March 2015

March 3, 2015 · 

Here is some fresh revelation from the Father. Last night I was awakened and He began showing me His heart towards us His kids. He was saying this He really is here with us to break the individual and collective spirit of fear (terror) that has been plaguing us for a long time. He is roaring on our behalf through angel armies and in every way.

As He spoke I was shown the progression of what empowers fear. He said FEAR is not really something you gain full victory over by directly resisting and rebuking demons of fear. Fear demons are piggybacking on something else. This something else is A LIE ABOUT YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES. This is what empowers your fear. You have heard that FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real and that is true. He then showed me that you can't just talk yourself out of the lie about your circumstances. This lie is also piggybacking on another lie. That lie is A LIE ABOUT GOD. When you doubt His heart towards you then it becomes a foundation for the lie about your circumstances. Even this lie about God piggybacks on something else. This something else is A LACK OF A TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. This is to be our helmet of salvation that is our protection. This is where the eventual manifestation called FEAR can be stemmed early on in its' tracks. He showed that there are 4 aspects of true knowledge of God that if we coat ourselves with it will ensure immediate and prolonged victory over fear.

1) He unconditionally loves you. He can't help it.

 2) His intentions towards you are only good. He can't help it.

 3) He wants your faith tested so you can receive promotions both here and in heaven. This is often painful but remember 1 and 2.

 4) He will test you to the point of you questioning or doubting Him and it is only then the relationship can be solidified for maximum fruitfulness and victorious living. (The trial of your faith is more precious than gold 1 Pet. 1:7) Keep remembering 1 and 2.

Let's update and upgrade our knowledge of God and stomp out every cockroach of fear.

He is the God who is for you- not against you; and if God be for you who can be against you? Exactly.


 March 4, 2015 · 


What a historic revisiting it was having Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu give his message before the US Congress yesterday warning of the impending danger of Iran as it comes increasingly closer and closer to being nuclear-capable. Here it is on the Purim anniversary of when Esther went before the king saying "this wicked Haman is plotting to kill my people", and Netanyahu was before the most powerful political body on the planet saying, in essence, the same thing. The threat against Israel then and now is sourced by the same demonic principality- the prince of Persia.


Iran truly is taking advantage of the atmosphere created by the sudden arrival of ISIS on to the scene as the United States and other nations are preferring Iran to be the one that runs interference against them at various junctures in several nations. Thus Iran does, in fact, have a significant ruling presence in 4 capitals that surround Israel. Iran's leaders are being very subtle and strategic and so much so that a pragmatic like our President Obama feels he needs to go with their "good will" and work with them on a plan that trusts them seemingly in a naive way. It is not fair or proper to demonize our President only to be aware that his pragmatism may be working against him being able to see "Haman's intrigue" behind the scenes. We must not spiritually write off our President but pray that the clearing of the air that Netanyahu brought with his speech allows his own eyes to be properly awakened to see as he should. Without spiritual discernment, it is not easy.


Regardless of whether our President gets it right, Iran and surrounding nations around Israel have much more to worry about than whether the US will be Israel's protector- though it is our call and assignment. I do believe that a message from God was leaked out through the Super Bowl and its score of 28-24 in favor of the Patriots. The Super Bowl represents being the top stage and even the natural event was spiritual speaking of that which would be right around the corner. We are in that "right around the corner" moment. The 28-24 score connects us to Ez. 28:24 that says, "And there shall no longer be a pricking brier or a painful thorn for the house of Israel from among them, who despise them. Then they shall know that I am the Lord God." This connects to the preceding verses where Ezekiel prophesied profound judgments on Sidon. We will now see another fulfillment of this verse.


In the Super Bowl when it seemed the Patriots had lost the game, suddenly a man named Butler stepped up and intercepted a goal-line pass and this sealed the win for the Patriots. Likewise, the Lord has his own Butler and his name is Michael the Archangel and he is positioned to intercept Israel's enemies. He is of multiple more times of concern to the enemies of Israel than if even the US can be deceived into being on the wrong side. The Patriots through their zionist owner Robert Craft represents Israel- and God is going to send His forces to intercept that which the enemy is concocting against Israel. There is great conspiring against Israel that is taking place and it is echoing Psalm 2. Here is what I hear from the Lord.


Fear not Israel, nor all of you who love Israel, because you are going to hear HIM roar against Israel's enemies. A severe humbling is about to come to the plotting trifecta of Turkey, Iran, and Syria. The previous Arab Spring Uprising was just a warm-up for something that will be much more intense- and get ready for round two. ISIS will develop an incurable wound and be vomited out by the very nations it is invading and threatening. I suddenly see Turkey as a piece of meat that dogs are fighting over and pulling it in various directions. Iran is full of many wonderful people- as well as an underground revival of hearts towards the true God. However, it's leaders are in direct cahoots with ancient dark principalities, and judgment is coming their way and it will be stiff. At some point, Iran will flip like a pancake and that which is dark will be buried. Syria will have multiple heads of evil cut off as the Lord releases a Sidon judgment on the nations breathing down Israel's neck. Our God is on the move against terror as this has been an assignment of the devil to thwart this Spring season of the Kingdom Age. This Spring that assignment will meet a severe thrashing directed by our Father Himself under the auspices of His great Archangel Michael. The age of the Kingdom is about to explode on our behalf. Make sure to take out your own personal "terrorists" of fear while that grace is here.

March 4, 2015 · 

I have a really random prophetic word but it is one I keep getting the last couple of days. It is a prophetic word for those named Paul and especially for pastors named Paul. The word Paul means small or humble and I believe that most of you Paul's carry that. The word is that the Lord is looking at you Paul's and this is a real season of promotion for you. He is also calling you to shake off any false humility and now step into all He is releasing to you. He is boosting the influence of His Paul's as He needs that to now come to the forefront in the leadership of His kids. Many of you will now rise up to be reformers. Many of you will rise up in the new way of doing church. It is the arising time for the Paul's and a grace has been released to you connected to the grace that is on your name...As I was writing this, I was texted by someone. I looked at it and it is from a Paul...who is a pastor...and one I had not heard from in months. I took it as a confirmation.

March 5, 2015 · 

I have a Part 2 word about the Pauls from yesterday. I believe that I heard that the Lord is now releasing the ministry of Paul the Apostle with a new grace. This word is for all pastors and those in ministry. It is a 1 Cor. 2: 1-5 grace and anointing to carry the real gospel of power. A gospel of demonstration. Paul's can't lean on their oratory and it is perhaps why not many natural Paul's have been gifted with an exceptional silver tongue. It is actually a blessing to you so you don't lean on persuasion by argument but on the anointing of the Holy Spirit. A grace for kingdom demonstration is now being released. It is the kingdom age and no one other than Jesus spoke or modeled it better than Paul. It is all so "that your faith should not be in the wisdom of man but in the power of God."

March 7, 2015 · 

Last night in a vision sequence I was taken around the world on the back of a rainbow feathered eagle. It was pretty exciting. As I was flying around I was able to see the winds that I had prophesied about to begin the year. These were the winds of worship, the winds of wisdom, the winds of wealth, and the winds of wonder. I was able to actually see the winds as they were all over the globe going in all kinds of directions. These winds came in the various colors of the rainbow and it was why I could see them. So much help has been released on our behalf in every area of life.

As I was taken around the globe I suddenly had my attention drawn to Australia and it seemed like the whole nation was ablaze with a colorful fire of God. My attention was drawn to or near the city of Brisbane and this was a massive fire with an open heaven above it. I also saw a smaller but very defined portal over Canberra. I was then suddenly over a city named Pemba in the southern part of Africa and then after looking it up realized that was in Mozambique. There was a great open heaven over Pemba with strong activity of these colorful winds. I knew something significant was going on- or going to be going on there. Suddenly, the next city was Brunswick, Georgia and there was an open heaven over that city and it was significant. I then saw colorful fires all across Canada and could see God was at work in many places with the new release that He is doing this year. All across the planet, there were many sparks and winds and clearly much angelic activity. We are in a new time and it is a world-changing time. March continues to be a month of unusual amount and kinds of rainbows- visible to the natural eye- as well as many rainbow-colored winds and rainbow fires visible to spirit eyes. Ask God to keep helping you see our side and our activity. It's the next great show on planet earth.

March 11, 2015 · 

I received a very significant scroll for my life yesterday. It basically carries my assignment for the next 50 years. I am 55 now so that may or may not make some of my assignment to be on the other side of the veil :) This is the season for receiving scrolls from heaven- as to how you are to move forward in this age of the restoration of all things (Acts 3:21). It can come to you by angels, by dreams, by the Lord, or by others. It is important to know the season and day we are living in order to be able to properly perceive your scroll. We are in a very key transition generation- as the Kingdom Age has just begun. This is a season where the Davids are to arise with the expanded knowledge and understanding of WHO God is as well as HOW God is. If you get this you can literally be one of heaven's Superheroes on earth. When you grow to understand HOW God is, you no longer believe that the Goliaths of society are anything other than "uncircumcised Philistines" who are illegally in a territory we are commanded to inherit. Also, it will be hard to receive your scroll from God if your rapture bags are packed. You would be in the wrong story-line. This is not the age of the tribulation, or the antichrist, or the beast - nor the rapture. Sorry about that. Grieve it if you must- and then snap out of your doldrums and rise and shine with who He made you to be. If you do, He will be faithful to give you advanced marching orders.

March 16, 2015 · 

OK, I have a confession to make. I do have significant trouble loving a certain people group, and I think I need help. It is not adulterers, fornicators, witches, gays, lesbians, liberals, the President, any immigrant group, Muslims, or Arabs. Nor should all those names be categorized together- but it doesn't matter because it is a group I DON'T have trouble feeling some love for. The people group that makes me want to step into "Jesus with a whip" mode, are the modern Pharisees of today. From time to time, I will have one of these pop in on Facebook- as happened recently. These will be those that can quote the Bible backward and forwards (at least their favorite scriptures) (as could the devil).

These are those who feel they are doing God a service- by persecuting and 'assassinating' anyone who believes in presence Christianity, prophets, apostles, healing, power of God, God still speaks, women can ministerially lead and teach- and basically all of the works of Jesus, (these ones are sort of like Paul- before he had his conversion experience...and sort of like the devil- oops did I say that again...who has not yet had his conversion experience).

The profound unlovability of their spirits is palpable and almost suffocating- yet they profess themselves proudly as "Christians". If these were to "take over" society in any real way, it would be a coin toss as to what would be worse- they or ANY other oppressive government group on the planet. I decidedly do not want these to be co-laborers towards 7 mountain influence- of course, nor would they do so anyway, as the narrowness of their brand of Christianity puts them to the right...of the cross.

As I give myself the latitude to contemplate on these... I easily feel the words of Jesus want to project forth from my mouth "you white-walled sepulchers! you generation of vipers! you hypocrites! you killer of the prophets!" (Mt.23) -and I search for any other strong phrase or word He had for them...but then I wonder, am I entitled to these feelings or am I just needing to grow in love? So pray for me please, as I attempt to suppress...Jesus?...What is it about Phariseeism that is so hard to love? Is it perhaps that it is such the antithetical manifestation of who God really is?... I think I am running with that one. OK call off the intercessors.

March 17, 2015 · 

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all. I do believe that Patrick was one of the greatest men of God of all time and that huge promises are still in store for and through Ireland because of his friendship with God... As I was sensing the heart of God today I felt Him calling out tenderly to all His kids. I was hearing, "Come unto me all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." I believe this is a word today and this week, especially for many of His faithful warriors who have endured through years and decades of devoted service to Him. He is so for you and even in the midst of the pressures of this life, He has a new place of rest and hope for you.

March 19, 2015 · 

Today is my father, Jack Enlow's 91st birthday, and I wish to tell him Happy Birthday! The last 9 birthdays he has spent in heaven and I hope he is having a wonderful party there. My Dad was a great man of God, who along with my Mom blazed a unique spiritual trail that has impacted me and all my siblings (8 of us) as well as their kids, and their kids' kids (over 50 there). He was the youngest of 6 boys who all loved and served the Lord well, but my Dad chose a path of pursuing the Holy Spirit that led him into new dimensions. When he passed away while still living in Peru, he was honored on Christian radio as the man that brought the things of the Holy Spirit to the nation. He was a great man and I am looking for him to be further pulling strings on our behalf :), as I was shown that he is highly esteemed in heaven. Happy Birthday Dad and I love you!

March 20, 2015 · 

Rev your engines and be prepared as tomorrow another kingdom of God surge begins. God's justice in the Middle East will be further unveiled. Nationally watch for the rise of the previously unknowns carrying a new measure of glory and power. Mighty angels are in a very active period right now so be sensitive as to what that means for you. It is a good season for extended worship and speaking in tongues. Things too big and wonderful for our brains are engaging into action.

March 24, 2015 · 


As I was flying across America from Atlanta to Los Angeles, the Lord began to speak to me His heart for America. This is how my spirit heard it. I was on flight 6555 and it reminded me of Isaiah 55:5 and God’s determination to be glorified among the nations. Triple 5 also represents great grace.

"America, America, I am patient and kind and it is time for you to understand the place you hold in my heart. You must stop seeing me as the God that is angry with you as a nation, and nor do I have judgment stored up for you. Let that soak in deeply My children, as many of you are missing this. My ways and my thoughts are not like yours in so many ways. I do not look for reasons to judge or disqualify, but my nature is to find reasons to exonerate and bless. My mercy always looks to triumph over judgment.

I am far more patient than you have perceived- and because of this, you have wrongfully lived under an expectation of judgment. This mood has been over my people in America for hundreds of years. Know that this is not who I am…I am the God who considered Abraham a close friend, even though he had multiple wives and even though he had slaves. I was against polygamy and against slavery even in his day- but in my patience, I was not working on that at that time. I am a God of great patience. My chastisement comes to a nation, not when that nation is not perfect, but when that nation refuses to work on the issue or issues I am going after at that moment…David also was my great friend, and he too had Abraham’s shortcomings and more. Yet I was pleased with the way my servant David was able to perceive me in his day and time…And now know that I am pleased with what you have done, with your status as a lead nation on the planet. You are my gift to the world- I orchestrated your formation- and you are progressively releasing my kindness into the nations of the world. You have consistently been a first responder to catastrophes and disasters around the planet, as well as the primary funders of the advance of the gospel. You have risked and sacrificed lives and billions of dollars- as you have attempted to respond to crises in nations where people are killing each other. You have lacked wisdom and understanding even on how to properly respond- but know that I have not judged you for this but rather released mercy and grace to you and over you.

America, America, know that beyond looking at your government's righteousness or lack of it, that I have looked at My people who are called by My name. When I talk to America, I talk to those I have given authority to represent America. Only occasionally is that the government itself. My ears and eyes have always been towards those that are Mine- and in America, I have many who are Mine, and who honor Me to the best of their ability to do so. I am the God who would not have destroyed evil Sodom and Gomorrha had there been 10 righteous, though the evil of that city was beyond what you can imagine. Later on, I gave mercy to the whole nation of Israel because I found one man in Moses, who would satisfy my requirement for righteousness. Again in another time and day, for the sake of one man- David- I rescued and restored the whole nation of Israel. I am so totally unlike any of you in the patience of my ways- and the heart of mercy that I carry. You have not understood my patience and my kindness and it is time you receive a fresh understanding of that, because of what I am about to do on your behalf.

America, America I am about to pour out the most abundant grace I have ever poured out on a nation. I am about to shower you with kindness. I am about to visit you, your children, and your children’s children with a kindness you will not feel like you have earned or have deserved. I will pour out abundance on you as you have never seen as a nation and you will be good stewards of the abundance that I will pour out on you. I will bless you in your fields, I will bless you in your boardrooms, I will bless you in your churches, I will bless you in your businesses, I will bless you with amazing new discoveries of wealth and I will bless you with amazing new inventions and strategies. Furthermore, my hand of protection will be on you. You have agreed with the enemy more than you know, for surely it is he that has desired for you to be judged and destroyed. He has accused you to me night and day- for you have not been near perfect and you have been far from blameless. However your righteousness has been on pace with my progressive expectations, and I have as well, heard the millions of prayers requesting mercy. I have millions and millions in America who honor Me with the best they presently know how to honor Me with. Your knowledge of Me is quite limited -but millions have been faithful to what they have known of Me and I have deemed you ready for a multi-generational blessing of grace and abundance. So My protection will be on you even as it has been- as I have been your shield, and it has not been your military might or strength that has saved you. It is I who have unplugged and exposed multiple attempts to destroy America. Surely the enemy has raised up a mighty army against you, but know that I have limited him and he has managed only very minor casualties. These I permit in part so that you understand the assignment against you and so that you stay on guard and in a good place with Me. Blessed is the nation whose shield is the Lord God.

America, America, a river of true righteousness is about to flood your streets and it will be that which comes from my infinite kindness and infinite patience. I will invade every area of society with my praise, my glory, and my goodness. I will do this thing because I have those that see and know Me as this kind of God and have requested this of Me at this time. My people who are called by My name, there is that which I ask of you for this season- so that you do not find yourself fighting Me. This requirement is that you show the same patience and kindness to society that I am and will be pouring out upon you. I will be aggressively and extravagantly loving you and your nation and I ask you to step into that same aggressive and extravagant love. I ask you to cease to be known by what you are against but that you become known by love. Do not call it love- to be judgmental. Do not call it love- to raise the pointed finger. Do not call it love to be cold and calculated. Do not call it love to yield to cynicism. Love must really be love. I will be pouring out a love that you can feel and you must embrace this love. I will pour out a fiery baptism of love on you and your generations, and it will be my burning love that allows you to operate not from the head, but from the heart.

Do not fight Me, My people, as I pour out that which is in My heart to pour out. My kindness will lead you and your nation to a greater repentance. I know your imperfections better than you do but I will win you with a baptism in My fiery love. Do not withstand Me in this, as this will be the most dangerous place to be in if that should so happen. The closer you are to Me the less I will permit you to resist Me in the great kindness I will now pour out on your nation- and through your nation on the nations of the world. The closer you are to Me, the less I will overlook you distorting who I really am. Even if you have served Me well, I will even call you home early if you can’t comprehend the abundance of my kindness that I will now begin to pour upon you as a nation. I have called you to be ministers of reconciliation and not ministers of judgment and you must stay out of that seat as it will boomerang on you. My grace is released so that you may radically love, radically forgive, radically give, radically worship, radically hope, radically model, and radically advance who I am on planet earth. The time is now and this is what I have determined. My kindness will win and My fiery love will fulfill its purpose."

Johnny Enlow March 24, 2015

March 30, 2015 · 

I want to comment and clarify my prophetic words for March, now that the month is coming to a close. I declared that it would be a devastating month for the principalities behind Islam...and behind ISIS. Now some have asked if I had been prophesying the end of both. The answer is that I was not prophesying that both would be extinguished in March. I was just seeing a violent battle in the spirit and saw that it would be catastrophic in the spirit realm for the demons behind them. The prince of Persia may, in fact, have decades of strength left, but the assault on its strength has been accelerated and will progressively increase in this season and in the months and years to come. God is releasing the warrior angels of heaven to assist in setting free the captives in Muslim nations that have been blinded by this power. The primary battle is, of course, ideological- and the relentless knowledge of God coming into the region is going to continue to devastate the lies the enemy has sown for centuries. An awakening to truth is blazing in the region.

As to ISIS, I do believe they are shifting into survival mode, but obviously, ISIS is only one of the axis of violence and murder associated with the extreme manifestations of Islam. There is still Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, Somalian terrorists, other Syrian Islamic terror groups, Syria's President, Hezbollah, plus extreme Sunni and Shiite groups- all still prone to resort to killing and horrific violence before anything else. When one group weakens it seems another picks up the murder some pace- and so whether ISIS is totally dismantled or not, there still remains much more to be resolved in the region. Yet the breaking down of ISIS is and will still be significant as it represents the breaking down of a most violent and delusional and utopian version of Islamic extremism. There is a profound awakening to the wrongness of certain core tenets of Islam- that is going viral around Muslim nations and people and this acceleration will continue. It is important that we all know that this is what is really going as opposed to the lie going around that the world and America are being "Islamicized". Rather the lies in Islam are being revealed and exposed as never before and that trend will only accelerate. Let's not forget- it is the kingdom age right now and all major trends will tend towards that being the reality. We are about to have millions and millions of new brothers and sisters in Christ and this is going to greatly upgrade the Body of Christ.