May 2015

May 4, 2015 · 

May has swept in and with it some new hopes and some new fears. Feed the hopes and starve the fears. All enemy plans against this nation can be easily canceled and just do your part of thanking God for His kindness and protection and then speak His blessings over us. The best days for our nation are just before us. As the election season kicks in, watch this major trend-- He is not taking a side He is taking over. He already has been doing that more than most realize but it is going to the next level. He will have His agenda prioritized no matter who is in the White House.

May 5, 2015 · 

California Rejoice Your Redemption Draws Near

Today is 5/5/15. Last night as I was flying back from the east coast, I heard and wrote down this word.

"California rejoice your redemption draws near. California you have been much maligned and even given up on by many of my leaders and prophetic voices. Many of them have not been able to see you through My eyes of hope and have thus erred in their perceptions of you. I will overthrow the words of cursing that have been spoken over you and I will confirm My promises and prophetic revelation that many of my faithful seers and intercessors in California have seen for the last years and even decades. You will now step into a season of acceleration into advanced destiny and restoration and redemption from the years that the locusts have consumed. I will be openly kind to you because it is in my heart to be kind to you and I will cast down the decrees and declarations that were presumptively spoken against you.

I will now come and I will fully awaken you to that which you are destined to step into now. I will jump-start your heart to a whole new level and you will respond to the passion that I feel towards you. I am coming to awaken love in you and you will respond to my touch and you will respond to my initiative. This love of mine will not be confined to churches but it will pour out into the streets and into the byways. It will pour out into the studios and Hollywood. I will forgive you for your sins and I will release a wave of great grace and it will be greater than every counter move that the enemy has planned against you. I will come to the north and I will come to the south. I will come to the beaches and I come to the desert. I will invade the fertile valleys and I will invade your city life. I have responded to the prayers and decrees of those I love and I am coming everywhere- with love.

If you ask what will be the effect of this thing that I do among you- the answer is that it will stir God-consciousness and God-awareness. I will be the talk of the town, the talk of the boardrooms, the talk of the movie sets, the talk of fields, the talk of the surfers, the talk of students, the talk of the city, the talk of the neighborhoods. I will do even that which many of you have thought that I couldn’t do- until you as my church had more of your ducks in a row. I will show you the power that is in my love and I will show you the love that is in my power and you will again know that I am great and mighty and irresistible when I chose to move in response to those who love me and who love the cities I have placed them in. My love will begin to impose and my love will begin to change all of your dynamics.

I will heal your heart of rejection and I will heal the hearts of the outcasts that are scattered throughout your cities. I will arise wherever my name is worshipped in spirit and in truth- but I will also arise where I have not been adequately worshiped. My arising in and on you will cause you to break out in worship in response to me. I will be praised all up and down the state and I will be praised in many ways. I will be praised with music and song but I will also be praised and worshiped without music and song. I will be praised in your day to day life and in all that you do. I am a God you can not put into a box, and a God you can not limit by your assumptions even of what you think limits Me. I will now arise on you California and I will be great in you and you will be a sign and wonder to my church and you will be a sign and wonder to the nations. Today I tell you, watch what I do among you. Watch and be amazed at My greatness- and watch and be amazed at My kindness."

May 6, 2015 · 

May 6, 2015 - National Day of Prayer Word:

I have a word for us this National Day of Prayer. This word is not that we need to repent as a nation or that we are facing a dire future. I do not agree with the various voices that are saying we are standing at a precipice as a nation. I do not believe we have been losing our moral bearings as a nation, nor do I believe we are facing an urgent need to “humble ourselves and pray” so as to avoid serious judgment. I think the voices that are giving out that message are greatly out of sync with God’s heart and thoughts for us at this time. There are rabbis, prophets and pastors all missing it on this one and it is hard for me to hold back from naming names- but I will because I love and respect many of them and they are blinded only by their limited perspectives on a great and merciful God.

Frankly, I have a significant fire in my belly at the gross distortion of spiritual reality and I can no longer contain it. If there is one thing we need to repent of it is of our inability to connect to His heart of mercy and grace for us as a nation. It is borderline stubborn disobedience- to keep insisting that we are near some precipice of doom as a nation. God is not having to be restrained from judging America at this time!!! Read that again. If America has supposedly slid in its morality than somebody please tell me when was the time we were in this utopian place we have fallen from? What and when was the “moral” generation? I ask this question everywhere I go and no one seems to be able to identify it. If we go back more than a generation the racism and sexism was so severe as to render meaningless the fact that there was less pornography or sexual misbehaving. If we look at the last generation we can not say the adults of the 60’s were more moral than the adults of this time. Pastors and counselors can verify that the last seemingly ‘holier’ generation was just much more hypocritical and dishonest in their sinful ways.

Here are some facts. Teen age pregnancy is down to it’s lowest level since 1940 when studies on that societal problem began. Abortion is down almost 50% from 1990 and is below the estimate of abortions from the year BEFORE Roe vs. Wade. 73% of all abortion clinics have closed since 1990 including 87 last year. Violent crime is way down since 1990 and almost all serious crime numbers are significantly down to the lowest in over 50 years. The divorce rate has dropped significantly since 1990. Bullying is down. Discrimination is down. Sexism is down. Furthermore Christians in all areas of society are being spotlighted as never before. Multiple Christian candidates are running and winning election races all across the land and it is a relatively recent phenomenon. Multiple Presidential candidates this year will be true born again Christians. Many sports stars in every sport are avowed and open Christians. More Christian themed movies are coming out of Hollywood than ever. Leaders in every area of society easily identify as Christians and there is almost no area of society were prominent believers are not at the forefront. We have hit reality TV programs like the Duggars, Duck Dynasty and others that are a phenomenon not seen a generation ago or even two decades ago. God is being discussed all across the board of America- and it is an increasing reality. A lot of it is exposing our hypocrisy and our meanness, but there is no shortage of Christian voice in every area of society. We vent and complain and act like we are a diminishing minority but the increasing reality is that we are not. We act like homosexuals and a homosexual agenda is threatening to take away our country and its greatest institutions- yet the most credible government released survey and report (July 2014) shows that homosexuals are only 1.8% of the population and another 1.1% identify as bisexual- whereas a 100 years ago those numbers were double that. We have seemingly rallied all our troops to stop the 1.8% from trying to cope with their deep sense of rejection. Meanwhile many of our most famous Christian leaders have been exposed as those who struggle with homosexuality and many more could be as we have not been successful at manifesting enough unconditional love to adequately heal sexual dysfunctions. We will get better at this.

As a nation we still lead the world by a long ways in funding the advance of the gospel and the support of 500,000 missionaries world wide. We are always quick to respond with money, manpower and resources of all kinds when there is any disaster- and it is a constant that we do the majority of the contributing towards these rescue and assist operations. Despite world persecution for many believers, this reality would be at a much more extreme level if all nations did not have to face the consideration of what America might do if they raised the persecution another level. The fear of American retribution keeps down misbehaving dictators and terror groups all across the planet. Furthermore it has been the American economy that is most responsible for the whole world not crashing economically and still that which keeps global economic devastation from taking place. Increasingly civilized societies are rising all across the planet thanks to the American prototype- despite all of its significant deficiencies. We spend billions each years and risk thousands of our own lives trying to keep people all over the world from killing each other. Though constantly accused of conspiring to take away other nations oil or resources yet we never do.

Here is my point and my conclusion. Not only is the United States not in any grave danger of spiritual extinction or divine serious judgment- but we have actually been going in the right direction on almost everything - except our brand of Christianity. Forget pointing at President Obama and his policies; forget about pointing a finger at the homosexual agenda; forget about pointing at the “liberal agenda”; forget about pointing out any negative social trend. The problem lies not where our fingers are being pointed but it lies in the distortion of God’s narrative that is being promulgated by so many Christian voices and with no exception the Charismatic/Spirit-filled/Prophetic niche. This narrative is brought on by a greatly distorted perspective on who our God is. Most of us seem to be serving a God-view that has Him looking over our shoulders and about to judge us for our imperfect ways- and therefore we extend that same God-view to society. For this reason many in the church have now targeted the grace messaging as the most dangerous message in the church. There is a panic among religious leaders that if we remove the guilt conscientiousness of our congregants that sinning might go up yet another level. Many of us have become hard, finger pointing, judgment fearing Christians and we obsess with God judging America for our President’s sin, rather than realizing that if He releases judgment it will begin in His house with His -grossly misrepresenting of Himself- leaders.

The truth is God is immensely more patient than most of us have any grid for. He did not strike down Communist Russia even when their leaders (Lenin, Stalin etc.) killed many millions and enslaved millions more. He did not strike down Hitler despite his killing of millions of His very chosen people. He has let despot after despot and wicked godless nation after wicked godless nation not be quickly judged or destroyed despite their horrific sins. He is still working on America and her character and her call- but she is still the most righteous lead nation He has ever dealt with in the history of mankind. Read that again.

So then here is the truth. God is not about to destroy or severely judge America. He will continue to discipline America as needed because He loves her- and He really, really loves her and wishes His sons and daughters would do so as well. Satan will keep plotting against America. ISIS, Al Qaeda and other demonically inspired groups will continue to threaten and dent America from time to time. We will have stormy weather at times; we will have earthquakes at times; we will have droughts as times; we will have very hot weather at times; we will have very cold weather at times. We will experience the devil trying to destroy us from without and from within. He will try to kill our economy and he will try to kill our people. He will manage to bruise our heel from time to time, but as long as we have the tens of millions of true believers in this country that we presently do, this country will overcome all these attempts by the enemy and will instead only become stronger. We are in no danger of severe judgment from God! Read that again. Yes, we had 800,000 abortions last year- but China had at least 13 million abortions and the world total was over 60 million. What nation is postured to take the lead nation denomination away from America? None.

This nations best days are right ahead of her. If we could get the Christians on board with believing, declaring and living as if this were so this would all be greatly expedited. It only requires we believe this is our God’s heart towards us. It only requires we just a little bit better have understanding of His heart and love for the world and His heart of love and mercy for America. It is out of His great love for the world that He has poured out grace on America and will continue doing so- and America is God’s gift to the world. She is a sign of His mercy and kindness to them- even while they rebel and are slow to respond. He will patiently work to win their heart and He hopes to start with those who already know they are His. Will you be one of those who will finally stop hearing the enemy’s lies and accusations against the United States and be one who contends for the goodness of God in the land of the living? If so the grace over us can be accelerated and the whole world will be quickly positively impacted. I declare and decree God bless America- and through us may God bless the nations of the world!

Johnny Enlow

May 6, 2015

May 8, 2015 · 

I am reposting this that I added in my comments to my May 6 word. It is important as I wanted to affirm the Australian prayer and fasting initiative I wasn't even thinking of when I wrote the Day of Prayer word.

"Based on a dream I had last night I need to add here that this word in no wise disagrees with the Australian initiative of prayer for America. I very much agree with it and think that many of them see the same thing that I am saying-- that we American Christians easily throw the United States "under the bus" by pointing out continuously all our judgment-deserving sins, instead of being the ministers of reconciliation that we are called to be. Lana Vawser is a friend of mine and her words consistently have carried the heart of the Father. Katherine Ruonala (sp.?) has been a friend for years as well. I love the Australian prayer and fasting initiative towards America and love their hearts towards us and it is important. I do also greatly believe in a divine connection between the two countries. They are going to help us step into our calling and destiny and their prophetic perspective towards America is very important. Australia is going to be a great midwife nation for many nations into their destiny and I am continually seeing wildfires of God over that nation....Let's all pray and let's all repent. Let's just do it for the right thing and not because we erroneously fear profound judgment form God.

May 9, 2015 · 

Loved reading the headline in the USA Today yesterday that said Liberia officially announces that ebola has been eliminated from their nation. That just a few months after thousands of you joined me in declaring "ebola must bend and bow" instead of believing the media reports of a potential 100 million dead before it was done with worldwide...We always have a choice: to believe and spread worst case scenarios thus empowering them- OR exercise our authority in resisting and eliminating that which is clearly evil. Our God is always greater than any disease, terror group, conspiracy, economic projection or otherwise negative outcome, and He looks for His God-magnifying kids to prove it.

May 11, 2015 · 

This Winston Churchill quote is for somebody today.

"Never give in--never, never, never, never... in nothing great or small, large or petty... never give in... except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy."

So much of Churchill's indomitable spirit needs to arise today in the sons and daughters of the King. The alternative is to be driven by fear over every conspiracy, plot and plan of the enemy. The Church that will shine brightly on a Hill- and Wins a Ton of battles will be the one gripped with this kind of resolve.

May 12, 2015 · 

The Coming Blue Wave of the Blue Hairs

Last night I began getting some preliminary revelation on what is coming this Rosh Hoshana 2015 (Hebrew New Year). I saw a tsunami arising as a blue wave both in the church and in society. I saw that this wave was a shock to most as it was a wave of people being propelled to the forefront. As previously strong leaders of church and society watched these people began to be catapulted past them- and it caused them disorientation as they seemed to have lost their place and were unsure even how to maneuver. It was a new day which required major adjustments.

The catapulted ones had the uniqueness of all having that which looked like burlap bag on them and I heard that these all carried mantles of humility. I heard that it was now the God orchestrated " lifting up" time of those who had humbled themselves in the sight of the Lord. Again to my surprise many of these were over 50 and many were much older than that even. I remembered that Joshua and Caleb were both in their 80's and the two oldest men in Israel when they entered the Promised Land. I was given understanding that these had allowed the Lord to be their reward and their audience for many, many years.

Many had been in intense humbling positions for over 20 years and, in fact, it seemed that there was something significant about those who had submitted to processing of the Lord since 1995. It seemed that one had to remain in a low postured position for an extended time to receive the privileged mantles they now received. These were now like super heroes that would carry very advanced healing and revelation gifts as well as amazing God-solutions for every area of society. Many of these would become financial giants because of the hand of the Lord lifting them up.

I have remained in surprise at the fact that I saw mainly gray and white heads coming to the forefront of this tsunami as I think I had always assumed that youth would lead the next big wave. I saw that youth would be greatly impacted and follow these arising ones- but by and large they were not the leaders of it. The seasoned-humble, yet full of faith, sons and daughters of the King are about to promoted ahead of the arising army of God as the kingdom age kicks in to the new gear- as an era of shining brightly comes upon the house of God. It all made me want to go a good bit lower before that wave comes in. Watch out for the blue wave of the blue hairs. It is going to be world altering.

May 14, 2015 · 

I have just had a week of a mean flu that no fun-loving godly guy such as myself should have to put up with. I have rebuked it, chastised it, rejoiced over it, spoken tongues over it, got upset with God over it, reconciled with God over it- and resorted to many different "cures" and helps- and yet, this dastardly thing lingers. But in keeping with who I am let me lay out my list of 5 Benefits of the Flu- for anyone else out there fighting it or some other physical illness.

5 Benefits of the Flu (if you can't get rid of it)

1) It is like a reboot time. Any addiction you have been struggling with you should feel miserable enough to be able to take advantage of the misery and spend it on your addictions. If you have been wanting to quit coffee but fear the headaches- good news, you won't notice as you already have the headache. Same with cigarettes, excess sugar, GMO products etc.etc... In other words, if you have the currency of pain- spend it wisely by applying it to a wider base.

2) It is the perfect time to lose those few pounds that you have been wanting to do. The flu is only slightly less miserable than fasting.

3) It greatly increases compassion for anyone else with any kind of illness. I have spent hours interceding for breakthrough in healing for the Body of Christ. It wasn't working interceding for me- so I decided to send it elsewhere as I started having more faith for that.

4) It apparently is good for your body to have to fight off something as it stimulates your white blood vessels to go after all toxic microbes attacking your body. Your immune system is upgrading!

5) So much more love can come your way from family and friends (if you don't overdo grumpy sick person thing) and it is a good time to receive.

For me, I have had the additional blessing of being coddled in my need to watch the NBA playoffs and Championship League soccer games (Go Barza) with no guilty feelings for not doing something more constructive with my time.

It almost makes you want to get the flu doesn't it. Or not?

May 20, 2015 · 

Faith is the tree- from the root system of Hope- from the water table of Love. Love is a Person (God)- Hope is the description of that Person- Faith is the evidence of this Person being properly prioritized. Faith looks like risk- but is actually the normative fruit of Love and Hope being cultivated.

May 26, 2015 · 

A New Audacious Wineskin and How to Prepare for the Coming Economic Changes

An Audacious Wineskin

As I was seeking the Lord about the increased earthquake activity, particularly in the Pacific ring of fire, and the sudden record rainstorms in Texas and other places, I heard the Lord say, “The new wineskin is here and its name is Audacious.”

Scripture tells us that it’s imperative to find a new wineskin before the new wine comes in to ensure that the new wine is not wasted. Another major upgrade of kingdom wine is about to be poured out and it’s critical that we shift out of mentalities based in caution, fear, or passivity and into a way of thinking that will carry the new anointing we need in order to be world-changers. The new wine that’s coming is a powerful upgrade from what has previously been poured out and will bring a greater level of transformation and reformation of society than ever before.

The Lord then began to further explain what it means to be or carry an audacious wineskin. God has been sifting and shifting many of His leaders so that they are no longer striving and driven. He's been emphasizing the words wisdom and rest for these leaders. However, wisdom and rest doesn’t mean passivity and caution, but rather becomes that which allows us to shift into a new radical normal. Matthew 11:12 speaks of the kingdom of God “suffering violence” and “the violent taking it by force.” The Lord began to show me that very intense days are before us, but it will be a good intensity that's evidence that kingdoms are clashing. The kingdom of God is forcefully advancing on the earth right now, and the repercussions of that are this - if you don’t know how to spiritually perceive, you can incorrectly deduce that the opposite is taking place. You can wrongly perceive the collapsing of a demonic structure as “the world falling apart.” The best, and perhaps the only way to stay in a state of spiritual clarity, is by stepping into the new audacious wineskin.

Audacious Defined

I found the following definitions for the word audacious, “showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks, recklessly brave, very bold and surprising or shocking, extremely original, without restriction to prior ideas, highly inventive.” These are all worth thoroughly examining. The Holy Spirit will be encouraging an audacity in each of us in the months leading up to Rosh Hashanah and it’s important that we respond. I believe I was shown that one of the main reasons for the delay in ISIS being dealt with is that this demonically inspired movement has raised the bar in intensity for something we must, at minimum, match with a proper kingdom response. At some point, every time we read of another ISIS attack, instead of it wreaking fear and anxiety in us - something at least as intense in the spirit should arise in us that declares an end to that darkness. We should feel an arising in us that snuffs out that kind of demonic activity. ISIS is symbolic of so many other things that also require a kingdom audaciousness. Something needs to rise in us that beheads fear, hopelessness, anxiety, and passivity. The kingdom age is upon us at full throttle and we must make the shift into a new wineskin.

Outrageous, Courageous and Even Presumptuous

In addition to making us audacious, I believe God is also giving us permission to become outrageous, courageous, and even presumptuous.

Outrageous is defined as “highly unusual or unconventional, extravagant and remarkable, very bold, unusual and startling.” God is preparing us for an unprecedented season of kingdom expansion. You must fear NOTHING and become outrageous in the demonstration of who He uniquely made you to be.

Courageous is defined as “brave, fearless, valiant, heroic, lionhearted, unshrinking, venturesome.” This is kingdom DNA He wants activated in us to a whole new level. I sensed from the Lord that even the niche of the Body of Christ that we represent has become much too placid and reticent and dominated by surprising levels of fear. The prophetic edge has a unique call and assignment to be the most audacious, courageous, and outrageous - but many have been blunted by the enemy's assault in recent years where he specifically targeted prophetic and apostolic minded people.

Presumptuous is a word that’s generally viewed negatively. It means “showing a lack of proper social reserve or modesty.” This can sound extreme, but it's that which King David exhibited when he danced before the Lord intensely; until his clothes came off. Saul’s daughter Michal, judged him as “lacking proper social reserve or modesty” and, by doing so, she shut off fruitfulness from her own life. Furthermore, I sensed the Lord speaking to me that He was ready to work with some of His kids who “presumed” upon Him. These would be those that would “presume” He is for them and not against them - those that would “presume” He wants to advance them in their call and destiny. He said those that enter into this kind of presumptuousness would step into doing mighty exploits that would short-circuit the enemy all over the place; while advancing the kingdom.

The Coming Economic Changes and How to Prepare: Don’t Hoard

I believe I've been shown that the archangel over the Mountain of Economy is being activated in a special way this Rosh Hashanah - and that’s no small deal. This will be an initiative of our Father as He responds to the prayers of so many of His kids over the course of many years. Because of that, we shouldn't dread or be apprehensive about what we’ve been asking for. For instance, the recent news headlines regarding 6 of the world’s most influential banks receiving billions of dollars in fines for fraudulent currency trading, as well as other financial misdeeds, is actually a good thing. Greater accountability is coming to world economic manipulators and we will see that increase in the coming year. Exposure is another preliminary stage before new systems and structures can be instituted.

The Lord also showed me that one of the key ways to prepare for the coming economic upheavals was to make sure we don’t hoard or have a hoarding mentality. We must not revert to an orphan mentality, as if we have to figure out everything on our own or how to protect ourselves financially. Sons and daughters trust in their God and it’s that mentality that will carry us through the coming bumps in the road. His counterintuitive instruction to us is to become even more radical givers and investors. We must become more carefree about the economy and its potential to devastate. The key is not in pulling out of the stock market, nor is it in loading up in gold or silver. Ultimately, there's no hedge, other than absolute trust in God matched with audacious, outrageous, courageous, and even presumptuous generosity and boldness. The righteous are bold as lions, and in this shifting season - this will be your greatest hedge against economic calamity. Fear nothing else - only obey audaciously and do not hoard. If you’re not sure if you’re actually hoarding, then just ask the Holy Spirit and He will tell you. He is wanting all of us to grow in our Most High Trust Account because it's the only account that brings with it peace of mind. No one who believes they have a Joseph call can enter into that call without investing significantly in their Most High Trust Account. The coming Josephs will be channels of resources more than dams of resources. Dams hoard, but channels freely and easily dispense and disperse funds.

So, may the audacious, outrageous, courageous, and even presumptuous sons and daughters of the King of Kings now begin to break off every shackle of fear, caution, or gloomy mindedness and may they arise and shine with the out-of-the-box magnificence, generosity, and creativity of the King they represent.

May 28, 2015 · 

The most dangerous mindset to be in today is as a "survivalist". Ironically survivalists will not survive the new playing field opening up before us. The invitation from heaven is to become those that thrive - but if you want to be a "thrivalist" -caution and care must be thrown out the door and you have to jump on board the Glory Train joy ride. This Glory Train is to be ridden and enjoyed as a favorite 6 Flags ride. You may feel out of control from time to time but you are not going to derail and it will all end good. You might as well raise your hands and go wheeeeeee.