July 2016
As I was praying today I was able to see in the spirit some important things over our nation. I saw what I believe is our nations great angel named Union, and he was active, arising and huge over Washington DC. I saw he had the colors of the American flag over his chest, and he was immense as in he dwarfs sky scrapers. The imagery of size, strength and power was profound.
As I was seeing this I began to sense other things. It is true that Washington is out of control. It is true that the Supreme Court has overstepped it's bounds on several fronts. It is true that there are major conspiracies and plans of the enemy against our nation. It is true that the economy doesn't have sound underpinnings. It is true multiple terrorist organizations are desirous of inflicting maximum damage on America.
It is true Satan himself is trying to destroy America from within and from without. It is true that he is working at it from all 7 mountain avenues. He has a governmental angle, an economic angle, a family angle, an education angle, a media angle, an arts and entertainment angle, and a religious angle. If you were to look at what Satan has been working at for years and years you would join in with all the voices of "we are doomed".
But here is what I saw and what I know. It is God Himself who is preserving us and He has sent massive angelic firepower to make sure we don't disintegrate and we don't collapse. We are not being preserved by our own righteousness, as our nation has many laws and ordinances that are below righteousness standard. We are not being defended because our churches are so full of God. Many of you correctly see that based on our righteousness level or our church level we could be destroyed. What most of you have not seen, is that we will not be destroyed. Not only will we not be destroyed, but we will be brought through into a great strengthening beyond anything we have experienced as a nation. We are about to experience a transformational national renaissance.
This is part of a sovereign design of God for this age of restoration of all things and He is working with the minority. He is working in conjunction with the few prophets of His who are able to see Him and what He is doing. Many of His prophets have become stuck and struck, seeing into the second heavens and all that Satan has said he will do. Many are terrified and it is coming out in their words and in their writings and in their videos. However, 99% of what Satan has been plotting and planning for the destruction of America WILL NOT HAPPEN. In most cases he doesn't know he won't be able to accomplish his plots, but he is about to go through a series of startling and humiliating setbacks. He is going to be humiliated in the eyes of his own powers and principalities. They have again underestimated the King of Kings and will suffer accordingly.
REFIRE, DON'T RETIRE!! July 4th Word.
This is an urgent message I am hearing from the Holy Spirit for all of us but especially to our “oldtimers”. Society with a retirement expectation of age 65 has set many up for shrinking back from what should be the most fruitful years of our lives. Literally, many are defaulting from their most significant days of destiny. We have been coaxed and deceived into retiring when we should be RE FIRING. However now the Holy Spirit is igniting this most significant part of His army. Watch out world for the rising refirees!! An army of the over 70’s is about to shake off old paradigms and will courageously arise and be the new Joshua’s and Caleb’s of this day. It is significant that we are not only in a Jubilee year, but in the 70th Jubilee year since Joshua and Caleb- the two oldest men in Israel- led the children of Israel into their Promised Land. These two “old men" where the heroic leaders into a destiny that had been delayed for 40 years.
Today, we see a spark of this refiring “anointing" on the lives of men like Donald Trump, age 70 and Bernie Sanders age 74. (whether you agree with their politics or not) I was just in Peru and the brand new first time President will be 77-year old Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. For some reason suddenly even young people are responding to the “aged”.Even Hillary Clinton will be 69 this year. Men and women who could chose to retire and just rest on their laurels are being motivated to arise and contend for a better day for the next generation. This natural trend is speaking into what we will begin to see more and more as a spiritual trend. If you are out there and are over 70 get ready to break off old mindsets and begin to gear yourself up for expanded participation. It will require faith and courage but you have no business trying to finish your days with anything less than that anyway. Break off the orphan spirit that tells you, you have to make sure to cover yourself for every potential health/economic disaster- and step into some new great adventures with God.
70 IS THE NEW 50
We are in a new day when life expectancy is up and this is only going to increase. Here in Los Angeles there are billboards that already announce that babies born today will average living until 100 years old. This longevity phenomenon will even be more pronounced as we begin to experience increasing waves of His glory in our meetings and into our cities. By the next generation it will be common to be 100 years old and still have a good spark of life. We must begin to recognize this trend and position ourselves accordingly for expanded fruitfulness.
I believe the Lord has shown me that there is a great wrong in that we have the over 65 crowd beginning to park their wisdom and resources at a time He has destiny breakthroughs and even great prosperity available for them. This may upset some expecting inheritances from their retiring parents but there is a lot of money being put away for inheritance that needs to be activated into ministry/investments and other present day economic advancements. It is amazing that almost every inheritance story I am aware of right now is a bad one with family infighting and broken relationships as the normal collateral damage of processing the supposed blessing of inheritance. I know it doesn’t have to be this way and there are exceptions- but this is a real present day reality. Parents who retired from mainstream participation in life for 20 or 30 years, held onto their resources to only watch their kids then lock down in infighting or bitternesses over what was left them. I strongly sense and hear the Lord saying don’t shift into retirement mode, when refirement for a next stage of destiny is in order.
Acts 2:17, tells us of a day when the Holy Spirit would be poured out in a new measure and that one of the effects would be “old men dreaming dreams”. I believe that we are in such a day as that now and that even the Azusa Now event (4/19) of this year was speaking into that. The word “dream” in the original Greek is a word enypniazomai that means “to dream divinely suggested dreams”. When old men dream these type of dreams it means they have been re- fired for now living out these dreams. It is a reawakening of that which would be considered a youthful operation. Joseph had dreams at age 17 that he then stepped into living over the next decades of his life. The Holy Spirit is pouring out on all flesh- but the pouring out on the “old men” is so that they put retirement focus on hiatus and that they run with new dreams. It is an invitation to a life of adventures with God that will be greatly rewarding. Your physical body will begin to take its new cue and begin to repair itself and sustain you for great years of kingdom advancement and personal growth with God.
I hear the Lord saying that you can have had strokes, heart attacks, cancers and whatever and He will come on you and begin to restore you physically. Some of you may have to make some practical adjustments in your diet and lack of exercise routines but He will be pouring out increased understanding and help even in that area. I believe He wants to progressively lead many of you away from dependence on pills and drugs- that mute your drives and passions- into upgraded ways He has you to heads towards healthiness. There is a lot of faulty “medical wisdom” as it relates to cholesterol, blood pressure and other matters that have many of the older crowd on drugs that are muting their spirits and actually being harmful to their overall health. Incontrovertible new wisdom proving that is coming in as part of God’s grace for us. The Holy Spirit is going to be our Helper here as well.
Of course, the worst “drug” many Christian oldtimers are taking is the drug of the wrong narrative. This wrong narrative says we are in the worst of days and that Jesus is coming any moment to rescue us out of the mess of these days. These are actually the days of the greatest kingdom advancement ever and Jesus is going to come THROUGH us in a mighty way before He comes FOR us. When you understand scriptures' timetable for when Christ returns you realize that He is not coming to rescue a people or a bride but only to celebrate with a victorious people and a “without spot or wrinkle” glorious bride (Eph. 5:27). Acts 3:21 confirms to us that He is "held in the heavens" UNTIL an era of restoration has been fulfilled- that we are only just now beginning. The enemy has sold us a drug of a false narrative of the day. This “drug” disempowers more “old men and women” than any other drug and if you are going to be refired you have to abandon that storyline. What you think about God is the most important thing about you- and you need to start getting some better thoughts about God and His capabilities. The kingdom age has just begun and there is unprecedented kingdom territory for the taking- and He wants His “oldtimers”, His wisest and best funded sons and daughters fully engaged in the assignment/adventure.
Presently in the United States there are almost 50 million people over 65 years of age. 6 million are over 85. This trend will only be increasing and by 2030, 1/5th of the United States will be over the age of 65. There will be then be almost 75 million “elderly”. In that huge population is a mighty army of Joshua’s and Caleb’s that must and will arise and shine with unprecedented courage and leadership. This is why this word is for ALL of us. Start the proper positioning of your heart and mind now whatever your age is. If you are 50 or 60 or 70 or whatever- stop speaking over yourself words of death. Stop agreeing with “I am getting old, I can’t remember anything, I can’t, I don’t, etc. etc. A major and massive “healing revival” for the elderly is about to come in with what the Holy Spirit is pouring out on us. All the above mentioned health considerations as well as Alzheimers and other mental deficiencies are going to be regularly and easily healed. Believe it, agree with it, contend for it and watch it happen. Yes, there is also a major call upon the next generation to run with amazing things from God- but God is right now speaking of the amazing things He has for those who have thought the sun is setting on their lives and efforts. Yes, you want to hand off the baton to the next generation- but you don’t do that until you finished running your race. Your race is done - when you are dead- and not before. Don’t pull yourself out of the race at age 65, or 70, or 75, or 80 or even 100, just because some paradigm leans that way. You may shift out of what you were doing- but don’t shift out of doing. Great gains are in order for those who will stay doing kingdom business.
Arise you “old men” and you “old women”. It is time to dream dreams. It is time to start playing a role in your new dreams. It is time to risk some retirement and inheritance monies for kingdom adventures with God. Not ironically almost across the board you will find that you will leave your kids and grandkids with more resources than what you were going to leave them. However, the greater resource you will leave them with is the resource of faith and courage- as my parents left me. It has served me better than a million dollars. Find something or someone to get behind and bring your wisdom, your resources, your time and your energy- whichever you have- and be the difference makers. You the discounted “old" ones are the present and future gamechangers. REFIRE NOW!!!
Huge rewards are available to be made between July 7 to July 28. For those of you who have been pressing into the Lord choosing to believe what He's been telling you- this is a kairos time. A window of convergence has been opened and it is connected with this unique year of jubilee. It will also be a 21 day period of a major national shifting on the mountain of government and praying into that is a good thing to do in this time period as well. Pray in tongues if you are confused about what that is supposed to look like. This is a word not just for the USA- but will be true for many other nations as well. Major hidden channels are being opened up that will affect all the above and it is associated with new assignments that angels have been given that are all connected to national destiny decrees from heaven. The restoration of all things is converging.
Friends, in light of the recent unconscionable killings of black men by policemen, the time has come for people of conscience and goodwill to come together- in prayer and in proper action- and to have a zero tolerance for things to remain status quo. Injustice cannot be tolerated and we must demand better. We can not just leave Black America with the burden of demanding justice. White America has to make the demand to it's elected officials. Procedural overhauls must take place as to how policemen go about doing their jobs. New vetting processes must take place before one is accepted on the force. No doubt it is a minority of cops who are racist or who are the ones desiring confrontations- however that minority needs to be significantly reduced through new screening measures. The shooting of the Dallas police tonight is also a shocking tragedy and is a wrong that will in no way correct a previous wrong. At the end of the day good policemen and Black America are both paying the price for a disastrous criminal justice system that has made life very difficult for both. Horrible sentencing guidelines and disastrous prison policies are perhaps as much or more responsible for the frontline friction than any other overt racism- and this must now be seen, addressed and reformed. This is something that can no longer be tolerated. (see my John R. Enlow page for a video feed tonight of TD Jakes calling for a proper unified response).
In Kris Vallotton's book, Heavy Rain, I was drawn to his as-usual unique and astute observations in Chapter 7, “Mr.Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall." While covering several related topics the over-riding observation was the superior effectiveness of inside-out dynamics and the urgent need for believers to get on board with this. His observation was that the coming down of the Iron Curtain was ultimately more a byproduct of the heart of people having reached a tipping point than Ronald Reagan’s famous exclamation, “Mr.Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!” His statement detonated what was already bursting inside the hearts of the communist people.
Kris effectively points out that our general communication style as believers must advance to at least match the shrewdness of those often promoting anti-kingdom concepts. Perhaps the sentence that impacted me the most was, “The elements required for true transformation inside people are that they must be exposed to new ideas, and they must like the messenger, as well as value the message.”
His point was particularly established through his example of the Beatles’ phenomenon of the 1960s. The freshness of their look and their music caused people to awaken to the philosophical underpinnings that their music carried. It obviously connected to what was already rumbling in the hearts of men and women. Perhaps some might say their immense popularity may have even caused people to give vent to what was only passively in their hearts. This phenomenon attests to the power of a likable messenger. I am convinced that our greatest weakness as the Church has been the unlikability of our messengers, though that is changing with popular voices such as TD Jakes and Joel Osteen. We are not so good at even the presentation of what should be brilliant ideas, but beyond that the messenger distaste factor cannot be overstated.
Perhaps now as the Holy Spirit pours out His Heavy Rain on us we will arise with fresh branding and insights on the brilliance of our awesome King and His equally brilliant and exciting kingdom. He is worthy of nothing less than that. Surely this time our forthcoming ideas and our new breed of messengers will outdo even the Beatles. I loved the read.
Don’t Let the Bad News of the Day Distract You From the Truth of the Season: It is a Time of Favored Destiny
There is a reality that when the kingdom of God on earth accelerates that its' "collateral damage” can be "bad news”. For media observers trained in extracting and highlighting bad news this can be a time of great undeserved influence. For those of us regularly informed by that media we can be significantly distracted from objective truth by the anecdotal bad facts of the day. Facts can distract from truth.
This is also true in your personal life where the present “bad news” surrounding your realities may be belying a great kingdom good that is happening to you. Your personal “facts” may be distracting you or even deceiving you as to the truth of what is taking place in your life. Your contradiction of circumstances can trouble or distress you if you don’t rise above them and find godly objective perspective.
Here is just a quick example. Presently with the avalanche of reported mass shootings and ISIS motivated attacks, we can believe that we have descended into a much worse day to live in where human life is less valued. We may have a longing to live back in say 1990, when we weren’t hearing every day about terrorism- and ebola, and zika- and racial tensions. "Oh to be back in 1990!", we might think. Yet in 1990, innocent deaths in the United States for example were almost double what they are today. There were almost 4000 abortions per day- while today it is about 2000 per day (though still, of course, very unacceptable). Almost all violent crime rates were significantly higher. Teen pregnancies were much higher. Raw racism of the heart was much more embedded and society was not even mature enough to have the discussions they are having today. The world extreme poverty rate was about twice as bad as it is today. Where as many as 25,000 Muslims a day are getting saved today, back in 1990 almost no Muslims were coming to Jesus. China, Africa and South America were experiencing less than half the daily conversions as today. I could go on and on. Perhaps you are feeling better about today already.
This present life is filled with so many contradictions that without anointed observation you can be totally disoriented, confused and deceived as to reality. China is exploding in revival and conversions and many positive social changes. 500,000 million Chinese have left abject poverty and are now middle class. That is great news. Furthermore there are now a mind boggling 200 million Chinese millionaires- yes you read that correctly- that are creating game changer realities all across the world with their financial power. Many of them are Christians. But this same China is having 35,000 abortions - a day! About 13 million a year. How horrific. More than ten times worse than us. Chinese piracy and corruption is also having global economic repercussions. How do we judge all these contradictory reports and come out with a working objective truth?
The truth is that the kingdom of God is ferociously advancing all across the planet. There are more people being saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, healed, delivered, encountering grace, exiting extreme poverty, discovering hope- than at any time in history. The kingdom of God is presently rocking the planet. In its’ wake it is upsetting existing power bases and demonic mafias- and as they are collapsing they are violently reacting. This is happening in each of the 7 mountains of society and in the nations themselves. Much like a beheaded chicken exerts its’ maximum “violence" after being beheaded- so too, many things being presently beheaded are showcasing their last violent kicks. It takes discernment to know which "violent kicks" represent present, progressive strength or if they are just the last desperate reactions of that which has been essentially beheaded. Many things we find ourselves afraid of are in fact already beheaded and in its’ death throes. It requires anointed observation to know how to properly sort things out today and it is admittedly not easy.
This same truth applies in your personal life. Be careful not to assess your present life status by whether things are “easy” or not. Don’t judge your own success of life depending on if all of your prophetic promises have seemingly been fulfilled or not. Many of you will look back at this very time in your life and realize that major foundations for your upgraded life in Christ were being formed during these “difficult” days. Don’t be shocked if you are experiencing tests that were not prophesied to you. Don’t be dismayed if the United States experiences challenges you didn’t expect when so many breakthroughs have been prophesied. God rarely tells us of our tests- but loves to tell us of our favor.
You and the USA: "You Have Found Favor with God"
In Luke 1:30, this was the exact phrase that Gabriel gave to Mary, as he told her of the privileged destiny that was hers. She would birth and raise the Redeemer of the world! There could not be anything greater. In verse 28, he actually said to her, “Rejoice HIGHLY favored one, the Lord is with you.” Can you imagine anything better than being visited by Gabriel with such a promise? Yet, lets notice what she was NOT told. She was not told that no one would really believe that she had gotten pregnant by the Holy Spirit. She was not told she would be considered of ill repute for that. She was not told her Son would be an outcast and bitterly resisted by the status quo in society and then brutally beaten and killed while still a young man. She was not told she would have to endure seeing Him die before she did. So much she was not told. Yet she was instructed to “Rejoice” because she had been given a favored destiny. In the light of objective history we easily see today that she did have an amazing favored destiny.
The word for you today, is that if you have stayed loyal to the Lord, you are in the very midst of “favored destiny” being shown you.This you have to see by anointed observation and not by the number or intensity of your trials. You have to see this for yourself and you have to see this for the USA as well. It is the truth for the nations in general as well. The kingdom will never stop increasing- no matter what it looks like in a given day, week or month. Things are simultaneously much worse than you imagined and much better than you imagined. Over 50,000 babies lives are being lost every day through abortion and over 250,000 a day are being born again into the kingdom of God. There is gross darkness and there is great light. Who can determine if that overall outcome equation is good? Well our Father can. He is much more patient than what we can imagine and we need to properly encounter Him as such. Everyday the world deserves absolute judgment and extinction for its sins- but it has for thousands of years. The world also deserves grace and mercy everyday because Jesus came to earth and paid the price He did as an act of reconciliation- so that the world would not perish. In God’s economy “mercy triumphs over judgment” and He wishes us to be as He is.
Right now in your life and right now in this nations’ life, unbelievably giant strides of destiny are being taken. God is going to use very imperfect people to make great kingdom progress. It gives us insight into His greatness that He can do this. He will do this in government- and we will be shocked what He has advanced with less than perfect leaders. We are in an amazing governmental shift right now that will greatly benefit the nation. It will require patience from us to see it come about.
God will also have this same patience and resolve with us individually and advance us in a remarkable way. Your present testing is more precious than gold and it is also temporary. Each test/contradiction has a built-in destiny upgrade available for you. This is the truth you and I must chose to live from and as we do we will find ourselves less shaken by the moments and days of contradiction that we or our nation experience. He that began a good work in us- and in our nation- is going to perfect it. Stay encouraged. Stay in hope. Extended periods of “favored destiny” are here. We are truly in historical days of accelerated kingdom advancement and if you connect to that narrative you will find an amazing increase of love, peace and joy in your life.