June 2015
Triple Crown Winner American Pharaoh? Is this Good or Bad?
This past weekend a significant sports event took place at the Belmont Stakes as American Pharaoh became the first horse in 37 years to win the triple crown of racing. His jockey was Victor Espinoza who wore a number 5 as he finally accomplished what had not been accomplished since Affirmed won the triple crown in 1978. Last year Victor Espinoza won the first two legs of the triple crown (Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes) with California Chrome, before falling just short of the rare accomplishment. I believe that a significant message was being prophesied by this event that will be played out over the next season. I will go through all the relevant names and numbers and they will tell us of that which God will be doing in the coming days and something we can be preparing for.
American Pharaoh: America Will Be Stronger
For many, of course, this can sound like something either not good or at minimum confusing. Those with a Biblical foundation can easily think of Pharaoh primarily in a negative light, as we remember the Pharaoh who would not allow the people of Israel to go free and thus came under severe judgment. However, it was also another Pharaoh hundreds of years before then, who in essence, promoted Joseph to his position of de facto ruler of Egypt. Without that Pharaoh, Joseph remains imprisoned and does not fulfill the promise of the dreams that he had after receiving the coat of many colors. The word Pharaoh actually means “big house” or “palace” and I think that is significant. I believe that American Pharaoh winning speaks prophetically of a place and role that America is about to more fully step into as it relates to world affairs and the world economy. The United States is in a position of world leadership not because of her level of righteousness, but because of the assignment of God upon her at this time. It is very parallel to the role Egypt had in Joseph’s day when Egypt was the dominant nation in the world despite not deserving it from a righteousness standpoint. This is important to see as so many believers in America are always calling for her demise based on her lack of perfection in all aspects of morality, not realizing her lead role in world affairs is dictated by God rather than by having completely earned it.
37 Years: The Josephs Will Rise
I see the 37 years (time since last triple crown) as connecting to Genesis 37 when Joseph is first introduced to us and given the coat of many colors. In my book, The 7 Mountain Mantle: Receiving the Joseph Anointing to Reform Nations, I write much about this chapter telling of the coming Josephs who would arise in every mountain and be instrumental in the reforming of society. It's also significant that Joseph was 37 years old when the famine started that ultimately impulsed Egypt to an even more lead-nation status. Because of the Joseph solutions implemented by Pharaoh, it says that “all nations came to Joseph,” Egypt, and Pharaoh for their own survival. I believe that the United States' position in world economics is about to be greatly strengthened and that there will also be a corresponding weakening of many other nations' economic positions - with the United States increasingly being in a place of dictating terms of economic rescue for many nations. Significant economic shakings are coming, but they will end up greatly strengthening the United States' position in the world and not weakening it. The Josephs will be bold as lions during this season and in the midst of much upheaval will greatly prosper. Fearful, self-protectionist, hoarders (the pseudo-Josephs) will increasingly lose their status, their credibility, and even their resources. Make sure you're not one of them. There’s a consequence of buying into fear and gloom.
Belmont Stakes: 7 Mountain Renaissance
The word Belmont means “beautiful mountain.” The coming ever-changing landscape of world economics and world events, while chaotic at times, will increasingly tend towards the 7 mountains of society (media, economy, government, education, family, celebration arts, religion) being increasingly populated and positively affected by the rising sons and daughters of the King. The “stakes” have been about the mountains of culture properly reflecting the originally designed image of God that was meant to function in society. We will now see a significant acceleration of change in every area of culture, as great shining ones will arise as never before.
Victor Espinoza and #5: Victorious Grace
Victor Espinoza has won 5 of the last 6 triple crown races. His victories last year with California Chrome spoke of a coming shining of California that is only overshadowed by the shining America will do as a world-Pharaoh. His last name Espinoza means “thorny” or “from thorns.” His name speaks of the victory that was gained on the cross by He who wore a crown of thorns. Accordingly, he and His horse were wearing number 5, which is the number of grace. Though much of what will happen in world events can or will be judged as chaos, it will actually be a manifestation of the grace of God, as His sovereignty will begin to be revealed more than ever.
Rosh Hashanah 2015 and the Archangel of the Mountain of Economy
I’ve shared for some time that there would a release of the great angel of the mountain of economy this coming Rosh Hashanah. This timing correlates perfectly with the message to us by American Pharaoh winning the Triple Crown. In my aforementioned book, The 7 Mountain Mantle, I spoke of three sequential prophetic time periods I was shown by the Lord after the stock market crashed on Rosh Hashanah 2008, and the Dow Jones dropped a record 777.7 points in one day. I was shown that the three periods were: awakening, arising, and shining. The first started Rosh Hashanah 2008 as an awakening to our expanded assignment to manifest the kingdom of God in the 7 mountains of culture. It was a call to see a God Who’s big enough to reform nations. The second time period of arising began Rosh Hashanah of 2012 when the age of the restoration of all things started (Acts 3:21). This is when the future Josephs initiated their ascent on the mountains (Is. 60:1-3). The third period of time in the prophetic sequence (the Triple Crown) begins this coming Rosh Hashanah. I was shown that this would be when we shine enough that we actually begin to contend for entire nations. This will be a time where broken systems that were established long ago begin to crumble even more, yet in the midst of what seems like world chaos, there will be a divine order of the kingdom that will begin to rule and reign in society.
Conclusion: Be Strong and of Good Courage
That which Joshua was commanded in Joshua 1, is exactly how we are to prepare for what's coming. We’re going into the Promised Land of the tops of the 7 mountains of society and as this happens, we can get distracted by the giants in the land, or we can become enthralled with the fruit that will be increasingly evident. During this new season of shining, there'll be nothing more shameful than to be cowardly. Fear and anxiety must no longer be seen simply as some unfortunate personal struggle, but a deadly enemy that is to be ruthlessly dealt with. Boldness, generosity, and a carefree heart are kingdom characteristics to embrace and walk in. Lose all self-preservation instincts that come from an orphan mentality. Walk in the confidence of sons and daughters who know they’re being looked after by their Papa. Your best days are ahead of you, if you do.
Golden Warriors the Drought is Over!
What an entertaining NBA Finals with such fascinating storylines we were privileged to see as the Golden State Warriors defeated the Cleveland Cavaliers to break a 40-year drought for them. In the headlines, I felt a parallel prophetic word was being proclaimed over so many. The prophetic word is both over the state of California and for the King’s golden warriors everywhere. To be considered a golden warrior you must be one who first of all has remained a courageous warrior by not quitting despite the lack of “championships”, and the golden part has to do with having allowed the Lord to refine you by the testing of your faith while in a season of “drought”.
Your Wilderness is Over
If we remember the children of Israel and their quest for the Promised Land, it was only after 40 years in the wilderness that they made their entrance into a promised inheritance. Symbolically the 40 year period represents however long you have been in a desert or wilderness place, whether that has been a few months or many years. There has literally been another shift in the spirit that now allows you to experience a new day of victory. The giants of your Promised Land have suddenly all become “bread” for you as Caleb declared to the Israelites many years ago. It is so interesting that Cleveland literally had to pull their “giant” 7’1" center out of the game in an attempt to compete with Golden State’s small-ball style that against most prognostications worked. They didn’t need to know how to overcome the "giants", they just needed to know how to do what they do best. They played a very entertaining team-oriented game that was marked by exuberant energy, unselfish passing of the ball, and fearless shooting from almost anywhere, not concerned at all if they missed a few shots. Your way out of the wilderness comes the same way. You stay in exuberant hope, you look to see who you can assist to make successful, and then when it’s your turn you don’t overthink it but you let loose with what you were wired to do. If you missed your shot you don’t let it steal your confidence but you stay in faith and keep shooting, and you stay a warrior. Now is the time for your extensive drought to be broken as it is time for your golden destiny to be revealed. If you will but believe this you will soon find your wilderness period behind you. The drought is over, you golden warrior!
The King of Glory is Coming thru the Golden Gate
Now, this is a powerful statement and it is not speaking of the second coming of Jesus but of a coming in glory and destiny. The Golden State Warriors uniforms and general emblem has the Golden Gate Bridge as the highlighted in gold picture with a blue background around it. All the players played with the Golden Gate Bridge over their chest and this was the team that celebrated a championship for the first time since 1975.
My wife and I had the privilege of ministering in the Bay Area last weekend and took a day to drive all over the Bay Area, including over the Golden Gate Bridge. There is clearly something larger than life about the Golden Gate and it is a major port in the natural but ten times more so in the spirit. I could sense the contention over the gateway in the spirit, but the sense of the strong angelic presence in the area is profound. Respected seers in the Body of Christ have spoken of seeing gigantic angels along the bridge that are standing in the water but are taller than the tallest parts of the bridge itself. I have no doubt that matters high above what we know are being secured by their presence there. It is not coincidental that intercessory leaders and teams constantly find their way to the Golden Gate Bridge declaring God's purposes over the state and over the nation. Important matters connected to the provision upgrade of our nation and spiritual upgrade of our nation are being fought out and determined at this entrance. Our God does not position huge angels at junctures He plans on allowing the enemy to take over. There are clearly huge demonic forces contending for this gateway and with some level of a foothold in the area but they are about to be thrown off the planet as the King of Glory is going to rock the Bay Area with His entrance into the city, the state, and the nation. He is going to be greater than every resistance and He is coming passionately after the part of His heart He left in San Francisco. I have no idea what this will look like but it will happen and we will know it happened. 40 years of contending for this gateway are over and the undersized Golden State Intercessory and Prayer Warriors are going to celebrate in the streets of the Bay Area.
The Crowned Ones (Stephen’s) Are Going to Win
The Warriors star player is Stephen Curry. He won the esteemed MVP award of the league this year. The Warriors coach also carries the same first name as he was born Stephen Kerr. The word Stephen means “Crown”. What is about to take place in the spirit realm is a Crowning moment of victory for the King and His kids. The Crown is about the King and His Kingdom coming in on behalf of His Warrior kids and breaking the spiritual drought as well as the natural drought. All the droughts are being broken. This has already happened in heaven and will soon be revealed as so on earth. The suffocating demon is about to be thrown off the planet like a rag doll.
Stephen Curry wears #30 which is the age of maturity and the age Jesus began His ministry. There is a beginning of the next level of a Jesus Movement that is about to be unleashed and it will be many times stronger than the previous Jesus Movement which ended about 40 years ago. Curry also happens to be a devout follower of Jesus Christ who upon winning his league MVP (Most Valuable Player) award said, “ First and foremost I have to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for blessing me with the talents to play this game, with the family to support me, day in and day out. I’m His humble servant right now and I can’t say enough how important my faith is to who I am and how I play the game.” At another interview, he said, “ I know why I play the game, and it is not to score 30 points a night, but it’s to use the stage I’m on. I’ve been put here for a specific purpose.”
Stephen Kerr has an amazing story of his own. He was born in Beirut, Lebanon, and lived many years in the Middle East including Egypt. His father while President of the American University in Beirut was terroristically killed by Islamic Jihad agents in 1984, leaving a mark on Kerr’s life forever. Kerr had already received 5 NBA Championship rings as a player and now in his first year as a coach also has one in this capacity. Kerr is the NBA career shooting percentage leader for three-point baskets (at least 2000 attempts) and is coaching the next Stephen (Curry), now seen as the best three-point shooter in history. Conventional basketball wisdom has always been that a three-point shooting team will never win the championship and yet that is what just happened. In the process, it has confirmed the new trend for NBA teams who are now all talking about how to become excellent three-point shooting and passing teams. The Stephens have been “crowned” and they are reshaping the culture of their sphere of influence. It is truly a perfect example of 7 mountain objectives, which is to come in with God’s better ways of doing things and upgrading the culture. The Warriors team as a unit is filled with many vocal followers of Jesus Christ including series MVP Andre Iguodala, who upon receiving his award told the whole world that the whole team meets for chapel before and after every game. In another interview, he said, “When people see us on the court, we want them to see God’s work. We want to be a good representation of what we believe in…When you go out there…you want to play hard for someone who died for you.” Again a perfect 7 mountains objective. Wherever we show up, we want people to see God’s work and God at work. This is where we are increasingly headed- and golden warriors will shine all over the place.
The Big Turnaround from Promise to Fulfillment
When I read that the Golden State Warriors played 103 games on the way to their championship season, I was quickly drawn to the number 103 because it was already a reoccurring number for my wife and me as we were in the Bay Area. Our first hotel room number while in the Bay suburb of Mountain View was 103, and our first ministry session with an Aglow gathering was in room 103. My wife and I noted the number as well the connection to the first location for our Daystar church in Atlanta years ago, which was in a suite 103. Psalms 103 is a wonderful chapter that speaks of the Lord in a most heartwarming way. It is a chapter of promise that reminds us how merciful and for us our God is. Among the phrases, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits.” “Who forgives ALL your iniquities, Who heals ALL your diseases.” “Who redeems your life from destruction.” “Who CROWNS you with lovingkindness and tender mercies.” The whole chapter expounds on the kindness and mercy of God and how He pities us knowing that we are dust.
In the second part of our Bay trip, we stayed in Fremont and were assigned room 301 - I quickly noted how this was the same 103 number- but now turned around. I was lead to look at Psalms 30:1 and it says, “I will extol You O Lord, for you have lifted me up, And have not let my foes rejoice over me.” I heard the Lord speak to my spirit, “This is turn around time. Your 103’s are about to become 301’s. The drought of seeing me only in Promise but not in Fulfillment is being turned around.” The rest of Psalm 30 just embellishes on verse 1, as the whole chapter is on the blessedness of answered prayer. It speaks of “weeping enduring for a night but joy coming in the morning.” Most indicative are verses 6 and 7,” NOW IN MY PROSPERITY I said, I shall never be moved. Lord by your favor You have made my mountain stand strong.” Then verse 11, says “you have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness.”
Conclusion: You Will be Positively Affected Wherever You Live
A great season of God’s mercy and kindness is upon us and this applies all across the board. Forget about trying to establish the fact that we don’t deserve this. He has found enough golden warriors to satisfy Himself. He looks for excuses to be kind and merciful- and read the full of Psalm 103 if you don’t get that. California is being prophesied to and over with hopeful perspective after hopeful perspective. I and my family were sent to this state to speak and live that reality. As California revives and thrives it affects the whole nation and even the whole world. The same Golden Gate that is the gateway to the West is also a great gateway to the East. Asia is greatly affected by what happens in California. What God is doing through the Golden Gate Bridge will positively affect every nation, tongue, and tribe on the planet and so this word is a word of rejoicing and turnaround for all. The waves of this will eventually get to you wherever you are. This fall begins not the collapse of the world but the collapse of the giants of this world. Don’t get this aspect confused. Great majestic angels of God are swirling even now all over the face of the earth and they are here for a great turnaround towards Kingdom fulfillment. God’s age of the restoration of all things showtime is next and that is what the blood moons and Jubilee year portend. He doesn’t give signs and wonders in heaven to announce the devils advance, but rather the heavens declare the glory of God.
Perhaps because it is the 10th anniversary of my father passing away, I woke up this morning in a very sentimental and appreciative mood. I want to thank all my family, friends, and partners for the way you have encouraged us and supported us on this walk of faith. It has been almost exactly two years since we arrived in California, sent and assigned to it by God as our next mission field. I am so thankful to all of you who have chosen to join in on this assignment by partnering with us financially and in prayer. We don't have a very well-oiled partnership set up, but many of you figure out how to do it and I am touched every time I hear another one has given or signed up. I know you do it as unto the Lord and blessings on you for that. I am also so very thankful for the many of you who have expressed your ongoing prayer covering over me, Elizabeth, our family, and the ministry. This we need at least as much as the finances. Honestly, there too we are trusting the Lord to speak to those who should pray for us and I greatly appreciate it. The obedience track I walk in was modeled and taught by my father and it is an honor to follow his footsteps in doing so. Again, thanks to so many of you for your expressions of love in this divine, multigenerational partnership.
Things are about to get really, really bad... for Satan and his gang. I mean this very seriously. The heavens are seemingly being emptied of angels (but there are always more) as multitudes and multitudes of powerful warring angels are being released into the earth's atmosphere. These are the serious dread angels that mean business. There is severe panic and anxiety in the enemy camp as I don't think they have ever seen anything like this. The fear and despair in the enemy's camp is palpable and there is no drug to take the edge off of it. Something really big is on the horizon and none of it is good for the dark side. If you are on the wrong side of the fear, ask the Lord to allow you to be like Gideon who was allowed into the Midianite camp and overheard them talking about their own demise thus crushing his own fear. There is a lot of buzz in the enemy's camp right now and it is all about their own demise. Come on Gideons, get ready to rumble.
"America, I'm not About to Judge you Because of Your Courts"
Like many of you, I’ve been trying to perceive the Lord’s heart over all the many strong opinions concerning the recent ruling by the Supreme Court that legalized same-sex marriage. To the best of my ability to perceive His voice and heart, this is what I heard:
"America, I’m not about to judge you because of your courts. Church of America, I’m not about to judge your nation because same-sex marriages are now legal in the land. America and the Church of America, you are both in need of more correction AND more mercy. You are both simultaneously more messed up AND more wonderful than you’ve imagined. Church, you are less representative of who I am than you think you are-- and your government and Supreme Court are less like gates of hell than you think they are. You are both a work in progress and you are both in need of radical change. This is your big news from MY Supreme Court today. Change is coming and get ready to change-- because change is what you will do. I’ve released the hosts of heaven and I’m pouring out of My Holy Spirit in an unprecedented manner and church, both you and your nation are about to go through a merciful, heavenly overhaul. This is an extreme makeover time for the United States of America. I will personally be orchestrating this national overhaul, so make sure your agenda fits with Mine, or your agenda will not go well.
Church, My overhaul will start with you. You haven’t known if you’re to be a people of truth or a people of love. Many of you have been saying love is important, but not many of you have been willing to actually showcase that. Love looks like something. You can’t just claim to have love while "speaking the truth in love.” If people can’t feel your love, it isn’t love. Your love response is more important to Me than your truth response. I’m not impressed by your zeal for My standards of holiness. Impress me by your zeal for loving the unlovely and seemingly “unworthy" to be loved. I did not send My Son Jesus so that He could remind the world of My rules. I sent My Son because I so loved the world while they were yet messed up and violating My rules.
In some ways, I am more pleased with your culture than I am with you. To some degree, they have better carried My heart of compassion than many of you have. They’ve understood that the outcast, rejected, and isolated can’t just remain a pariah of society. Yes, they may not be completely in touch with My standards of holiness, but they are in touch with My heart of kindness to the outcasts. Your Supreme Court did not rule the way they did because they hate Me and My standards. Most are relatively ignorant of Me. They ruled the way they did because they felt the pain of a rejected niche of the population that wanted a right others had extended to them. They interpret your Constitution as allowing that freedom, while others see it differently. Either way, know that I’m greater than your Constitution. It has many of My priorities within it, but it’s still much less than who I am.
Know this, I’m not near as troubled as you think I am about the direction of your courts and of your laws. You have some good changes taking place and you have some changes that aren’t as good. I’m way more concerned about My church and My house. Your courts and your laws are only a reflection of what's going on in My people. When My house is not a place of My presence and My power, then you default to religion and rules. Heaven isn’t run by rules and religion, but heaven is filled with My presence and My power. Church, on earth as it is in heaven.
My church, do you want to know what your primary sin is? Your primary sin is that you’ve preferred rules and principles above My presence and My power. This primary sin makes my Holy Spirit not welcome in the very places He is given lip-service to. Church, I love you beyond anything that you can imagine and I also love America more than most of you know. I provided for America to become a blessing to the world. She is far from perfect, but she is My gift to the nations. All will one day see what they would have been like had I not made that provision. Church, it’s important you understand that I have not given up on America. I’m not close to giving up on America.
Is America perfect? No, not even close. While you’re concerned over rulings of the last few days, yet you still have many, many other laws and ordinances that stand in absolute contrast to who I am. Many of your immigration laws are in direct contradiction of who I made you to be. Many of your criminal justice laws are way out of synch with who I am. You haven’t sown into your legal system mercy clauses that represent Me. Your abortion laws, your gambling laws, your tax laws, your healthcare laws, your education laws-- are all filled with ordinances that are against My way of doing things. You're not as close to utopia as you think to be so concerned about this last ruling, as if then you would be a righteous nation. You have precepts and ordinances all over the board that are not representative of Me.
So why do I still love you and America so much? I love because that’s who I am and that’s what I do. I love you easily because My patience and longsuffering exceed your capacity to understand. I love America because she has continually moved in the right direction and she will continually do so in the future. She has moved in the right direction as much as she could, considering the state of My church. For a church as unfriendly to My Holy Spirit as she has been, America’s doing great. This is why My overhaul of your nation is starting with you. I will do so in love and in mercy, because that is My nature-- but I will overhaul you. I will overhaul you, My church, so that your nation may enter into her true destiny of greatness. When I have a people who truly love Me, My presence, My power, and My love-- then you’ll enter your greater destiny as a nation. I don’t need you being the sin police for your nation. I need you to be those who carry My love, My kindness, My hope, My power, and My presence. I need you to carry relational Me, not transactional Me. My Holy Spirit is an incredible sin police when He fills a place or a person. Be friendly to Him and let Him do His job.
My church, I love you so much because you’ve attempted to be faithful to Me and to please Me. However, I’m now coming to you and I’m going to instruct you on My priorities. I’m going to saturate you with so much of who I am that it’s going to soften your parched hearts. I’m going to pour in so much of heaven on earth that you’ll cease to be at war with everything that you’re at war with. I don’t need you warring against anything that is flesh and blood. Your only war is against Satan and his demons. They always show up with distortions and lies of who I am and how I am. I’m going to pour out so much of My Spirit on you that you’re going to better recognize your enemy-- and it’s never people. I need you to stop fighting. I need you to stop fighting with My other kids who also see an aspect of who I am that you don’t see. Just stop the fighting. I am going to help you stop the fighting. I don’t need you fighting for Me, I need you loving for Me. I need you letting Me radically love through you. Don’t love just the saint-- and don’t love just the sinner. Love sinner and saint alike. I don’t need you involved in holy wars. I don’t need you involved in wars against deviancy. I need all your attention and energy. Become an expert in Me. Let that be your war-- to know the real Me. To know Me in ways you don’t presently know Me and to see Me in places you didn’t know I habituate.
My People, as an example of how you’re to be in society, this is how I’m going to come to you— I'm going to be kinder than you deserve. I’m going to heal you of diseases that are your fault. I’m going to forgive you of debts that were also your fault. I’m going to take care of all kinds of things that you’re helpless to take care of yourself. Furthermore, every move towards Me that you make, I’m going to reward far beyond what seems reasonable. I am going to be so generous and so merciful with you that you might wrongfully think you’re behaving better than you are. I will not deal with you as you deserve, but I will deal with you as I desire. I’m going to bombard you with kindness-- and if you will but pay if forward, it will transform your life. What I will give to you is exactly what I ask you to give. This is My priority for your nation-- that I would have sons and daughters who would display Me as I truly am. When you do this, your nation will better represent who she is called to be. When you do this your laws will better represent My heart. When you do this you will see transformation of your society. So change is coming. Extreme change is coming-- and it’s starting with you. The One who began a good work in you will see it through to the end. I am your Supreme Court and this is my edict-- both for you and for your nation. Go and ahead and rejoice because this is going to be a wonderful thing."
Wow, what a tsunami of opinions and emotions flooding the internet since the Supreme Court ruling legalizing marriage for gays (read my previous post for my take). What is becoming more and more evident is the different perspective of who God is, that exists among us believers.
If I were to judge God's mood based on the many posts released by Christians, I would gather that He is very upset, very worried, very ready to release catastrophic judgments and altogether in confusion at how He is going to get the LGBT crowd to understand they are sinners bound for hell.
The God I see and know, however, is quite unlike that. He is 100% at peace, 100% at rest, 100% not worried, and 100% hopeful and 100% hope-filled. He totally saw and understood the trend, seeing that 37 States had already ruled to allow gay marriages. He totally understood that an increasing portion of the population had a sentiment of compassion towards the LGBT community. He also saw how His church was complicit in stirring these feelings of compassion by the unchurched- as the unchurched resented the judgmentalism they perceived/received from the church.
The God I see and know doesn't just obsess on His rules, He understands the soul and mood part of humanity- as this too comes from His image. He is so patient and wise that He knows when it is time to work on the sin issues and when it's time to work on the soul issues. When the woman caught in the act of adultery was dragged before Him, He knew that the sin issue to deal with was the sin in the judgmental religious camp. He was not going to tell the adulteress about HER sin until He had chased off the accusers because of THEIR sin.
He is still doing that today. He is not going to grant satisfaction to the sin police until He has chased off their finger-pointing ways. He doesn't care how angry they are about the adulteress (LGBT community) getting away with no condemnation from Him. Her soul is His priority right now as she has been signaled out, called out and shamed before the whole world. He is not going to even talk about Her sin- until her soul has experienced some unconditional love of the Father. This is the good and kind God I know. He has never been soft on sin- but He has always been so high on mercy that it looks that way.
The God I see is extremely excited about this spring season of the kingdom of God- that has just begun, and He has just released millions of angels to be a major part of His spectacular era of renaissance "showtime" that is about to break loose upon the earth. If you love God and long to carry His love with power these are the best days imaginable and you will be mightily used. If you are instead one who believes your priority is to berate sinners, then the coming days could be quite difficult for you. He is coming again as "friend of sinners" and you are going to be surprised at who He uses to carry His power and His glory.
There is nothing wrong per se with being burdened with the sin that is in society. That in itself doesn't turn you into a grace-hating Pharisee. Where it goes wrong is how you choose to deal with it. If you wrongfully believe that pointing out and chastising sin at every turn is the key to diminishing the sin in our society, then you deceive yourself. It has never worked in history and it will not work today or tomorrow. Sin-consciousness doesn't eliminate sin. In fact, it increases sin. What you focus on you make room for.
There is only one agent of conviction and reduction of sin and He is the Wonderful Holy Spirit. As we make room for Him in our own lives, in our own churches and in our own marketplaces of operation, then He who is the most effective sin police on the planet is allowed to do what only He can do. So let's finish out the equation correctly. Want less sin around you? Do whatever is in your power to make yourself a host of the Holy Spirit. Study Him. Learn about Him. Receive Him. Receive His power. Get baptized in Him. Don't displease Him. The coming revival and reformation is not coming through the changing of laws, though it will eventually change laws and ordinances. It is coming because the Holy Spirit will be poured out without measure. This is a good season to be emptied of false solutions and allow the greatest Change Agent on the planet to have His way.