August 2016

August 18, 2016 · 

It Has All Been a Mirage. Big Help is Here.

It has all been a mirage. It has seemed much worse than it has been. The veil of distortion has been intense. A bad report has been seen as a catastrophic report. A little bad news has been perceived as devastating news. You are not as sick, broke, or in crisis as you thought. Big Help is on the way- and it is coming from inside of you. The kingdom of God within you is striking back in a powerful way. The mirage is about to be exposed. True reality is about to be evidenced.

You thought you had been pushed way back but instead you were just being pulled back like a slingshot. You have not lost ground and you are rather about to be propelled forward. Breakthrough report after a breakthrough report is about to fill the airwaves and about to fill YOUR airwaves. The tunnel you have been was in fact a birthing canal into yet another new day. If you are not out of it yet don't panic or overreact - you will be. Praise Him until you are above the distorted mirage. Praise is your oxygen until you see clearly.

It is all headed towards Rosh Hashanah 5777. Even before then Year of Jubilee promises will be fulfilled. Stay in faith. Stay in hope. Keep growing in love. The skies are about to clear up and proper perspective is about to be made evident. That which the bad mirage has been hiding will greatly encourage and strengthen you. Your pain and perplexity is about to be seen as the promotion that it is.

August 21, 2016 · 

In the back and forth wrestling match between the forces of Light and the forces of darkness, we are starting to rout the dark side. You can help keep us in the prevailing position by being a voice of faith, hope, and love as you embrace the kingdom narrative of the day. It is the spring season of the kingdom age and it is going to last for an extended time. Recognize - or even better - ignore the enemy's smokescreens and false narratives of the day. This next week has already been ordained as a week for extraordinary kingdom advancement. This is His gift to us. Our gift back to Him could be by extending indefinitely these extraordinary advancements by remaining voices of hope, faith, and love.

 August 24, 2016 · 

There is such a rich depth of God available right now to be accessed especially in worship. For all you lovers of His presence- from now until we step into Rosh Hashanah 5777- you will find a surprising new measure of that presence as you give yourself over to finding Him. Furthermore, for you musicians, this is an awesome and strategic time to produce songs and albums as the creative flow from the throne is extraordinary. Open heavens are available as a veil has been suddenly removed providing amplified access. Take advantage of this heavenly initiative as great spiritual gains are for the taking. This time has been designated to facilitate a substantial punishing of satan and his minions. They are definitely overdue for a beating and the more worshipers that join in the more they will get the whooping their due. I can hear them wailing already. It is the closing push from the year of Jubilee and a grace to overtake and recover all that is yet lost and yet delayed will be found in the presence of our King.

 August 26, 2016 · 


September is specifically designed to be a month of breakthrough prosperity. It is the closing month of the Year of Jubilee and it will be the greatest month of this year (5776-Hebraic calendar) of mercy and grace.

Here is some context: So much about what God has been after is us getting huge breakthroughs in important character matters that can then sustain huge breakthroughs in influence and finances.

When WE think "breakthrough" we generally think "finances" and/or "influence". Many of us have wearied in waiting for that "breakthrough" to be actual reality. We keep hearing it prophesied, we keep hearing the promise of it- but most are not really experiencing it the way we have anticipated it. Sometimes it has felt more like further breaking-DOWN rather than further breaking-THROUGH.

The good news is that many of you have in fact already gotten the HUGE breakthrough that matters most- the breakthrough in important character. This is the internal breakthrough that allows for the external breakthrough we have been much more excited about.

Think of "breakthrough" as being a golden barbell that weighs 300 pounds. If you can't lift 100 pounds there is no point you being given the bigger amount. You can get so much "gold" of influence and resource that it crushes you when you are not inwardly built up to hold it.

God is right now eagerly desirous of us getting our big breakthroughs in our respective callings and destiny assignments. Therefore He has been allowing and even orchestrating ideal (translate - perplexing) circumstances so that internal strength is built up. Many of you are now great weight-lifters in the Spirit :) - ready for the significant "golden barbells" of breakthrough prosperity.

I am hearing that the Lord is going to be very extravagant and overflowing in His abundance towards us. In most cases we will still not be deserving and maybe even barely ready for the prosperity He is pouring out on us. Yet, He is going to be jubilantly generous- as He is more passionate about us living in our Promised Land than even we are. It is HE who promised the land that flows with milk and honey. It is HE who said you will be the head and not the tail. We are not trying to talk Him into that- He is just trying to ready us for what He has for us. The assignment before us is the reformation of nations and for that assignment, He needs His understanding kids in breakthrough posture. He is fully committed to using weak, fragile, little- US. He has no alternative plan.

So if you have found yourself so stretched and so refined that you have lost almost all self-confidence - then YAHOOO you have gained the awesome spiritual muscle of dependence on God! The only greater muscle than "dependence on God" is "absolute dependence on God"! Anyone getting ripped muscles in that one?

 Well, if so you have already experienced HUGE BREAKTHROUGH and are now prepared to experience the visible rewards. IT IS TIME TO PROSPER.

For September, cooperate with God's prosperous intentions for you by remaining hope-filled and courageous- and by guarding yourself against people and reports that drain you of either of those. Yes, there is evil and yes there are conspiracies in ALL the 7 mountains- but don't fear about a one of them. He who sits in the heavens is laughing at every single one (Psalms 2:4)- and we are going to shortly and progressively experience just why HE has been laughing. Quit shaking at that which He is laughing at and it will be the beginning of your personal positioning for prosperity. Expect everything that happens in September to be working towards your prosperity. IT IS TIME TO PROSPER!