know that is mind control stuff. Come on snap out of it! Yes, some Trump supporters are almost cultic in their affection for him, but you may be under an occult-like spell to not see he is a gift from God—to this nation and the nations.

The Chiefs win is to let you know the Commander-in-Chief is going to keep winning in 2020. Of course, God is our ultimate Commander-in-Chief, but to not recognize when He sends and activates a key Kingdom asset is offensive to Him. He verbally chastised Israel for not recognizing when He sent (imperfect) prophets, and it has never been a small deal to refuse His messengers/prophets/kings. Let me make this 20/20 vision clear, God loves you unconditionally, but you are displeasing Him if you are not recognizing His intentionality with putting Donald J. Trump as your president. God has been displeased with both Republicans and Democrats, so don’t think this is political at all. In fact, I think President Trump will one day tell us he strongly considered running as a Democrat. If the Democrats hadn’t veered so radically to the left he really might have. Now get ready though, Trump is going to get his Acts 2:2 visitation—and he is going to get louder. The Holy Spirit has a roar too—especially when defending the defenseless.

Kansas City 31 and Proverbs 31

The winning score being 31 is no accident. Proverbs 31 is the famous chapter on “the virtuous woman.” The whole chapter is worth going over in detail, thinking of “the virtuous woman” being Christ’s Bride here on earth. The word “virtuous” in verse 10 is a Hebrew word “chayill” which means “strength, might, efficiency, wealth, army, force, power, riches, substance.” Put all those words together and that is the “score" that is required to defeat the enemy. Arise and shine into all of that. Remember the halftime 10-10 stalemate? That is where many of us have been. John 10:10 says, “the thief comes but to steal and destroy,” but then, “I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.” Remember the Chiefs couldn’t get past 10 until the last half of the last quarter? Well the new 31 score is now declared over your life, and with it take on the new responsibilities. Verses 8,9 of Proverbs 31 says, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ENSURE JUSTICE for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get JUSTICE.” A “justice” focus always goes beyond traditional “revival.” You want to “score” enough to be on the winning side? Embrace reformation and the 7 Mountain assignments.

(2020 Election Can Go 3 Ways: Vote, Pray, Love)

The final score was 31-20. Proverbs 31:20: “She extends a helping hand to the poor and opens her arms to the needy.” Love in action on the 7 Mountains is what is required to post a winning “score.” I was given a shocking set of numbers from the Lord as it relates to the coming 2020 Presidential Election. Do what you want with them. I heard that President Trump could win either with 51%, 57%, or 71% of the vote, with a corresponding 32%, 37%, or 48% of the vote. If God’s people prioritized voting he could win with 51%—if we added the priority of praying he could go to 57%—if we would truly love we could see a 71% win. This last one is the one we are least committed to, but could do the most. It was specifically loving across racial lines and not just loving those like yourself. Part of the reason much of the black community and the latino community have traditionally rejected the Republican Party is that they have never felt the love. White Republicans have traditionally thought it enough to be “pro-life” and that is highest ground possible. It is not good enough. If we don’t reach across racial lines and seek to hear first before speaking we will have another squeaker election. It wouldn’t hurt us to be at the forefront of championing justice issues that they face. A Proverbs 31 virtuous church would do that.

("All Her Household are Clothed in Red")

Proverbs 31: 21 says of the virtuous woman, “all her household are clothed in scarlet (red).” Red has been the key color I have spoken of for some time. It was obviously the Chiefs color. LSU was from Baton Rouge, meaning Red Pole. Justify the horse won the triple crown carrying red as it’s dominant color. It has been over and over. Yes the Republican color is red, but all the red is not really about the Republican Party. It is about the blood of Jesus setting the agenda for everything presently transpiring on planet earth.

Proverbs 31: 23: “Her husband is well known at the city gates, where he sits with the other civic leaders.” If we understand that our husband is Jesus it yet again confirms the reformation call. The New Testament word for church EKKLESIA was not a religious word. It was essentially civic leaders serving on the 7 Mountains, or at “city gates.” This is where He builds “My church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” (Mt.16:18)

Final Proverbs 31 passage is 31: 31. “REWARD her for all she has done. Let her deeds PUBLICLY declare her praise.”

The winning score so that the mountain of the house of the Lord can be CHIEF is 31. Prosperity and rewards are prepared for us, but He wants our activity to stretch beyond private or church life. Reformation is about the Kingdom going PUBLIC. “So let your light shine BEFORE MEN that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” (Mt. 5:16)

Bob Jones and Kansas City

Many have already noted a prophetic word Bob Jones gave repeatedly years ago that when the Kansas City Chiefs win the Super Bowl it would be a sign of something really good. Some remember that it was “revival.” Some remember it including that “apostolic chiefs” from the Body of Christ would rise (which if understood correctly is what I am saying. True apostolic always goes beyond the church world). Others remember it also being about a better day of destiny for Kansas City. I like all the above.

I have seen several posts that state that Bob Jones, John Paul Jackson, and Paul Cain all were buried on 2/22 (same numbers as Coach Reid). This is amazing if true, but I have not been able to 100% confirm it—but if this is true I agree it’s an added message to us. One way or the other I want to speak into the Kansas City and prophets angle of it all, as I believe it’s very important.

The fact that Bob Jones is being greatly remembered at this time is very significant. He was the prophet that reminded us repeatedly, especially over his last years, that it was all about growing in love. He told us how that was the one question he was asked when he died in the 70’s and went to heaven. “Did you learn to love?” This is still the key message for us all and you will note how I tied that into a big election win versus a small election win. Yes vote, yes pray, but loving, especially those not like you, is the harder but greater thing. Voting and praying can both be self-righteous acts, but loving is not. Any “revival” that doesn’t foment love is not a very good one. More than traditional revival, we need a baptism in fire that leads to a love revolution. May this “revival” in fact be a “lov-a-lution.” We will bet to 31 points if so.

Kansas City: Intersection of Isaiah 35 and Psalms 67

Kansas City as a city is also important and very strategic for kingdom purposes at this time. I noted in August 2017 when we had the total solar eclipse over the United States that the only city that was simultaneously in the 67 mile wide path of totality and intersected with I-35 was metro Kansas City. I shared how that 67 mile-wide path across the whole nation, including through 7 Salem’s (peace and prosperity), was a path for open heavens in the prophetic. It started in Oregon right by the Elijah List headquarters and went through key prophetic cities such as Omaha, Kansas City, Nashville, and ending in Charleston, South Carolina. Isaiah 35 speaks of a “highway of holiness” and Psalms 67 speaks of a God who has been merciful to us and His face has shined on us—and HIS WAYS are known in the earth. Reformation is about His ways being known.

The fruit of these two chapters will now explode over Kansas City as never before. It will be a kingdom outpost for the prophetic, for intimacy with God, and a planning and sending outpost for Reformers. Shiloh, IHOP, and YWAM were to respectively and locally birth these streams, but they must all now meld in function and advance. Kansas City is at the very heart of our nation and God is now unclogging the arteries and gracing Kansas City to be a very vivid and visual display of a Proverbs 31 city. That blood is to be pumped to the whole nation and the whole Body.

Final Words

There was so much more to say but it could be an overload. The Chiefs won on the 33rd day of the year with 333 days remaining because…it’s LEAP YEAR. When Jesus was 33 is when Acts 2 took place and the Holy Spirit invaded. Jeremiah 33:3 says “Call me” and I will “show you things you know not.”

LIV was the logo that also tells us in roman numerals it was Super Bowl 54. Isaiah 54 starts with, “Sing oh barren sing,” because fruitfulness is coming. The LIV also says LIVE—this is a time to contend for LIFE everywhere.

Star Quarterback/MVP Pat Mahomes is 24 years old, and it connects to Psalm 24 that I recently shared regarding #24 Kobe Bryant. Ancient doors are opening and the King of Glory is coming in. Pat is also the only person ever to throw for 50 touchdowns in a season in both the NFL and in college. He also did it in high school. 50 again, the number of Jubilee, but also the number of days they waited in the Upper Room. Pentecost means 50 days.

I have not covered the Hunt family who owns the Chiefs and who honor Jesus above everything. The halftime show was to remind us of the work ahead and why we can’t just have our light in church. We can become the sponsors that make sure a better product is out there, or we can constantly complain about who has enough money to sponsor. Darkness will always prevail where light refuses to show up. It is now time for Isaiah 2:2—let’s arise with His light in every area of society.