February 2015
Super Bowl 49 Prophetic Message: God is Looking Out for America and Will Now Open the Double Doors of Blessing
What an exciting Super Bowl game! Appropriately, it was the most-watched TV program in history. There are so many messages from this game that I doubt I can cover them all. Watching the Super Bowl is like the spies being sent to the Promised Land. I make this analogy because our Promised Lands are the center stages of this world as this is where our God is destined to shine brightest in the coming days. It makes no difference who presently showcases themselves there, as it will all tend towards Him and His glory. It is why we Arise and Shine.
Many and maybe most believers can only see the giants of Super Bowl Sundays. They see questionable half time shows and racy commercials and are ready to chalk up the whole experience as the enemy on display. Yet those with the spirit of Caleb can look onto the same scenario and see great fruit in the midst of the giants. We must become adept at seeing hidden treasure and fruit and not overreact to giants that are destined to be bread for us.
Here are the great Super Bowl stories as I see them, listed by priority.
1) Malcolm Butler - 2nd Malcolm in a row to be a Super Bowl Hero
Tom Brady was the MVP, but all acknowledge that Malcolm Butler is the Super Bowl hero with his anticipatory interception at the goal line, which in fact snatched a victory from the impending jaws of defeat. Interestingly enough, the MVP of last year's Super Bowl was also a Malcolm (Malcolm Smith). He intercepted Peyton Manning, securing a win for the Seahawks last year.
The name Malcolm means "servant of the dove" and appropriately enough, the servants of the Holy Spirit (the Dove) are the center stage heroes two years in a row. Malcolm Butler was quickly quoted as saying, "I had a vision of making a big play," and that's exactly what happened. Up to that point, he felt like he would be the goat of the game because he was the defender on that incredible bobbling catch only a minute earlier. In an interview today, Malcolm Butler stated, "I believe in God. I'm truly blessed. I just prayed all this week. I pray at other times too." Amazingly, an undrafted rookie from a Divison II School who was working at Popeye's restaurant has been catapulted into fame, for which He gives honor to the Lord. Additionally, my wife discovered that the name Malcolm is listed as #444 in popularity in America right now, for those who remember my posts about that number. Psalm 44:4 speaks of victories that are commanded by God.
Butler: Even his last name carries great significance. A butler is the hired help to run a household. I have noted that in many of the protests concerning Ferguson and other places, some protest signs read, "We're Not Just the Help." The Latino and African-American communities are often made to feel like they're the hired help of America. God's not ok with this and is going to let the "butlers" of America who have grown up in difficult settings become the heroes on many stages of society. Butler was number #21, which is the age citizens receive their full rights. God is looking out for the "smiths" and "butlers" of this land and will be their great Help.
2) Tom Brady - Thomas means Twin/Double Portion
The Patriots, in their red, white, and blue, represent the United States of America. There has been a 7-year drought in between this Super Bowl victory and their last one in 2008 - the year the stock market collapsed. Tom is 37 years old and set a record with 37 completions. This connects to Ezekiel 37 and the valley of dry bones becoming an exceedingly great army as we agree with God and decree what He says, as opposed to what it looks like. Many of the prophetic words released for 2015 have carried the "double" attached to it, including my word on "Double for your Trouble." Despite the foreboding that so many carry over America's future, and despite the fact that many have seen America as a team at the 1-yard line defending herself from disaster - God Himself is going to show Himself strong on America's behalf and make sure the recent economic gains we have made will not be lost. The double doors are being opened up over us economically and we will step into a double portion season of grace and opportunity.
3) Game Score 28-24: Deut. 28:2-4 and Ez. 28:24
The Deut. passage says, "And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you because you obey the voice of the Lord your God: Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country, blessed shall be the fruit of your body, the produce of your ground and the increase of your herds, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks." This speaks of economic blessings described every way possible and I believe that He has found enough of a presence of that in our land to grant us this outcome. The God I have come to know looks for excuses and reasons to qualify us for blessing, as opposed to one who looks for reasons to disqualify us.
Ez. 28:24 says, "And there shall no longer be a prickling brier or painful thorn for the house of Israel from among them all who are around them, who despise them. Then they shall know that I am the Lord God." This tells us of unusual covering and protection from God over Israel in this season of ISIS, Iran, and other factions being against them. Part of the purpose of our economic strength for the coming season is to partner with God as a nation in providing this protection. Military upgrades are in order - though the battle is the Lord's.
4) Attention on Seahawks and Patriots
Both teams are being highlighted simply by the reality that they participated in the Super Bowl. The Seahawks draw attention to those that are "See Hawks" who will be given favor, which continues to be a focus for the Body of Christ. We must learn how to rise above the fray of the obvious and see with His eyes because the matrix of His reality is completely different than what normal earth-bound eyes can see. The Seahawks were the easy choice to win for many Christians, including myself, as they have a strong Christian contingent led by Russell Wilson himself. There is a website called www.makingofachampion.org that shows the Seahawks giving honor to God. They're doing great, yet because they lost, I sense God is speaking to us about our nation. It has become so easy for many to see and speak disaster over America and God will not allow His "See(ing) Hawks" to be validated or vindicated in their negative perspective of America. God is looking out for the minorities of America and for Israel as well. He knows we need to be strengthened economically in order to properly extend ourselves on behalf of both of these groups. He has "butlers" who've been having visions of shining and He will most certainly be giving them opportunities.
5) Half Time: An Explosion of Creativity
Personally, I thought the Half Time show was very entertaining, with perhaps one of Katy Perry's songs of choice being the least desirable aspect of it. Katy Perry was called out and prophesied over at a very young age that she would be given a world stage. Her parents are Spirit-filled pastors. Lenny Kravitz is a Spirit-filled believer who was in the recent movie, Holy Ghost. Missy Elliot makes it clear that she's a Christian too. These the 3 stars of the Half Time didn't display the overall raciness and darkness of recent past Super Bowl Half Times. (I choose to find and focus on the fruit and treasures, as opposed to glorifying giants.) Katy seems to still be wrestling through her relationship with God, but you know what- so are many of us. I believe we saw a taste of the future with this Super Bowl, as the greater true creativity, joy, and glory will be increasingly carried by those who identify with Christ. We're going to have the eye of the Lion and the world will hear us roar with His greatness.
There are a couple of other prophetic sub-messages that I'll only briefly mention. I believe Boston is the geographical headquarters of the Mountain of Education. In 2014 I released a Rosh Hashanah word describing how God has sent a great angel to assist in the transformation of Education. I shared that indigo is the color of the Mountain of Education, which is the primary color for the Patriots - a further confirmation that the transformation of education is a priority in this season. This was Super Bowl 49 (7 x 7) and this year the Jubilee year begins, where the supernatural lifting off of financial weights will take place for many. All in all, the Super Bowl results point to an agreement with the prophetic season that has been confirmed by many. This is a year to be a Seeing Hawk and to understand that thinking Patriotically towards America lines up in agreement with what God Himself is declaring over us. Whether we all choose to agree or not, this will be the result, because the Malcolms (servants of the Dove) is out on the playing field positioning themselves for being game-changers.
#SuperBowlMessage #RiseMalcolms
Here is the deal. I see that for some it seems very strange to extract metaphorical and prophetic truths from mundane matters such as football games. Jesus spoke almost entirely in such a manner and even His miracles would end up with the relevant numbers in His miracles speaking of yet another level of truth (example the 2 loaves and 5 fishes and the 12 baskets are yet another layer of truth beyond the miracle He was performing). These matters are for seeing eyes to see and are in fact foolishness to those who can not see or have not trained their spirit to look for multilayered messages. Romans tells us that "the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen" meaning that He can be seen even without a Bible because He has deposited shadow truths of who He is in all that He has created. Jesus told us as well if we don't praise Him that "the rocks will cry out" with what must come to Him. See at the subatomic particle level we are all the same with all matter. This is science, not "new age". We and all matter are at our essence micro tiny spinning donuts each with a sound- that all interact with each other at some level. Therefore truth about who He is and what He is doing will be revealed in all kinds of prophetic stages. It only takes a searching heart and eyes to see. As an added bonus it makes life much more exciting because you encounter the voice of God in all areas of everyday life. I enjoy finding God - in the word, in prayer, in worship, in church- but also in weather patterns, number sequences that show up, championship games, on license plates, etc. etc. My God speaks to me on multiple screens and easels and the more I look for Him the more I find Him. His name is The Word so communication is His essence but it is rarely audible. The voice of God is more often something perceived and received in the same way our electronics gadgets receive that which they do. The invitation to us is to learn to extend our spiritual receptors and pay attention to the treasure of His hidden communication. He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
There is such a wind of double grace coming up over us right now and I hope all can still their spirits enough to sense it. Soon it will be so strong that only Pharisees won't be able to feel it. It is a breeze of reconciliation, redemption, and restoration that carries the sweetness of Jesus. He is about to make everything new- beginning with our toughened hearts. We are going to lose the desire of needing to be right and are actually going to prefer being loving. Isn't that something? He is going to be so kind to us that we aren't going to care about arguments, we are going to care about people. Come on Papa and double it up. Blow sweet wind, blow!
I have a word for a very specific group. This is for those of you who are so humble and so deferring and so undemanding of the Lord- that it ends up being a spirit of poverty on you. You don't have breakthrough but you don't really care because you are "content" with whatever God has for you. Here is the word for you. It is breakthrough time for you as well! Break out of that spirit of poverty of vision that keeps you limited and give yourself over to connecting to the passion and desire He put in your heart. You have been great just saying over and over to the Lord "Whatever you want Lord". But He is now looking squarely at you and saying "What do YOU want?!" He is looking for you to look at the desires for the kingdom that He put in you and to identify them before Him. For the rest of February He is going after you- the too humble- and He is looking to draw something new out of you that will grant you access to astonishing breakthrough and fruitfulness. You have been excessively "dying to self" and actually were allowing some of your destiny to atrophy. It is now time to fully live for Him. This is your time.
The Lord is presently inviting us to literally THROW all of our cares, worries, and concerns on Him. 1 Peter 5:7 says "Casting all your cares upon Him because He cares". The word "casting" is the Greek word 'epiripto', which means "to throw upon, to throw away and to throw off". This is not just gently handling our concerns over to Him. This is a much more vigorous getting rid of a weight -that sons and daughters of royalty are not meant to carry. It is not choosing irresponsibility but is, in fact, the most responsible thing to do with your cares. Only He was meant to carry the weight of the worlds' problems and even your own personal concerns- as He is able to do so effortlessly because He knows the end from the beginning. When we do this throwing upon Him, He is the one carrying our concern and now able to intervene as needed. Consider listing all your cares on a piece of paper and then envision the Lord standing across the room from you- and THROW ALL your worries in His direction. Do it and do it with gusto...Now be prepared for some really good testimonies. #HeLovesCaringForUs
Such a season of dreams and revelation for me and I am sure for many of you. I want to give a prophetic word that I gave in back to back dreams last night. Both dreams were in entirely different settings but in both, I woke up as I was giving the following word:
"We have entered an age when aging will be reversed. There is now a glory invading the atmosphere that carries a new grace of longevity. It will become common for God's kids to carry on in strength while 100 years old. Then it will extend beyond that. I see this new descending glory as a cloud touching our atmosphere. It is necessary to live "tall" enough to touch this glory. This is not about being holy enough but about carrying the right narrative of this age of restoration of all things. Those who will carry the glory of this His story will begin to see this shift in their own bodies. This is not going to able to be accessed if you are in "I'll fly away" mode. If your mind is in escape mode your body will follow. Rather this will be a progressive reality for those willing to contend for the goodness of God in the land of the living!
Draw the line in the sand today. It is Valentine's Day. Perfect love casts out all fear. No more bowing to any kind of fear or anxiousness. Identify the voices that stir hopelessness and concern in you and neutralize them. Start with your own voice and neutralize any hopelessness that comes out of it- but then extend the search. Especially note who you look to for spiritual guidance and make sure it is a voice that draws out hope and courage in you. No more eating of spiritual sounding words that ultimately inspires insecurity. He is your True Love today and His pleasant and hope-filled thoughts towards you can not be numbered. Happy Valentine's Day!!
Here is a specific word for some of you who are doing everything you know to do in pursuing and obeying God and yet you're baffled at how many challenges you are in the middle of. This word is a divine strategy of victory. The strategy is two words: LAUGH and OUTLAST. Find any and every way and reason to laugh. Laugh for no reason at all. Laugh at yourself for struggling with what you are struggling with. Laugh at the devil. Laugh at him for thinking he is going to take you out somehow. Laugh because as Pharrell sang "I'm Happy". Then commit to just OUTLASTING your test or your circumstance. The devil always threatens us with "this is going to go on and on and on- until disaster." You tell him and tell yourself - "I am outlasting any and everything I am going through." Tell him in every way it gives you satisfaction to do so. I am telling you that if you will do this you will activate a spiritual dynamic on your behalf that will game-change everything.
Prophetic Word: A Changing of the Guard
We are amid a strategic changing of the prophetic guard. This is something being orchestrated from heaven on behalf of His Bride. Because we have shifted into the Kingdom age of the Restoration of All Things (Acts 3:21), it has become of uppermost importance that the prophetic voices come in line with that understanding. This is a season when heaven will no longer endorse in any way those voices that do not release hope and courage into His Bride. The hope and encouragement of His Bride is uppermost on His priority list at this time as His Bride's discouragement has been profound- and inconsistent with the accelerated Kingdom Age season actually upon us. In times past, God has validated a prophetic message that is a mixture regarding His heart but that will no longer be so. It was okay in our prophetic infancy but is no longer okay.
There are prophetic voices that have books, messages, and resources built on impending doom or judgment -that is not coming in this season nor His heart for us- but yet the voices feel bound to their resources, often for economic reasons. A quick adjustment must be made to recognize heaven's present narrative over us or these voices will have a "changing of the guard" orchestrated from Papa's own command. Actually, I believe the die has already been cast and the determination has already been made- but repentance is always good and God's mercy is always beyond our own.
The closer to God that a prophetic voice is the less leeway will be given. The higher level the gift, the more accountability it will carry to be a pure representation of His heart towards His Bride and towards society. God allows anointing to be released to and through many voices that are far, far from perfect and He will continue to do so. If we really knew just how patient and lenient He was with that we might be shocked. However, He is orchestrating a "changing of the guard" among His most important prophetic voices because He has determined that a necessary upgrade is in order. I give this word with a good measure of fear and trembling because it is very weighty.
A "Changing of the guard" means that heavens' resources are no longer coming to assist a voice. Those resources can be finances and favor but it mainly represents anointing and angelic support. It means a retiring of sorts is being done by heaven. Moses had that happen to him. It meant his assignment was over. "Changing of the guard" doesn't necessarily mean death and it for sure doesn't mean shame either. Moses was still greatly esteemed and honored as he is until this day- yet he was changed out for Joshua over a matter of misrepresenting God's heart to His people.
So this important season is never to be one associated with finger-pointing and judging but it is one to be perceived with understanding and a proper fear of the Lord. God is raising up and positioning a prophetic guard that speaks from a healed perspective of who God is and what He is about today. This new prophetic guard has learned to upgrade and update their own grid of God and their assignment from an Old Testament model to a New Testament model. The shift is from sin-consciousness to love-consciousness. From behavior-consciousness to heart-consciousness. From "judgment of God" as the answer for everything wrong in society, to "kindness of God" as that which leads to repentance from the heart (Rom. 2:4). God has revealed enough of Himself even to society that He is requiring this and other upgrades for His primary voices but especially those who speak as prophets. As we watch this take place may we all take heed and fall in line with the magnificence and hopefulness of His present-day narrative.